• 美国国内收入局每年都调查数以百计的电脑犯罪。 。

    Thee IRS investigated hundreds of edp crimes every year.


  • 从没听说有人使用短讯服务根据电脑犯罪起诉。

    I have never heard of anyone who was prosecuted using SMS under the Computer (Crime) Act.


  • 电脑犯罪行为很难发现,却可以商业工业造成很大麻烦

    Computer crimes, which are difficult to detect, cause a lot of trouble to business and industry.


  • 2007年制定泰国电脑犯罪法修正案使检察官大幅加重刑罚

    Amendments in 2007 to the laws governing Thailand's computer crimes act enabled prosecutors to dramatically increase penalties.


  • 新西兰被怀疑电脑犯罪网络首领少年警方质询,后被释放起诉

    New Zealand teenager who's suspected of heading up an international cyber crime network has been questioned by police and let go without being charged.


  • 尽管电脑犯罪范围很难测定,但是大多数专家认为非法活动增加最快领域之一

    Although the actual extent of computer crime is difficult to measure, most experts agree that it is one of the fastest growing areas of illegal activity.


  • 一旦注意到有多少我们确实知道偶然发现而不是系统检查其它安全措施发现的电脑犯罪,就让人烦恼了。

    But it's disturbing to note how many of the crimes we do know about were detected by accident, not by systematic inspections or other security procedures. CET-6, 1997.1.


  • 更好办法电脑犯罪视为公共健康经济问题人们可以保护自己必须支付相关费用,让他们加强计算机安全

    A better approach is to view computer security as an issue of public health and economics, in which people can protect themselves but must pay for the costs they impose on others.


  • 如果电脑可以通过其他一些信息片段预测对某种疾病易感性那样,能够预测一个人的犯罪倾向,那又该咋办呢?

    And what if computers, just as they can predict an individual's susceptibility to a disease from other bits of information, can predict his predisposition to committing a crime?


  • 英国《每日邮报》报道,美国警方使用款科幻电影《少数派报告》中的电脑软件预测犯罪

    Police in America are using a Minority Report-style computer program to predict who will commit crimes before they happen, the Daily Mail of London reported.


  • 本案《联邦电脑欺诈与滥用法案》继续延伸使用重要一步这样才能保护公众免受计算机犯罪的危害。

    This case will be simply another important step in the expanded use of this statute to protect the public from computer crime.


  • 孟菲斯田纳西实时犯罪控制中心警察每天上午会巡视全市的一些重要地点视频反馈中。同时,电脑会分析最近犯罪迹象。

    Each morning at the Real Time crime Center in Memphis, Tennessee, police officers scan walls of video feeds from hot spots around the city while computers spit out the latest crime predictions.


  • 这个年轻人一开始对自己闯入当地一家办公室内并偷走电脑的行为矢口否认方向展示了其被碎窗户玻璃割断截手指后,此人立即对相关犯罪事实供认不讳。

    The youth initially denied breaking and entering into an office to steal a computer but confessed when police produced the digital remnant, which had been severed on a broken window.


  • 进一步说如果我们使用电脑,致使我们正式身份信息遭,我们可能不能找到自己没有犯罪的证据。

    Moreover, if, using our PC, we have our formal identity stolen, we mayeven find ourselves being accused of crimes we didn't commit.


  • 这场迄今规模最大的调查行动导致当局对名涉案人提起控告,指控他们劫持多达100万电脑——许多位于美国境外——用于犯罪目的

    This investigation, the largest to date, has led to indictments against three men accused of using up to 1m hijacked computers, many of them outside America, for criminal purposes.


  • 随着网络广泛受欢迎网络犯罪一个严重问题人们电脑容易受到攻击因为网络罪犯无处不在

    With the popularity of Internet, cyber crimes are a serious problem, people's computer will be easily attacked, because cyber criminals are everywhere on the Internet.


  • 现在瑞士科学家正在开发虚拟现实技术重建犯罪现场。科学家们表示这些电脑制作图像可以用于事件高质量还原

    Now, scientists in Switzerland are developing virtual reality technologies to recreate crimes scenes. The scientists say these computer-made images can be used for quality recreations of events.


  • 大多数计算机犯罪电脑黑客干的。

    Most computer crimes can be traced back to hackers.


  • 大多数计算机犯罪都是见惯不怪的——心怀不满职员先前供职的公司破坏某公司非法进入竞争对手电脑里窃取商业机密

    Most computer crimes are more ordinary. They range from an annoyed employee who secretly damages his former company to a company that hacks into a competitor's computer to steal trade secrets.


  • 大多数计算机犯罪电脑黑客干的。

    Most computer crimes can be traced back tohackers.


  • 事实上通过我们地带进行上千次的调查研究,我们已经掌握所有电脑取证数字犯罪的特征。

    In fact, with thousands of investigations under our belt, we cover the entire spectrum of computer forensics and digital crime.


  • 电脑罪犯也许不如追捕持枪抢劫银行犯罪分子那么风光迷人不过,C—37特工们身居与当代犯罪作斗争前线

    Catching computer criminals may not be as glamorous as tracking bank robbers with guns, but the agents of C-37 are in the front line of modern crime fighting.


  • 调查人员这个犯罪团伙在全球攻入超过一百万电脑,并受害者银行帐户盗取上千万美元

    Investigators say the crime ring broke into more than a million computers worldwide, stealing millions of dollars from victims' bank accounts.


  • 这样一种称之为“远程取证”的技术可以电脑调查专员非常迅速地做出反应,节约宝贵的时间,使罪犯来不及掩盖犯罪证据。

    It is called Remote Forensics and allows specialist investigators to respond much faster, reducing valuable time that could allow criminals to cover their tracks.


  • 这样一种称之为“远程取证”的技术可以电脑调查专员非常迅速地做出反应,节约宝贵的时间,使罪犯来不及掩盖犯罪证据。

    It is called Remote Forensics and allows specialist investigators to respond much faster, reducing valuable time that could allow criminals to cover their tracks.


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