(For example, circadian rhythm). Moods, along with sleep patterns and energy levels, can be highly irregular.
Like all birds, roosters call in a daily cycle determined by circadian rhythms.
Research into circadian rhythms has led to the discovery of a new and unanticipated molecular cog in the human body clock.
Light, particularly bright light, is believed to be the most powerful synchronizer of circadian rhythms.
Some inner clocks seem to be set to a timing cycle of about twenty-four hours. These are called circadian rhythms.
The circadian network now revealed for the adrenal gland might serve as a "paradigm for the organization of other physiological rhythms," the researchers said.
In mammals, including humans, a master clock in the brain and subordinate clocks found in organs throughout the body coordinate daily, or circadian, rhythms of behavior and physiology.
Eating at inappropriate times may disturb the body's natural rhythm, setting off a string of metabolic reactions that ultimately lead to weight gain.
In number 1 above I mentioned that our bodies adapt around a 24-hour circadian rhythm. This works for sleep, eating, exercise, and many other bodily functions.
The finding clarifies the roles that both VIP and a neurotransmitter GABA play in synchronizing biological clocks, and sheds light on how mammals, in this case mice and rats regulate circadian rhythm.
Why are some people more agreeable than others? It may be because they possess a certain variant of the CLOCK gene. This gene is critical to circadian rhythms.
The best-known ones, DeCoursey says, are circadian or daily rhythms such as the sleep-wake rhythm, daily activity rhythms, or jet lag and shift-work maladies.
TINKERING with the circadian clock, the day-and-night cycle in the physiological processes of all living beings, is rarely a good idea.
Biorhythm a periodic physiological or behavioral change that is controlled by a biological clock. Circadian rhythms are an example.
Better controlling and using of circadian clock can help us to arrange and adjust our training plan in advance, enable our physical function and sports power best perform at a special time.
Calcium is important in the physiologic process of muscle or nervous reaction, nervous impulse transmission, heartbeat rhythm maintenance, blood solidification, cell coherence and so on.
This was perhaps the most interesting finding, Terracciano and his group indicated, because the CLOCK gene is known to influence circadian rhythms and has been coupled with sleep and mood disorders.
Pulse signal is one of the most primary physiological signals, including the pulse frequency, the pulse rhythm, pulse-filling ratio, state of stream, state of motion, fluctuation amplitude and so on.
Conclusion There are seasonal rhythms of the functions in the spleen, thymus and alveolar macrophage in SD rats, which are lower in autumn than that in spring.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) basic rhythms in different brain states possess different features, so it is important for quantitative EEG analysis to extract them efficiently.
The circadian clock contributes to plant physiology by regulating the phase of entrained rhythms.
The dissertation mainly studied the influences of circadian rhythm system and GABAergic system on hypnotic activity of melatonin.
The California Heart Rhythm Symposium aims to bring together basic scientists, clinical researchers and clinicians in academic and clinical practice in the field of cardiac electrophysiology.
The shape, intensity, speed, and rhythm of pulse signals mostly reflect the physical and pathological characters of heart-blood system in human bodies.
In most organisms from lower species to higher ones, various physiological and behavioral functions are expressed rhythmically across day and night.
In most organisms from lower species to higher ones, various physiological and behavioral functions are expressed rhythmically across day and night.