• 白米饭要了块钱

    He charged me 10 yuan for a bowl of plain rice.


  • 罗非鱼酥脆辛辣经常白米饭一起吃。

    Grilled tilapia is crispy and pungent, usually served with dipping fish sauce and steamed rice. [Photo/IC]


  • 路易斯安娜鲶鱼白米饭、一些绿色豆子

    Louisiana Shrimp Creole served over a Pan Seared Catfish Fillet with White Rice and Sauteed Green Beans.


  • 情况不妙,赶紧白米饭塞进嘴里

    Seeing her suffering, I immediately brought a spoonful of rice to her burning mouth.


  • 朋友不是鲍参鱼翅饿时候,朋友白米饭

    Friends are not abalone shark fin, but when you are most hungry and friends is the most fragrant white rice;


  • 糙米全麦的,且外皮是所以糙米饭的时候要比做白米饭花费更长时间

    Brown rice is the whole grain, with only the outer tough husk removed, and so takes longer to cook than white rice.


  • 有些翻译过来菜名就象是一白米饭——能够提供所需营养但是寡淡无味。

    It turns a menu into the equivalent of plain rice, which has the necessary nutrients but is devoid of flavour "."


  • 老板牛腩算了,我还是认为观点的,只是白米饭学校

    Boss: sirloin rice I: Ok, I still think my view is correct, this is just a bowl of white rice in schools


  • 包括所有精制产品面包,白面条,白面粉白米饭总之任何去掉麸皮谷物

    It includes all refined products such as white bread, white pasta, white flour, white rice, in short any grain with the bran removed.


  • 专家提出土豆一碗白米饭中含有水化合物足以紧张一天带来的焦虑

    Experts suggest that the carbohydrates present in a baked potato or white rice are enough to relieve the anxiety of a stressful day.


  • 洋葱什锦蔬菜,入白米饭、虾仁、鸡丁加盐胡椒粉咖喱,炒匀即可。

    Heat oil in the same pan, add onion and mixed vegetable; then mix in rice, shrimp, chicken, salt, pepper, and curry powder, stir-fry a few minutes with medium heat.


  • 然而多久,餐桌上瞬间变成面包白米饭白糖含糖饮料午餐肉之类精加工食品

    Over a short period, however, diets have remarkably shifted to white bread, white rice, white sugar, sugary beverages, and highly processed foods, including canned luncheon meats.


  • 鸡肉回锅加入现成的红葱头调好的料,翻炒至所有配料融合一块,即可盛盘和白米饭食用。

    Return the chicken into the pan. Add in onion fritters and the sauce and stir until it is glazed with the sauce. Stir in the green onion. Serve hot and best with steamed rice.


  • 研究表明消耗大量白米饭星期可以他们患糖尿病风险人谁经常糙米降低他们的。

    Research shows that people who consume lots of white rice each week may up their diabetes risk, while people who regularly eat brown rice lower theirs.


  • 然而现在中国人越来越爱久坐不动在食用大量白米饭肥胖糖尿病上升趋势,”

    "Now, however, the Chinese have become more sedentary but still consume large amounts of white rice, and both obesity and diabetes are on the rise," he said.


  • 是因为其他两个主要成分白米饭人工蟹柳,这两者都充满了能够被快速消化碳水化合物几乎没有蛋白质

    That \ \ \ 's because its two other major components are white rice and imitation crab, both of which are packed with fast-digesting carbohydrates and almost no protein.


  • 是因为其他两个主要成分白米饭人工蟹柳,这两者都充满了能够被快速消化碳水化合物几乎没有蛋白质

    That \ \ 's because its two other major components are white rice and imitation crab, both of which are packed with fast-digesting carbohydrates and almost no protein.


  • 每周食用精白(每次大约150)比起那些几乎从来不白米饭的人,罹患二糖尿病风险提高17%。

    Those who consumed at least five servings (150 grams each) of white rice per week had a 17 percent higher risk of getting type 2 diabetes than those who hardly ate any white rice at all.


  • 于是蹑手蹑脚饭桌前,抓起筷子拼命地白米饭不敢抬头因为清楚知道,一定一对充满忧郁眼睛

    So I crept up go to the table, take up the chopsticks desperately eat rice, can't again rise see, because I know, that must be a pair of eyes full of melancholy.


  • 罗格斯大学人类学家莱昂内尔·泰格所说人类新陈代谢没有优质牛肉进化但是推测也没有成堆白米饭面条进化。”

    As Rutgers University anthropologist LionelTiger puts it, human metabolism "did not evolve for prime beef, but, one would surmise, neither did it evolve to eat heaping plates of whiterice and pasta."


  • 苹果白糖食盐死了昆虫白米饭放在块空地的中央然后旁边观看。15分钟过去了,半个小时过去了,一个小时过去了,“诱饵”上仍然没有一个“侦察兵”过来。

    I put an apple core, sugar, salt, dead insects, white rice in a field of central, then squatted looked on. 15 minutes later, after half an hour, an hour later, "bait", still do not have a "scout".


  • 虽然素食餐厅,但是蛋白质丰富自助餐形式的菜肴二十多种,白米饭谷米菜汤基本蔬菜沙拉各种生菜泡菜油炸蔬菜杂拌菜素烤肉凉菜等,虽是素食餐馆,但是和一般的食堂的菜谱没有什么区别。

    Although it is a vegetarian restaurant, the food is rich in protein. there are more than twenty self - serve dishes with main courses consisting of : rice , mixed grains, rice soup, vegeta b le soup ;


  • 虽然素食餐厅,但是蛋白质丰富自助餐形式的菜肴二十多种,白米饭谷米菜汤基本蔬菜沙拉各种生菜泡菜油炸蔬菜杂拌菜素烤肉凉菜等,虽是素食餐馆,但是和一般的食堂的菜谱没有什么区别。

    Although it is a vegetarian restaurant, the food is rich in protein. there are more than twenty self - serve dishes with main courses consisting of : rice , mixed grains, rice soup, vegeta b le soup ;


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