Her husband never was impatient over such troublesome trivial matters.
Why do you fritter your time and thought away on trivial things?
Her husband never was impatient over such troublesome trivial matters. and they never quarreled over trifles.
Not that it matters, but how did you spend so much money in such a short period of time?
IT is the lITtle bITs of things that fret and worry us; we can dodge an elephant, but we can't a fly.
So find time to be your spouse's friend and do those little things for each other that build intimacy.
She professes to pray for guidance on even relatively mundane matters, such as hiring campaign staff.
Sometimes when I buy my wife flowers it's a chore, but she appreciates them all the same because I don't act like it's a chore when I give them to her.
Aggravation over the little characteristics we would like to change about our mate can build up over time and become much more than the sum of their parts.
But behind the scenes, a vast team of doctors and scientists have been working nonstop, ignoring trivial matters like the need for sleep and, in some cases, personal catastrophe.
Ding found that this year, something strange happened: he began getting irritated at the littlest things.
Perhaps because they are an eccentric mix of the impossibly ambitious and the trivial.
They will tell you all about the house, its inhabitants, the items in the house, and often little bits of trivia and interesting facts.
The survey authors suggest that these everyday annoyances build up to the point that couples increasingly need time apart in order to stay together.
Often, we do not realize things because we devote major importance to activities that play a minor role in our lives.
They arrive via email, cell phone, coworker inquiry, etc. I've found that cutting out all distractions for a set time is one of the most effective ways to get things done in less time.
Maybe you'll understand that when you need to express something truly significant, your mouth will revert to the insignificant nonsense it knows so well.
If only people were not so hung up on the small, petty things in their life, they would have more energy and desire to seriously take on the real challenges we face today globally.
Most of us are so tuned into the next thing on our to-do list and the general crush of daily obligations that we shut down our antennae for new information, especially scary information.
The men talked about little things and then got down to cases.
Grooming practices include all the little things people do to make themselves look their best, such as combing their hair and putting on makeup.
Of course, it is not deserving to get annoyed over such trivial matters, especially when there are many more important things for you to do.
Actually, I did like them and the life of indifference without seeing the sun, while allowing some trivial even the humble small minds occupied.
Actually, I did like them and the life of indifference without seeing the sun, while allowing some trivial even the humble small minds occupied.