• 非洲许多地方,人们把在调料浸泡过的咖啡当作一样来咀嚼

    Raw coffee beans, soaked in water and spices, are chewed like candy in many parts of Africa.


  • 位于墨西哥中东部韦拉克鲁斯的农场出产有机咖啡,这是墨西哥重要的出口商品

    Small farmers in east-central Mexico produce organic shade coffee, an essential export.


  • 酒店另咖啡一家风格优雅全天候餐厅早餐时段提供丰盛的国际自助餐点菜服务

    Riviera Coffee shop is an elegant all-day dining restaurant offering an extensive international buffet and a la carte service for breakfast.


  • 例如一位印第安纳州印第安纳波利斯的巴特勒大学的在读可以使用智能手机立即计算前往最近星巴克咖啡路线

    For example, an undergraduate at a rainy Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana, can use his or her smartphone to instantly calculate a route to the nearest Starbucks coffee shop.


  • 一个客户几乎一整天都不东西,只是不断地咖啡。”明星教练彼得森,“她在下午吃一点菜,晚上则喝咖啡

    "One client I had would eat almost nothing all day, she just drank coffee constantly, " says trainer to the stars Peterson.


  • 辛勤劳作之后一杯杯的咖啡减轻肌肉酸痛,效果会萘普阿司匹林布洛芬有效地

    After a hard workout, a cup or two of coffee has been shown to reduce muscle soreness (in women, anyway) more effectively than naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen.


  • 卡布·奇诺不同,摩卡咖啡不会饮料面加上那些著名而是在表面加入奶油和和肉桂可可粉

    Unlike cappuccino, cafe mochas do not contain the well-known milk froth on top. They usually have whipped cream and a dusting of either cinnamon or cocoa powder.


  • 保存汉堡肉饼,可以塑料咖啡罐的盖子分隔它们,装进塑料袋里,封好口

    To prepare raw hamburger patties for freezing, separate them with small plastic coffee-can tops, stack them in a pile, place them in a plastic bag, and seal.


  • 服务帮我们上咖啡脚跟互碰了一下,转身离开

    The waiter brings the coffee and clicks his heels and leaves.


  • 弗吉尼亚 布莱克斯堡-弗吉尼亚理工博士朱海洋校园咖啡谋杀同学听证会再次改期

    BLACKSBURG, Va. - A hearing has been rescheduled for a Virginia Tech doctoral student accused of killing a fellow student in a campus cafe.


  • 朱海洋控于1月21学校研究住宿区内的咖啡杀害杨欣

    Zhu is accused of killing Yang in a cafeteria of the university's Graduate Life Center on January 21st.


  • 星巴克一样每个咖啡都会自己的服务(Barista),这位服务为顾客制作咖啡提供服务。

    Just like Starbucks, each coffee bar would have its own barista, the person who makes and serves the drinks.


  • 星期三晚上群人走出了旧金山Axis咖啡这个特别的咖啡馆里,没有当红乐队招牌侍应,取而代之的是一场演讲,而且是物理方面的。

    On a recent Wednesday night the crowd spilled out the door at San Francisco's Axis cafe, where the draw wasn't a hot band or a talented bartender, but a lecture. On physics.


  • 燕麦片加咖啡直到透。若要其它风味或是增加添堵,就加点肉桂、蜂蜜

    Add raw oatmeal into your hot cup of coffee until the oatmeal is cooked through. Add cinnamon, honey, or sugar for extra flavor and sweetness.


  • 不必全靠一己之完成项目或许项目就是整个部门的工作或者参与项目有些同事可以一臂之力,又或许你的几个实习,其实巴不得不咖啡你做点实事。

    You rarely have to complete a work project alone. Maybe it's a department-wide project, or you have co-workers that are in-between projects who can help.


  • 来到间宽敞咖啡没有感觉到束缚减轻,博士不得不面对工作就是他的监狱这个现实

    Feeling no less confined after coming to a spacious coffee shop, the grad student confronts the reality that his work is his prison.


  • 咖啡豆买家卖家真正作出最佳决定通过运用所有可用信息和在成败当中吸取经验。

    Green coffee buyers and sellers can really only make the best decision possible using all of the available information and learn from successes and mistakes.


  • 份的意大利特咖啡作底,加入8毫升绿薄荷11可可粉60毫升牛奶奶油新鲜荷叶在上面作装饰。

    Start with a single espresso and add8ml of green peppermint syrup 11g of cocoa powder 60ml of hot milk and a dollop of whipped cream with a few fresh mint leaves.


  • 均匀品尝不同中的咖啡味道一致性。不均匀度是由个别杯中隔离的有瑕疵造成

    Uniformity refers to consistency of flavor of the different cups of the sample tasted. Non-uniformity is the result of defective beans isolated in individual cups.


  • 病人饮食受限制不能咖啡不能吃辛辣水果蔬菜

    The patient was placed on a very circumscribed diet; he was forbidden to have coffee, spices, or raw fruits or vegetables.


  • 另一实验中,这次实验对象是阿克什什•本科,阿克什•劳给出了两种购买散装咖啡的方法:免费送33%价格降低33%。

    In another experiment, this time on his undergraduates, Mr Rao offered two deals on loose coffee beans: 33% extra free or 33% off the price.


  • 病人的包含受限制,不能咖啡吃香料水果蔬菜

    The patient was placed on a very circumscribed diet; he was forbidden to have coffee, spices, or raw fruits or vegetables.


  • 一旦咖啡必须买点什么因此花去最后五十买了一杯咖啡,但里面还有只死苍蝇

    Once in the cafe you must buy something, so you spend your last fifty centimes on a glass of black coffee with a dead fly in it.


  • 忘记以毒攻毒、蜂蜜吐司鸡蛋这些偏方吧。如果在酒后不那么难受,试试喝咖啡再吃片阿司匹林

    Forget hair of the dog, honey on toast or raw eggs - if you really want help overcoming a hangover - drink a cup of coffee with an aspirin.


  • 假若第二,我仍然认识拥有你,即使还要咸味咖啡

    If I can live for a second time, I still want to know you and have you for my whole life, even though I have to drink the salty coffee again.


  • 欧洲只要中央的,会约请一个完全的人家里咖啡吃晚饭

    Nowhere else in Europe will you find people who invite complete strangers to their homes for coffee or dinner.


  • 欧洲只要中央的,会约请一个完全的人家里咖啡吃晚饭

    Nowhere else in Europe will you find people who invite complete strangers to their homes for coffee or dinner.


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