• 生态环境破坏严重经济损失巨大

    Thirdly, ecological environment is damaged heavily and economic losses are made.


  • 水葫芦过度繁殖生长造成生态环境破坏引起社会各界的关注

    Excessive reproduction and growth of water hyacinth which caused of eco-environmental damage has brought on social attention.


  • 中国北方频发的沙尘暴生态环境破坏水土流失严重关系密切。

    Sandy-storms in North China are related with environment destruction and soil loess.


  • 20世纪人类历史上辉煌的世纪,同时也是生态环境破坏严重世纪。

    The 20th century is the most glorious century in the humanity history, simultaneously is the most serious century of the ecological environment destroy.


  • 本文阐述了邛海水体污染及其生态环境破坏状况,剖析了污染源及其危害

    This article discusses the water pollution and the existing damage of ecological system of Lake Qionghai. Then, it analyzes the reason of the water pollution and its danger.


  • 我国一种重要能源,煤的燃烧造成我国生态环境破坏最大污染源

    Coal is an important energy in China, coal combustion is the primary source of pollutions which cause great destructions to the ecological environment.


  • 这种情况下如何遏制生态环境破坏,尽量满足各种用水用地需求变得十分重要

    In this case, how to restrain the damage of Eco-environmental and how to meet the needs of a variety of water and land, has become very important.


  • 本文主要论述了矿山生态环境破坏现状及重建情况今后重建矿山生态环境提出对策建议。

    The paper discussed the situation of damage of ecological environment in Inner Mongolia mineral region, and put foreward several suggestions to recover the ecological environment of mineral region.


  • 渤海环境保护保全初期目标达到生态环境破坏得到基本控制环境质量得到明显好转。

    The initial target of the protection and the preservation of the Bohai environment are that damage to the ecological environment is under control and improvements in environmental quality.


  • 随着生态环境破坏加剧生态系统服务功能研究,使人们更为深入认识到生态环境价值

    With the deterioration of the ecological environment and the further research on the ecosystem, however, the value of ecological environment has been increasingly recognized.


  • 柴达木盆地东部绿洲地区盆地社会经济活动人口最为集中的区域,也是生态环境破坏较为严重的区域。

    The oasis in the eastern Chaidamu Basin, is the most populated and developed area, and hence with serious bio-environment destruction.


  • 比如,国企改革问题、大量失业待业问题、两极分化问题、腐败问题、金融风险问题、生态环境破坏问题等。

    These include the reform of the state-owned enterprises, substantial unemployment, the polarisation of income, corruption, risks in the financial sector and ecological and environmental damage.


  • 石油污染可能破坏珊瑚礁脆弱生态环境

    Oil pollution could damage the fragile ecology of the coral reefs.


  • 干旱一堆洪湖生态环境造成了巨大破坏,”

    "The drought has done considerable damage to the ecological environment of Honghu Lake," he said.


  • 虽然泄露原油价值超过500万桶,但流入海湾原油进入一个破坏,却富含细菌生态环境

    Though there was over 5 million barrels worth, the oil that spilled in the Gulf entered an ecosystem that, though damaged, is full of petroleum-consuming bacteria.


  • 真诚相信追寻自己梦想十分重要——当然如果的梦想是统治世界或者伤害他人抑或破坏生态环境就除外了。

    I truly believe that it is important to follow your dream - unless of course your dream is to rule the world or harm other people or damage the ecology.


  • 河口鸟类栖息地,而大型水坝在很大程度上破坏毁坏河口,这同样破坏河流鱼群生态环境

    The Severn estuary is an important habitat for birds; large barrages would destroy or damage much of it, as well as interfere with fish stocks in the river.


  • 说:“有些媒体中国开发水电上游开发水电下游国家有没有影响啊?”生态环境会不会遭到破坏

    He says there have been media reports that China's upstream hydropower development is having a negative impact on downstream countries, especially environmentally.


  • 泄漏事件环境产生的影响会有很大不同,靠近海岸生态环境的地方发生的泄漏造成破坏最大

    The environmental impacts caused by such spills varies greatly, with those close to the coast and pristine environments by far the most destructive.


  • 三文鱼在这里大量繁殖由于多年围坝、过度捕捞生态环境破坏,导致数量减少

    Salmon once thrived here, but over the years DAMS, overfishing and habitat destruction have diminished their number.


  • 这种婚纱成分有聚乙烯醇种可生物降解物质使得婚纱水里溶解而不破坏生态环境

    The marriage gauze of components, is a kind of polyvinyl biodegradable material, which can dissolve in water gauze without damage the ecological environment.


  • 优质煤炭资源日趋枯竭的同时生态环境遭到严重污染破坏

    When the high quality coal resource is exhausted gradually the ecological environment is destroyed and polluted seriously.


  • 如果人们彻底改掉破坏生态环境习惯地球无法生存人类再次发生

    If people do not completely destroy the ecological environment Gaidiao habit of human beings on the planet can not survive something will happen again.


  • 我国经济增长某种程度上是以生态环境恶性破坏成本为代价

    To some extent, the economic growth in our country is based on the high costs on the deliberate destroy of the ecological environment.


  • 工业文明时代生态环境遭到巨大的破坏人类赖以生存水资源难逃劫难。

    In the industry civilization, the ecosystem environment encountered the huge breakage. The water resources that mankind rely for existence was also difficult to escape.


  • 工业文明时代生态环境遭到巨大的破坏人类赖以生存水资源难逃劫难。

    In the industry civilization, the ecosystem environment encountered the huge breakage. The water resources that mankind rely for existence was also difficult to escape.


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