He has lots of original ideas about the research into microelectronics.
Engineers have long sought to do away with slow and messy electronics when building computers and instead to rely on light, which is far faster and does not get hot.
"Ultimately, incandescent light bulbs will end up in a museum, just like vacuum tubes did for electronics," he says.
Robot engineers call this "mechatronics" : the union of mechanics, optics, electronics, computers and software.
DNA, Proteins, And Peptides Could Help Construct New Nanoscale electronics.
For example, a paper about microelectronics could be tagged with that word — even if the term "microelectronics" does not appear in the content of the document itself.
The knee generator uses sophisticated electronics to ensure that it grabs only excess energy.
But he does think that other chiral structures could find application in spintronics - if chirality is found to be the mechanism behind the filtering, that is.
The electrical connection in the photoelectric elevator involves electronics.
The colour effects of metal nanoparticles in stained glass has inspired new research into optoelectronics for faster computing and high-capacity optical-data storage media.
In standard silicon-based electronics, this involves the repeated application of resistive materials to protect those parts of the layer being etched that need to be preserved.
His name's Herb Greene and he's trying to communicate with plants both electronically and psychically.
Spintronics holds great promise for creating circuits that are faster and more energy efficient than standard semiconductor devices.
Whole atoms, the NIST researchers say, are so much more complex than electrons that the promising possibilities of spintronics only scratch the surface of what's potentially possible.
The leadership of Martin decided that they were going after something new of going into electronics in space.
首席研究员、南安普敦大学光电子学研究中心的MartynasBeresna表示:“我们研发的存储方式的最大优点是- - - - -数据可以永远存储在玻璃上。”
Lead research Martynas Beresna, of Southampton University's optoelectronics research centre, said: 'We have developed this memory which means data can be stored on the glass and last for ever.
Anything written about electronics will probably be at least partially out of date by the time it appears in print.
He did not know if the problem of electronics was to convey information from one place to another.
AS electronics advanced, digital controllers were used to supervise analogue controllers and eventually to execute the control themselves.
The characteristics, current status and prospect of large area electronics were analyzed and some problems existing in AMLCD and solar cell as well as improvement approaches were discussed.
This property makes it possible for them to play a key role in future electronic devices and to offer an interesting field for the study of spin-polarized transport theory and spin electronics.
The field of electronics includes the electron tube, transistor, integrated circuits and so on.
Although histologic or electron microscopic alterations may indicate something about the pathophysiology, their relationship to progression of failure may be difficult to quantify.
The new progress of molecular electronics and molecular electronic device was introduced together with the potential development and application of this rapidly-growing field in future.
A branch of electronics concerned with the study and application of superconductivity and other low-temperature phenomena for electronic devices and systems.
A branch of electronics concerned with the study and application of superconductivity and other low-temperature phenomena for electronic devices and systems.