Laid on a table are a bunch of framed, official-looking certificates made on the organiser's computer, certifying that doctors have physically been here for the presentations.
Taking time away from your work to find things, whether on your computer or your physical desktop, can be one of the biggest time-wasters out there.
On my desk, alongside a computer, various old sandwich wrappers, some management books, old newspapers and magazines, a grubby sling, a bike helmet and a clutter of pens and papers are lying around.
There are many books on the bookcase, and there is a computer and a lamp on the desk.
Every body now knows Bill Gates' dream that every family would have a personal computer with Gates' software to operate it. That's the great dream led to the birth of Microsoft.
Every body now knows Bill Gates' dream that every family would have a personal computer with Gates' software to operate it. That's the great dream led to the birth of Microsoft.