• 珠江三角洲地区已经一个新的更高历史起点上。

    Now the Pearl River Delta stands at a new and higher historic starting point.


  • 如何境内使用资金希望的那样,用于繁忙珠江三角洲地区项目

    But how could it use the proceeds onshore, as it wished to, for a project in the busy Pearl River Delta region?


  • 余年专业经验深圳珠江三角洲地区享有相当的知名度

    Having accumulated for over ten years professional experience, our company has comparatively high popularity in Shenzhen and Pearl River Delta.


  • 机械化种植制约珠江三角洲地区乃至全国水稻生产机械化的瓶颈之一。

    Mechanized planting is a key project in the Pearl River Delta region even whole national rice production.


  • 广东证券市场建立珠江三角洲地区经济迅猛发展提供了强大动力。

    The establishment of the security exchange of Guangdong promoted the economy of Zhu-jiang Delta Area dramatically.


  • 邀请深圳珠江三角洲地区计算机通信网络开发生产单位参展

    Manufacturers and developers of computer, telecommunications and networks in Shenzhen and the rest of the Pearl River Delta will also be invited to the Fair.


  • 目的调查目前珠江三角洲地区药物滥用使用滥用二类精神药品情况

    Objective: To understand the situation of second kind psychotropic drugs (SKPDs) used and abused by drug addicts in the pearl river delta.


  • 香型白酒珠江三角洲地区独有一个,因具有突出的豉香味得名

    Soybean-flavor liquor, as a particular liquor species in Zhujiang River region, is famous and named for its dense soybean flavor.


  • 试验结果表明,在珠江三角洲地区相同条件不同栽植方式产量差异不大;

    The results showed that the yields did not vary slightly with different transplanting methods, the mechanized planting could ensure stable yield and would not decrease yield under the same conditions.


  • 作者首先介绍了珠江三角洲地区饱和粘土特点确定以土壤孔隙为主特征参数

    At first, the saturated clay's character of ZhuJiang delta is introduced and some parameter about pore is established.


  • 城市生活节水对于降低珠江三角洲地区水资源开发压力环境负荷有着特别的意义。

    Urban domestic water conservation is vital for reducing water resources stress and water pollution loads in Pearl River Delta region.


  • 人口急剧集聚以及生活水平的快速提高导致珠江三角洲地区城市生活用水量非常大

    Rapid convergence of population and increase in standards of living result in huge urban domestic water consumption in Pearl River Delta region.


  • 珠江三角洲地区我国人口密度很大工农业商业高度发达地区燃料需求量很大

    The density of population is big, the industrial agricultural and commercial sectors are highly developed, and the fuel demand is great in Zhujiang delta area.


  • 本文试图通过考察北宋到清中叶珠江三角洲地区礼仪演变,讨论地方社会国家整合过程。

    This paper argues that the integration of local society into the Chinese state in the Pearl River Delta may be traced in changes in rituals in four stages.


  • 随着市场国际化程度加深新一轮产业转移推动珠江三角洲地区面临新的机遇挑战

    Along with the international market and the deepening of a new promotion of the transfer of industries, Pearl River Delta region is facing new opportunities and challenges.


  • 珠江三角洲地区大气污染呈现出区域性复合型污染的特征,引起科学家决策者广泛关注。

    The regional and complex air pollution characteristics have emerged in the Pear River Delta region, and already received widespread attentions from both scientists and policy-makers.


  • 珠江三角洲地区私营企业家大部分组成:企业所有者企业家被雇佣的女职业经理人

    Female private entrepreneurs in the Pearl River Delta Region consist of two main components: the women entrepreneurs and the female professional managers.


  • m珠江三角洲地区广东靠近珠江三角形的一些。同前面提及一样与平时的划分有所不同

    Pearl River Delta Prefectures in Guangdong located close to the Pearl River Delta. There are also varying definitions in the literature as mentioned before.


  • 湘桂走廊地区大气降水明显富集同位素32S),珠江三角洲地区富集重硫同位素(34S)。

    It is indicated that the sulfur isotopic composition of precipitation of Xiang-Gui Corridor is enriched in 32S, however, which of the Pearl River Delta is enriched in 34S.


  • 本文试图清晰阐述有关企业重组理论基础解决珠江三角洲地区服务企业重组合意战略选择这一实践问题。

    This paper tries to work out a correct solution to how to select the desirable strategy for reorganization, in the base of setting forth the theories about enterprise reorganization.


  • 介绍当前珠江三角洲地区公众参与环境保护现状,提出珠江三角洲地区公众参与环境保护的必要性和参与途径

    The circumstances of the environmental public participation in Pearl River Delta were summarized. A few reference approaches were put forward to promote environmental public participation.


  • 预测珠江流域2006—2007年度枯水期来水依然偏枯,珠江三角洲地区继续面临严峻供水局面。

    According to forecast, water flow shall be low during dry period of 2006-2007 and water supply in the Pearl River Delta shall be threatened by salty tide again.


  • 公司长期经营火车票飞机票预定出售业务,目前已在珠江三角洲地区设有20多个售票营业网点,并向全社会开展代办团体订票业务。

    Our company operates booking business including: train tickets air tickets and ferry tickets. now we have more than20outlets to sell or book tickets and meanwhile operate group tickets booking.


  • 公司长期经营火车票飞机票预定出售业务目前已在珠江三角洲地区设有20多个售票营业网点全社会开展代办团体订票业务。

    Our company operates booking business including: train tickets, air tickets, and ferry tickets. Now we have more than 20 outlets to sell or book tickets, and meanwhile, operate group tickets booking.


  • 随着发车次数的增加,我们期待珠江三角洲咸宁这样的欠发达地区会有更密切合作

    As the travel becomes more frequent, we expect closer cooperation between the Pearl River delta and less developed regions such as Xianning.


  • 随着发车次数的增加,我们期待珠江三角洲咸宁这样的欠发达地区会有更密切合作

    As the travel becomes more frequent, we expect closer cooperation between the Pearl River delta and less developed regions such as Xianning.


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