• 尼采与后现代主义哲学传承逻辑上来看,主要一种开放性思想理论精神的延续扩展

    The logic of inheritance between the philosophic thinking of Nietzsche and the postmodernism thought was- the most important one-opened mind and the development of theoretical spirit.


  • 精神发泄法:心理动力学理论中的一个概念,指强烈情绪消除紧张情绪缓解。

    Catharsis: In psychodynamic theory, the purging of strong emotions or the relieving of tensions.


  • 因此柏拉图理论中,精神灵魂也是唯一永恒的东西。

    So the spirit or the soul in Platonic theory and it was the only thing that could live forever, be infinite.


  • 传统理论一直认为堕胎出现适应问题妇女可能之前就已精神不稳因此如果她们继续妊娠,情况可能糟。

    The standard theory has been that women who have problems coping after abortion were probably already mentally unstable and therefore more likely to be even worse off if they continued the pregnancy.


  • 主流睡眠研究理论集中“睡眠能使身体精神得到休息恢复精力。”

    The leading sleep theories focus on "rest and resuscitation for the body and the psyche, " says Rappaport.


  • 达尔文生存竞争以及此相联系选择理论许多作为鼓励竞争精神权威依据来引用

    Darwin's theory of the struggle for existence and the selectivity connected with it has by many people been cited as authorization of the encouragement of the spirit of competition.


  • 当今估价理论大部分著作都起源于“精神物理学”,这是一个至今依然令人费解领域

    Much of the work on modern day pricing theory started in a still obscure field known as psychophysics.


  • 任何严肃教育理论都涵盖两个部分生活目标理解心理动力学知识精神运动的规律

    Any serious educational theory must consist of two parts: a conception of the ends of life, and a science of psychological dynamics, i.e., of the laws of mental change.


  • 上周向各位介绍的《肥胖记”理论着眼于物理性进食精神性进食。

    Last week I introduced you to Being Fat and the Two State Mind Theory which looked at physical state eating and mind state eating.


  • 可以肯定弗洛伊德理论无法得到验证,因为精神分析理论的内容,模糊太易变通,无法通过任何可靠方式,去验证它的正确性。

    Arguably, Freud fails the test because Freudian theory is often so vague and flexible that it can't really be tested in any reliable way.


  • Greendfield 关于意识理论研究药物精神疾病经历的影响。

    Greenfield's own theory of consciousness is influenced by her experience working with drugs and mental diseases.


  • 科学家不同理论,这个城市作为个神秘的地点而存在,Incas发源地,也是一个精神朝拜的地方。

    Scholars have variously theorized it was the birthplace of the Incas, a private estate, and a spiritual destination.


  • 理论精神分析关于无意识心理哲学;在实践上,又是治愈心理紊乱方法

    In theory, psychoanalysis is the philosophy of the unconscious mind; in practice it is a means by which mental disorders can be cured.


  • 亚当·史密斯道德精神理论》,一马可·奥利斯·伍斯《沉思录》,现在市面上太多回忆录了,喜欢这些

    One is the Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith. The other is the Meditations [of Marcus Aurelius]. There are too many memoirs selling nowadays. I don't like reading those books.


  • 20世纪消化系统溃疡开始变得普遍那时弗洛伊德其他精神分析学家理论也开始风行

    Peptic ulcers became more common in the 20th century, at the same time that these theories of Freud and other psychoanalysts became popular.


  • 对于精神分析,通过治疗心理疾病方面获得的巨大成功证明了理论的正确性,这个观点当然也是不对的。

    And the claim that psychoanalysis proves itself by being - by its tremendous success in curing mental illness is also almost certainly not true.


  • 创业精神理论成为主流另一个原因就是大型企业雇员社会契约土崩瓦解

    Another reason for entrepreneurship becoming mainstream is that the social contract between big companies and their employees has been broken.


  • 电脑瑜伽就是办公室人员作家如何整天保持精力充沛秘密;理论每天练习电脑瑜伽帮助每天的日常工作中保持良好的精神状态

    Computer yoga is the office worker's and writer's answer to remaining positive through the day; ideally, practicing computer yoga daily will help you to remain positive throughout your daily routine.


  • 如今精神分析理论存在很多争议,有很多著名针对弗洛伊德批判攻击

    Freudian theory is now, at this point of time, extremely controversial and there is a lot of well-known criticisms and attacks on Freud.


  • 个人经验而言积极想法或是精神控制理论还要重要。

    Speaking from personal experience, it takes more than positive thinking or psycho cybernetics.


  • 无可否认尽管多元宇宙理论物理中一个极其著名的概念,但是除了精神上的支持没有经验证明其真实性

    Admittedly, the multiverse, although a perfectly respectable concept in theoretical physics, is supported by no more empirical evidence than the soul itself.


  • 但是所有关于无意识寻找爱人这些理论,什么女人她们父亲一样的男人结婚,男人她们母亲一般的女人等等,上去都是过时的让人厌倦精神分析理论吧?

    But all this stuff of the unconscious looking for love, women marrying men that are like their father, men finding women like their mother, sounds like tired, old psychoanalytic theory, yes?


  • 分析弗洛伊德精神分析理论困难

    It is difficult to analyse Freud's doctrine of psychoanalysis.


  • 所以在今天星期一我们学习心理理论,其代表人物分别,西格蒙特·弗洛伊德和,伯尔赫斯·弗雷德里克·斯金纳,这两个理论便是精神分析理论,和行为主义理论

    So today and Monday we're going to talk about two very big ideas and these ideas are associated with Sigmund Freud and B. F. Skinner and are psychoanalysis and behaviorism.


  • 自己的想法基于拉康精神分析理论中的镜像阶段”。

    My own theory is based on Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory of The Mirror Stage, during which a child becomes aware and captivated about by its own image.


  • 这种理论能够更好解释为什么有史以来杰出艺术家患有情感性精神障碍,就像作曲家罗伯特·舒曼诗人西尔维亚·普拉斯以及华莱士。

    This theory could help explain why eminent artists throughout history, from composer Robert Schumann to poet Sylvia Plath to Wallace — suffered mood disorders.


  • 这种理论能够更好解释为什么有史以来杰出艺术家患有情感性精神障碍,就像作曲家罗伯特·舒曼诗人西尔维亚·普拉斯以及华莱士。

    This theory could help explain why eminent artists throughout history, from composer Robert Schumann to poet Sylvia Plath to Wallace — suffered mood disorders.


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