The logic of inheritance between the philosophic thinking of Nietzsche and the postmodernism thought was- the most important one-opened mind and the development of theoretical spirit.
Catharsis: In psychodynamic theory, the purging of strong emotions or the relieving of tensions.
So the spirit or the soul in Platonic theory and it was the only thing that could live forever, be infinite.
The standard theory has been that women who have problems coping after abortion were probably already mentally unstable and therefore more likely to be even worse off if they continued the pregnancy.
The leading sleep theories focus on "rest and resuscitation for the body and the psyche, " says Rappaport.
Darwin's theory of the struggle for existence and the selectivity connected with it has by many people been cited as authorization of the encouragement of the spirit of competition.
Much of the work on modern day pricing theory started in a still obscure field known as psychophysics.
Any serious educational theory must consist of two parts: a conception of the ends of life, and a science of psychological dynamics, i.e., of the laws of mental change.
Last week I introduced you to Being Fat and the Two State Mind Theory which looked at physical state eating and mind state eating.
Arguably, Freud fails the test because Freudian theory is often so vague and flexible that it can't really be tested in any reliable way.
Greendfield 关于意识的理论受她研究药物和精神疾病的经历的影响。
Greenfield's own theory of consciousness is influenced by her experience working with drugs and mental diseases.
Scholars have variously theorized it was the birthplace of the Incas, a private estate, and a spiritual destination.
In theory, psychoanalysis is the philosophy of the unconscious mind; in practice it is a means by which mental disorders can be cured.
One is the Theory of Moral Sentiments, by Adam Smith. The other is the Meditations [of Marcus Aurelius]. There are too many memoirs selling nowadays. I don't like reading those books.
Peptic ulcers became more common in the 20th century, at the same time that these theories of Freud and other psychoanalysts became popular.
And the claim that psychoanalysis proves itself by being - by its tremendous success in curing mental illness is also almost certainly not true.
Another reason for entrepreneurship becoming mainstream is that the social contract between big companies and their employees has been broken.
Computer yoga is the office worker's and writer's answer to remaining positive through the day; ideally, practicing computer yoga daily will help you to remain positive throughout your daily routine.
Freudian theory is now, at this point of time, extremely controversial and there is a lot of well-known criticisms and attacks on Freud.
Speaking from personal experience, it takes more than positive thinking or psycho cybernetics.
Admittedly, the multiverse, although a perfectly respectable concept in theoretical physics, is supported by no more empirical evidence than the soul itself.
But all this stuff of the unconscious looking for love, women marrying men that are like their father, men finding women like their mother, sounds like tired, old psychoanalytic theory, yes?
It is difficult to analyse Freud's doctrine of psychoanalysis.
So today and Monday we're going to talk about two very big ideas and these ideas are associated with Sigmund Freud and B. F. Skinner and are psychoanalysis and behaviorism.
My own theory is based on Lacan’s psychoanalytic theory of The Mirror Stage, during which a child becomes aware and captivated about by its own image.
This theory could help explain why eminent artists throughout history, from composer Robert Schumann to poet Sylvia Plath to Wallace — suffered mood disorders.
This theory could help explain why eminent artists throughout history, from composer Robert Schumann to poet Sylvia Plath to Wallace — suffered mood disorders.