Longtime Pepsi spokesperson Jay Chou has appeared in Coca-Cola's Sprite AD, which has caught consumers by surprise.
From our Collection of Cool Pepsi Ads post, we learned that many people prefer Coca-Cola over Pepsi. What about Coca-Cola advertisements?
From our Collection of Cool Pepsi Ads post, we learned that many people prefer Coca-Cola over Pepsi.
They noted, for instance, that although Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have pledged to not advertise during children’s television programming, their products routinely appear in movies aimed at kids.
百事可乐(Pepsi)正尝试一项大胆举措,它将不再在超级碗(Super Bowl)中为百事饮料投放广告。
Pepsi is taking a bold move. It's not spending money on Super Bowl ads for Pepsi beverages.
乔布斯帮助从百事可乐(Pepsi - Cola)招募斯卡利,斯卡利在百事可乐已经表现出在生活方式广告宣传方面的天赋。
Jobs helped recruit Sculley from Pepsi-Cola, where Sculley had shown a genius for lifestyle advertising.
Pepsi began looking for a spectacular way to advertise their products, so they decided to put the company image on the fuselage of a Concorde.
While filming an advertisement for Pepsi, Michael was burned and used a chamber to recover from the accident.
THE 107m Americans who tuned in to watch the Super Bowl on February 7th did not see any advertisements for Pepsi.
In 1984, Michael Jackson was severely burned while filming a commercial for the Pepsi Cola Company.
Pepsi gained a market share in the middle of the 20th century with a series of AD campaigns.
When the cola brand invited netizens to write a TVC script for the next Jay Zhou commercial, some 28,000 fans submitted scripts.
When the cola brand invited netizens to write a TVC script for the next Jay Zhou commercial, some 28,000 fans submitted scripts.