If you want to sit on the couch in an old T-shirt and shorts while munching on Doritos, no one will give you any flack for doing so.
The AD shows an office worker munching on a chocolate bar which turns out to be the bloody severed finger of an orang-utan.
When I was driving through a local cemetery to view the cherry trees, I spotted this squirrel munching away the cherry blossom petals.
Let's go to the rock cliff and sit on the edge and call him an hour. Let's bring these peanuts and raisins and munch on 'em and wait.
Munching your food then triggers muscle movements which move the food through your digestive tract down to your stomach, where muscles 'churn your chewed up food with digestive juices. '
Before you get images of hamster-wheel factories of, all the animals have to do is munch on their diet of specially enriched plant waste, and then poop it out.
Before you get images of hamster-wheel factories of, all the animals have to do is munch on their diet of specially enriched plant waste, and then poop it out.