He begged your forgiveness, he said : give up early, you may only leave to the bitter memories, if you forsake you like him, you will always fall into the cycle of pain!
But it is emphatically not simply and merely identical to ever-changing samsara or the Dependent Origination which makes up the misery and suffering of samsara.
In Nibbana the root causes of craving and aversion have been extinguished such that one is no longer subject to human suffering (dukkha) or further states of rebirths in samsara.
Until we are free from these obsessions and habits, we will wander endlessly in samsara, going through all sorts of anxiety, suffering, and so on.
While the acceleration local blood cycle, increase local epithelial cell resist force, promote inflammation disappear, and the result is good, no pain, no repeatedly.
When he has reached the ocean he has got free from the round of existence and got rid of suffering (Dukkha).
Besides, eastern Manichaeism took the world as hell and its conceptions on rebirth were also different from that of Buddhism.
Therefore I have identified myself with my body and wandered continuously in the cycle of birth and death in the material world, suffering the burning, three fold miseries.
Buddha recognized that ignorance of our true nature is the root of all the torment of samsara, and the root of ignorance itself is the mind's habitual tendency to distraction.
Buddha recognized that ignorance of our true nature is the root of all the torment of samsara, and the root of ignorance itself is the mind's habitual tendency to distraction.