I drew around the pictures in the scrap book and made tiny living worlds around the food and it has always stuck with me.
Our minds are not modern, and many of our woes have to do with this mismatch between our Stone-age psychologies and the world in which we now live.
Digital life is a virtual location where relationships are formed, business is conducted, and new products and services made entirely of information are designed, launched, and consumed.
According to World Bank figures, 41 percent of Brazilians live in absolute poverty.
After he was officially pronounced the world's oldest man, he offered this simple formula for a long and happy life.
We are now living in a world where computers rule our work and daily life. So online searches have already become a must.
Many people think that school is an ivory tower where life is cut off from the real world.
They afford an opportunity for people from all backgrounds to encounter a range of animals from drone bees to springbok or salmon to better understand the natural world we live in.
He studied the Namib beetle, an ingenious species that lives in one of the driest places on earth.
There are numberless hunter-gatherers in Amazonia, living along branches of the world's largest river tree.
We live in a world in which people diddle on their phones while playing with their kids.
In looking for the stories of discovery, I found the stories of these people and how their lives changed our view of the world.
However, she gets so bored with her life that she is thirsty for the outside world.
These circles are spreading into the world, creating beauty or making troubles to other circles of life.
There are lots of runaway and homeless kids living in the streets around the world.
They were living well, in comparison with people elsewhere in the world.
Today we live in a world where GPS systems, digital maps, and other navigation apps are available on our smartphones.
Otherwise, their child could end up one of those sad, pale creatures who can't make eye contact and has a girlfriend who lives only in the virtual world.
Living in this world is similar to the fate of a stone in a cement mixer.
One of the most important reasons so many people from all over the world come to live in the United States is the dream of a better job.
Consequently, students living abroad usually have a better and more thorough understanding of the outside world than those who stay at home.
Anyone with access to the Internet will be able to achieve the education needed to build a productive life in an increasingly high-tech world.
Introverts living under the Extrovert Ideal are like women in a man's world, discounted because of a trait that goes to the core of who they are.
欧盟委员Charlie McCreevy警告国际会计准则委员会,称它“不是生活在政治的真空中”,而是“生活在真实的世界中”。
Charlie McCreevy, a European commissioner, warned the IASB that it did "not live in a political vacuum" but "in the real word".
The danger will come with Charles, who has both an expensive taste of lifestyle and a pretty hierarchical view of the world.
They are beginning to realize that the world they live in is not always good and safe.
Reading books builds a bridge between our lives and the unknown world.
Just as in the early days of the Internet in the 1990s, few could see how it could change our life and the world.