• 使用太阳能电池组件6000余块。

    It applied more than 6000 solar modules.


  • 电池组件价格越低,上网电价具吸引力

    The lower the price of a module, the more attractive a feed-in tariff looks.


  • 通过模拟太阳光谱光源,对电池组件的相关参数进行测量

    The equipment is specially used in testing solar energy mono-crystalline silicon, poly-crystalline silicon, amorphous-crystalline silicon, and solar cell module.


  • 第一第二各自布置燃料电池组件的第一和第二部上。

    First and second end plates are disposed on the respective first and second ends of the fuel cell assembly.


  • 发明提供一种包括多个所太阳能电池组件太阳能电池模块

    The invention also provides a solar cell module comprising a plurality of solar cell components.


  • 年形成4000MW以上产能成为国内主要太阳能电池组件生产基地

    Solar module: The production capacity is expected to reach 4000MW in 2012, and become the major production base of solar module in China.


  • 主要从事太阳能单晶硅棒、单晶硅片、太阳能电池组件设计生产销售服务

    We are mainly engaged in the designing, producing, sales and providing services of Solar Silicon ingots, Wafer, Solar cell and Solar module.


  • 此外这种涂料适合作为太阳能电池组件由于潮湿恶劣环境损坏修复涂层

    Additionally, the coating is suitable for use as a photovoltaic cell and module coating because of its resistance to humidity and other harsh environments.


  • 建筑及其环境原因造成串、并联在起同样的光伏电池组件形成不同的输出功率。

    The conditions of building and its environment can make the series-wound or shunt-wound photovoltaic modules have some difference.


  • 他认为,这些美国公司占有这些材料一半市场,提供太阳能电池组件20%价值

    S. companies have half the market for these materials, and are thus supplying about 20% of the value of solar modules.


  • 太阳电池组件采用四线连接以及高速数据采集系统确保了太阳电池电流测量准确性

    The solar cell module adopts four-wire connection. It uses high-speed data acquisition system. It ensures the accuracy of the current measurements of the solar cell.


  • 太阳能电池组件主要应用在热力发电、太阳能光线发电公共照明、生活照明用电领域

    The solar cell module is mainly used fot solar thermal power generation, solar photo voltaic power generation. public lighting and lighting for residence areas etc.


  • 通过分析比较工程设计常用寿命评估方法提出适合太阳电池组件疲劳寿命评估方法;

    The suitable fatigue life evaluation method was proposed by comparing life evaluation method commonly used in engineering design.


  • 如果飞船一直无法收取定位问题由于电池组件失败电力排水复苏无望索普

    If the spacecraft has been unable to charge its batteries due to a positioning problem or failed component, it could be drained of power with no hope of resuscitation, Thorpe said.


  • 采用经验公式获得材料疲劳极限疲劳性能参数完成了太阳电池组件疲劳寿命初步评估

    The fatigue limit and fatigue performance parameters of material were obtained by empirical formula. The fatigue life elementary evaluation of solar cell module was finished.


  • 激烈的业内竞争已经使太阳能电池组件价格在2006至2010年期间下降了50%以上

    This helped cut average solar module prices by more than half between 2006 and 2010.


  • 不同于传统硅基太阳能电池组件聚光光伏系统只能精确追踪太阳光线的前提下才能提供电能

    Unlike traditional solar modules made of silicon, the concentrating photovoltaic systems provide energy only if they are precisely aligned to the sun.


  • 控制系统采用紫外线传感器光敏电阻组成太阳光线的探测器实现了太阳电池组件太阳的跟踪

    In its control system, the ultraviolet radiation sensor and photoresistor are used to form a detector to track the sun with solar energy modules.


  • 我们工程师能够按着客户的具体情况来设计太阳能电池组件支架,以确保方阵的最佳安装角和倾角

    Our engineers can custom design solar array frames ensuring optimum tilt and orientation of the solar panels is maintained.


  • 京瓷宣布提供9,000个电池组件日本太阳能爱媛县松山电站,这是日本太阳能电站太阳能模块。

    Kyocera announced that it will be supplying 9,000 solar modules for the Matsuyama solar power plant in Ehime Prefecture, Japan.


  • 纳米管组成天线用来捕获聚焦能量这就意味着更加小体积高效电池组件将在不久的将来诞生

    Such nanotubes could form antennas that capture and focus light energy, potentially allowing much smaller and more powerful solar arrays.


  • 公司领先太阳能科学家施正荣博士创立于2001年,世界最大太阳能电池组件生产商之一。

    Founded in 2001 by leading solar scientist Dr. Zhengrong Shi, we are the world's largest producer of silicon solar modules.


  • 太阳能电池接线盒用户提供了安全快捷可靠连接方案接线盒适用于太阳能电池组件组合连接。

    Solar PV Junction Box provides users with a safe, fast and reliable connectivity solutions, which applicable to the combination of solar modules connection.


  • 太阳电池组件光能转变换成电能光伏供电系统心脏部分,目前使用光伏电池材料单晶硅或多晶硅。

    The core part is solar module which is made of monocrystalline and polycrystalline silicone. It can convert the solar energy into electricity.


  • 太阳能电池组件接线盒用户提供了快捷安全可靠连接解决方案接线盒适用于太阳能电池板块组合连接

    PV junction box provides connectivity solution fast, safe, and reliable for the user, this combination of junction box for solar cell plate connection.


  • 京瓷公司指出太阳能电池组件运用丰田普瑞斯组件使用一个小型光电汽车内部各系统运作所需电力。

    Kyocera pointed out that its solar modules have already been used on the Toyota Prius, which USES a small photovoltaic panel to generate power for the vehicle's interior functions.


  • 主要关联产品太阳能电池组件离子电池LED节能灯具、锂电池负极材料石墨电极孕妇文胸配件妈咪扣等。

    Main products: Solar energy battery components, lithium battery, LED energy-saving lamps, lithium battery positive and negative electrode materials and graphite electrode.


  • 由于光伏电池组件串联数量受到太阳能电池耐压绝缘要求的限制因此光伏发电系统一般采用DC/DC升压环节

    Pressure and insulation of solar panels will limit the number of photovoltaic modules in series, so DC/DC boosted link was used generally in photovoltaic power generation systems.


  • 我公司承接2010年上海世博会中国馆彩色太阳电池组件生产任务彩色太阳能光伏系统沿着人行步道旁边墙设置

    We have taken over the color solar module task of China Pavilion, the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China. The color solar PV system is set up on the wall along the pavement.


  • 我公司承接2010年上海世博会中国馆彩色太阳电池组件生产任务彩色太阳能光伏系统沿着人行步道旁边墙设置

    We have taken over the color solar module task of China Pavilion, the World Expo 2010 Shanghai China. The color solar PV system is set up on the wall along the pavement.


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