• 不是什么新鲜事不是什么复杂的事情;这是很自然的,因为很多都有电视遥控器。”罗德里格斯说。

    "It's nothing new, it's nothing too complicated and it's natural because lots of people have TV remotes," says Rodriguez.


  • 细菌最集中地方电灯开关地毯电视遥控器

    Some of the highest concentrations of microbes were on the light switch, the carpet and the television remote.


  • 其他设备例如儿童显示器电视遥控器无线电话可以进行干扰

    Other devices in the home, such as baby monitors, TV remotes and cordless phones can also cause interference.


  • 钱包的时候,注意到她的包包里竟放着一个电视遥控器

    As she fumbled for her wallet I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse.


  • 据说婴儿喜欢红色我们一个红色的电视遥控器大树花花都很喜欢。

    It is said that infants love the colour red. We have a red TV remote control, both Dashu and Huahua love it!


  • 希望电视遥控器通用设计改善老年人休闲生活提高老年人的生活质量

    I hope universal design on television can improves senior citizen's leisure life, and improves senior citizen's quality of life.


  • 触摸板的一个最大优势可购性的红外感应器就是电视遥控器上的那种廉价的感应器。

    One big advantage to ZeroTouch, the researchers say, is its affordability. The research prototype was made using commercially available sensors usually found in TV remote controls.


  • 而某些应用程序可用手机变成电视遥控器或者把手机当作标准英文键盘的输入设备使用

    Some applications include allowing the mobile phone to become a TV remote control or allowing a mobile phone to be used as a QWERTY keyboard input device.


  • 完成所有测试优化狗狗专用电视遥控器以后沃格打算联手科技公司生产这一设备

    After Wagg performs all its tests and perfects the dog-friendly TV remote control, the company plans to approach tech companies about getting the device into production.


  • 没有什么试图通过传统电视遥控器输入文字令人痛苦的了,物理键盘就可以解除这一痛苦

    Nothing is more excruciating than attempted to enter text with a traditional TV remote, and the physical keyboard would ease the pain.


  • 人们总会反转间房子电视遥控器电视机前按一下电视上的制去转台

    People who are willing to get off their ass to search the entire room for the tv remote because they refuse to walk to the tv and change the channel manually.


  • 也许正确思路是…,想象个人房间里面,拿着一个类似于电视遥控器之类的东西。

    Maybe the right way-- imagine somebody who was in a room with remote control television setup and so forth and so on.


  • 观众不能控制电视播放进度通过电视遥控器开关按钮,观众才能只有开始结束

    The pace of the television experience cannot be controlled by the viewer; only its beginning and end are within his control as he clicks the knob on and off.


  • 一般地,家里至少三个遥控器电视遥控器、一个DVD播放器遥控器、一个VCR遥控器

    If you're at all like me, you have at least three remotes: one for the TV, one for the DVD player, and one for the VCR.


  • 不再需要电话薄或是上网,一些电视观众可以抓起他们电视遥控器办到,因为黄页已经来到电视上。

    Some TV viewers can now grab their TV remote control, because the Yellow Pages just hit television.


  • 周一发表一项研究讲到,如果没有其他办法限制孩子屏幕时间电视遥控器游戏机控制器藏起来

    Hiding the TV remote and games console controller is a good thing to do to kids if it's the only way to limit the time they spend in front of a screen, according to a study published Monday.


  • 算是些鸡毛蒜皮的小事会惹毛对方,电视遥控器啦,湿毛巾地上啦,磨磨蹭蹭准备太长时间啦。

    Even trivial things - like who looks after the TV remote, leaving wet towels on the floor and taking too long to get ready - rile us.


  • ,”回答,“丈夫不肯买东西所以觉得拿走电视遥控器邪恶事情了。”

    "No, " she replied. "But my husband refused to come shopping with me, so I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him. "


  • 作为父亲,作为家长我们应该更多时间陪伴孩子帮助他们完成学业时不时地把他们手中游戏机电视遥控器换成本书

    As a father, as parents, we should spend more time with their children and help them complete their studies, from time to time their TV remote control into the hands of the game or a book.


  • 作为父亲作为家长我们应该在他们身上花更多时间帮助他们完成作业,时不时地让他们抛开手中的游戏机电视遥控器捧上本书

    As fathers and parents, we've got to spend more time with them, and help them with their homework, and replace video game or remote control with a book in a while.


  • 作为父亲作为家长我们应该他们身上花更多时间帮助他们完成作业,时不时地让他们抛开手中的游戏机电视遥控器而捧上本书

    As fathers and parents, we "ve got to spend more time with them, and help them with their homework, and replace video game or remote control with a book in a while."


  • 这家新兴公司的产品SentabTV 可以让那些习惯使用电脑老年人只用电视遥控器收发电子邮件、进行视频聊天使用社交媒体

    The startup's product, SentabTV, enables older adults who may not be comfortable with computers to access email, video chat, and social media using just their televisions and remote control.


  • 交互式电视广告允许观众他们遥控器点播广告多年一直推广

    Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements, has been pushed for years.


  • 互动电视广告一种允许观众他们的遥控器点击广告多年一直备受推崇

    Interactive television advertising, which allows viewers to use their remote controls to click on advertisements, has been touted for years.


  • 这家初创公司的产品可以让可能习惯使用电脑老年人只用电视遥控器收发电子邮件视频聊天使用社交媒体

    The startup's product enables older adults who may not be comfortable with computers to access email, video chat and social media using just their televisions and a remote control.


  • 是的无线电信号手机信号,电视信号,遥控器信号,应有尽有

    Yes, signal from radios, cell phones, TV stations, remote controls, you name it.


  • 我们知道电视立体声音响系统遥控器有多复杂。

    We all know how confusing the remote controls for TV sets and stereo systems can be.


  • 我们知道电视立体声音响系统遥控器有多复杂。

    We all know how confusing the remote controls for TV sets and stereo systems can be.


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