• 裸露的山坡上庄稼没法生长

    The crops will not grow on exposed hillsides.


  • 细胞繁殖导致有机体迅速生长

    Multiplication of cells leads to rapid growth of the organism.


  • 没有充足授粉玉米生长会受阻

    Without sufficient pollination, the growth of the corn is stunted.


  • 母亲胎儿提供营养一个生长地方

    The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow.


  • 这些植物倾向生长偏远的乡村地区

    These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas.


  • 污水中的营养物的确加快海藻的生长速度。

    Sewage nutrients do increase algal growth in the harbour.


  • 这种植物最适合阴凉潮湿环境下生长

    The plants grow best in cool, damp conditions.


  • 细菌基中生长

    The bacteria were growing in a sugar medium.


  • 癌细胞的繁殖生长通过放射线辐射加以抑制

    The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.


  • 如果其自然生长主干延伸12英尺左右

    The main stem will extend to around 12 ft, if left to develop naturally.


  • 随着植物生长开始结果它们需要大量水分

    As the plants grow and start to bear fruit they will need a lot of water.


  • 促进生长因为薄荷会使土壤迅速变得贫瘠。

    A top dressing of fertilizer should be added to improve growth as mint impoverishes the soil quickly.


  • 为什么冰岛生长季节短?

    Why does Iceland have a short growing season?


  • 生长——萌动

    The flowers are growingthe roots are stirring.


  • 这种生长山地上。

    This flower grows on a hilly area.


  • 树叶开始生长

    Leaves start growing on the trees.


  • 藤蔓螺旋式向上朝屋顶生长

    Vines spiralled upward toward the roof.


  • 温暖气候多种热带植物生长有利

    The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants.


  • 棵植物适应了环境,生长很好

    The plant naturalizes well in grass.


  • 生长无名小镇,那里电影院都没有

    I grew up in a dinky little town that didn't even have a movie theater.


  • 不控制这种植物生长池塘水道很快就要被阻塞

    The plant will soon choke ponds and waterways if left unchecked.


  • 中国南部仍然生长1,700的茶树,100英尺在继续长高

    There is a 1,700-year-old tea tree still living in southern China which is more than 100 feet tall and counting.


  • 2000万年前爱达荷现在这样干旱确切地说那时温暖潮湿生长着茂密的原始森林

    Twenty million years ago, Idaho was not the arid place it is now. Rather, it was warm and damp, populated by dense primordial forest.


  • 不向上生长,根也不向下生长

    The stems weren't growing upward and the roots weren't growing downward.


  • 光照充足时,植物的茎向上生长,根向下生长

    When the plants had more light, the stems turned up and the roots went down.


  • 物在绿洲生长

    Plants grow at an oasis.


  • 生长速度得非常缓慢,每年生长约15毫米。

    It grows very slowly, nearly 15mm per year.


  • 地球上,重力有助于植物的茎“向上”生长,根“向下”生长

    On Earth, gravity helps a plant's stems and roots to find "up" and "down".


  • 生长在稻田里。

    Rice grows in rice paddies.


  • 有任何生长的迹象。

    There was no sign of growth.


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