• 判决有期徒刑总共罚款3000万瑞典克朗(360万美元),不过他们上诉

    The four people were sentenced to a year in jail and fined a total of 30m SKr ($3.6m), although they will appeal.


  • 今年瑞典克朗欧元贬值,着导致通货膨胀增长

    The krona has depreciated against the euro this year, contributing to a rise in inflation.


  • 净利润上升56%,至10.3亿瑞典克朗(约合1.4亿美元),超过分析师预测

    Net profit rose 56% to 1.03 billion Swedish kronor ($140 million), beating analyst forecasts.


  • 瑞典经济成长非常强劲第三GDP成长率约6.9%,长期而言有利于瑞典克朗

    The Swedish economy is growing very strongly as GDP increased 6.9% during the third quarter, and this should favor the SEK over the longer-term.


  • 订单从而达到225亿瑞典克朗可比单位固定汇率计算,一季度增长10%。

    Order intake thus amounted to 22.5 billion SEK, an increase of 10% compared with the preceding quarter at fixed exchange rates for comparable units.


  • 法院判决这四人各有期徒刑总共罚款3000万瑞典克朗(360万美元),不过他们上诉

    They were sentenced to a year in jail and fined a total of 30m SKr ($3.6m), although they will appeal.


  • 过去一个欧元瑞士法郎澳元的汇率跌至历史最低水平,欧元上周瑞典克朗汇率则跌至创纪录低点

    Against the Swiss franc and the Australian dollar the euro has hit all-time lows in the past month and just last week sank to a record low against the Swedish krona.


  • 集团表示,排除今年初火山灰爆发覆盖欧洲空域不利影响,第二季度收入4.64亿瑞典克朗创下新高

    The firm said that, stripping out the impact of the volcanic-ash cloud that covered Europe earlier in the year, it would have recorded earnings of SEK464 million in the quarter.


  • 这么做有缺点而且必然会遇到无法避免货币混合使用(城市都不用欧元分别使用丹麦克朗瑞典克朗)。

    This had its downsides, besides - inevitably - getting the two currencies hopelessly mixed up (both eschew the euro, using the krone and krona respectively).


  • 瑞典使用传统瑞典克朗作为货币单位,通常兑换1瑞典克朗汇率浮动范围是0.08美元到0.12美元。

    Sweden has kept to its traditional Swedish kronor as a monetary unit, with exchange rates fluctuating from . 08-. 12 USD to 1 Swedish krona, ordinarily.


  • 货币换算对2009年的销售额产生了积极影响,使之增加了4.31亿瑞典克朗当地货币计算,销售额增长了10%。

    Currency translations affected the 2009 sales positively by SEK431 million and, in local currencies, sales increased by 10 per cent.


  • 过去10年中多数年头一样今年每位得主仍可获1000万瑞典克朗(约合150万美元),经济衰退可能导致未来奖金缩减

    The foundation will give 10m Swedish crowns ($1.5m) for each prize this year, as it has done for most of the last decade. But the downturn could strain resources for future prizes.


  • 沃尔沃集团最大沃尔沃卡车公司,2002年的销售收入为1188亿瑞典克朗(约合140亿欧元),整个集团的65%以上。

    The sales volume of VOLVO Truck Corporation, the biggest one of ab VOLVO group in 2002 was 118.8 billion SEK (about 14 billion euros), that accounted for more than 65% of that of the whole group.


  • 瑞典第二大银行瑞典商业银行(SvenskaHandelsbanken)股价下跌1.7%,至221.80瑞典克朗,创下单月最大跌幅。

    Svenska Handelsbanken AB fell 1.7 percent to 221.80 kronor, the biggest loss in a month.


  • 它是这样一个工作可以支付5.50瑞典克朗(大约相当于70美分),信放在邮筒里,第二封信就已经到达了基律纳(瑞典北端的城市)。

    That it works. That you can pay 5.50 [Swedish] kronor [about 70 cents], put it in a mailbox, and the next day the letter arrives in Kiruna [the northernmost city in Sweden].


  • 瑞典媒体报道瑞典税务机关日前盯上居住在斯德哥尔摩居民、著名华裔流行歌星韦唯,并打算冻结韦唯5000万瑞典克朗(650万美元)资产

    Chinese pop singer and Stockholm resident Wei Wei has been targeted by Swedish tax authorities, who recently attempted to freeze 50m kronor ($6.5m) of the singer's assets, Swedish media reported.


  • anakata一个朋友告诉Blog Pirate,那个公司银行账户只有1000个免费的交易机会,之后他们每次都收取2瑞典克朗的服务费用。

    A friend of anakata told Blog Pirate that the bank account to which the payments are directed has only 1000 free transfers, after which any transfers have a surcharge of 2 SEK for the account holder.


  • 卫报自瑞典报道,海盗案的被告认为涉嫌协助他人获得版权保护内容斯德哥尔摩地方法院判处监禁,赔偿金被定为3千万瑞典克朗(362万美元)。

    The four defendants in the Pirate Bay trial in Sweden have been found guilty of "'assisting in making copyright content available" and sentenced to a year in jail by a district court in Stockholm.


  • 来自鼻烟收入瑞典将军品牌美国大灰狼品牌所出售的,增长了20%,达到了9.53亿克朗

    Revenue from snuff, sold under brands from Sweden's General to Timber Wolf in the U. S., gained 20 percent to 953 million kronor.


  • 瑞典钢铁公司股价下跌2.1%,至108.5克朗,该公司公布第四季度营运利润受到出货量产量下滑的不利影响,预计利润接近零。

    SSAB sank 2.1 percent to 108.50 kronor as the steelmaker said fourth-quarter operating profit will be hurt by lower shipments and production, and is expected to be close to zero.


  • 全球最大锁业企业瑞典亚萨合莱集团(Assa Abloy)股价下跌1.2%,至174.80克朗

    Assa Abloy AB, the world’s largest maker of locks, lost 1.2 percent to 174.80 kronor.


  • 瑞典TT通讯社报道,收藏家认为如果这本漫画书保存完好,它珍品价值12.5万冰岛克朗(约16200美元或13345欧元)。

    If in mint condition, the item would be considered a rarity by collectors and could be worth up to 125000 kronor(16200 dollars, 13,345 euros), according to Swedish news agency TT.


  • 如今瑞典报价一般公寓均匀房钱大约6000克朗

    Quotation is generally now Sweden, three rooms one hall apartment even for about 6000 kronor.


  • 斯德哥尔摩交易所中瑞典火柴增加了6克朗5.5%,116克朗,是年内最高的股价。

    Swedish Match rose 6 kronor, or 5.5 percent, to 116 kronor in Stockholm trading, the most in a year.


  • 斯德哥尔摩交易所中瑞典火柴增加了6克朗5.5%,116克朗,是年内最高的股价。

    Swedish Match rose 6 kronor, or 5.5 percent, to 116 kronor in Stockholm trading, the most in a year.


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