• 提出了基于驾驶员行驶需求转矩进行实时分配混合动力电动汽车整车能量管理策略

    An energy management strategy for the hybrid power electric vehicle based on timely distributing the demand torque for driver is presented.


  • 本文根据混合动力电动公交客车特点研制开发了一套基于虚拟仪器的混合动力电动汽车车载运行参数记录分析系统

    An on-board running data acquisition and analysis system based on virtual instrument is developed according to the characteristics of HEV.


  • 电动汽车混合动力越来越现在充电电池全球汽车工业来说是项举足轻重技术

    Rechargeable batteries are now an important technology for the global car industry as it starts to make ever more electric and hybrid vehicles.


  • 油电混合动力不是全电动汽车唯一可用选项。

    Petrol-electric hybrids are not the only alternative to all-battery cars.


  • 一些(混合动力)早期用户也许几年消费几百万新型电动汽车

    A couple of million of the new electric vehicles could be bought by early adopters during the first few years.


  • 我们鼓励混合动力弹性燃料汽车电动汽车生产

    We will encourage the manufacture of hybrid, flex fuel and electric automobiles.


  • 预测客户电动汽车需求难度尤其是考虑到市面上已有其他类型环保汽车比如混合动力电式电动车。

    It's difficult to predict consumer demand for EVs, especially since there are other forms of green cars out there for consumers, such as hybrid cars and plug-in electric vehicles.


  • 想购买混合动力汽车减少汽车拥有成本,你可能考虑电动汽车

    And while you may have cut your total car ownership costs by buying a hybrid, you might be thinking about getting into an electric car.


  • 因为氧化物如此昂贵易起反应大多数专家认定是不适于混合动力或者电动汽车中大规模使用

    But since cobalt oxide is so reactive and costly, most experts deem it unsuitable for widespread use in hybrid or electric vehicles.


  • 混合动力以及电动汽车发展趋势将会加速软件转移,其中电动汽车完全电脑控制

    The trend toward hybrid and electric vehicles will only accelerate the software shift-electric cars are completely computer controlled.


  • 从那时汽车制造商们开始他们低排放赌注更多电式混合动力清洁柴油电动汽车上。

    Ever since, carmakers have been placing their low-emission bets more on plug-in hybrids, clean diesels or pure electric vehicles.


  • 工业分析人士预测2020年约有10%汽车要么完全是由电池驱动,要么就是采用电式混合动力系统;在那之后电动汽车普及加速进行。

    Industry forecasts suggest that by 2020 about 10% of new cars will be either entirely battery driven vehicles or plug-in hybrids, with accelerated growth thereafter.


  • 宝马电动汽车目前限用于品牌“I”,宝马53混合动力车会在今年明年上市

    BMW's electric cars are confined to its new I sub-brand for the moment, but a hybrid BMW 5 series and a 3 series will come to market this year and next.


  • 最终混合动力汽车电动汽车——不管它们是蓄电池驱动还是燃料电池驱动——将带来更加环境效果

    Ultimately, hybrid vehicles and electric cars-whether powered by batteries or fuel cells-will deliver even more environmental rewards.


  • 为了排放保持在450〔ppm需要更多的混合动力电动汽车

    To hold emissions to 450 [ppm] you need more and more hybrids and electric cars.


  • 公司开始投入电动浪潮中去尼桑电动汽车叶子通用气电混合动力Volt将在今年晚些时候首次亮相。

    The big companies are starting to jump on the electric bandwagon: Nissan's all-electric Leaf and GM's dual gas-electric Volt both debut later this year.


  • 电动汽车混合动力汽车现在只占汽车市场百分之二份额,分析家认为现在电动汽车特殊运输工具,只能在汽车市场环保一个角落

    Electric and hybrid vehicles make up less than 2 percent of the auto market. For now, analysts say it's still a "niche vehicle," relegated to the greenest corner of the marketplace.


  • 预计2010年上市弗兰volt款有着“扩展行程”功能内燃机新型电动汽车使丰田的混合动力汽车普锐显得有些过时

    The Chevrolet Volt, a revolutionary electric car with a "range-extending" internal-combustion engine, due to be launched in 2010, made Toyota's Prius hybrid look a bit dated.


  • 电动汽车未来可以由以下几款车预见:通用汽车被大肆炒作混合动力雪佛兰Volt日产电动Leaf三菱电动i -MiEV

    The immediate future of the electric car can be seen in GM's much-hyped plug-in hybrid Chevrolet Volt, Nissan's all-electric Leaf, and the pure electric Mitsubishi i-MiEV.


  • 今日早间法兰克福一个特殊新闻发布会上宝马发布全新电动混合动力广域车型——宝马i3电动汽车宝马i8插电式混合动力车。

    BMW revealed two new electric, hybrid, and range-extended models — the BMW i3 electric car and the BMW i8 plug-in hybrid — at a special press conference in Frankfurt earlier today.


  • 但问题也由此而生,如今并没有简单易行方法能够比较电动汽车(如插座充电式混合动力电动汽车传统燃油汽车之间系统效率

    There is no easy way to compare the efficiency of an electric vehicleplug-in hybrid or pure electric—with a fossil-fuelled equivalent.


  • 即使勉强达到排放标准,他们仍然需要比例混合动力电动汽车

    But to squeak past the finishing line they will still need a small proportion of hybrids and electrics.


  • 大量混合动力电动汽车在其前进道路上面临挑战

    But the profusion of hybrid and all-electric cars now hitting the roads faces a far bigger challenge.


  • 大众江淮汽车合作可能包含研发制造电动汽车混合动力车型(电池内燃机共同提供动力)。

    Collaboration between VW and JAC could involve development and manufacturing of fully electric vehicles and hybrid models, where power is provided by a combination of batteries and combustion engines.


  • 随着各项关键技术解决预计未来10年中,世界生产汽车中将有40%以上产品是混合动力电动汽车

    By the solution of key technique, It can be predicted that HEV shall be in a proportion of more than 40% in the new vehicle production in the future 10 years.


  • 最后对内燃机汽车混合动力电动汽车能量经济性驾驶循环影响情况进行了比较和分析。

    The impacts of driving cycles on energy economy of ICE vehicle and HEV are compared and analyzed.


  • 利用超级电容器电池组成混合动力系统能够很好满足电动汽车功率密度输出场合需要。

    When work with secondary batteries, it can be used as electromotion automobile power system, enhance power density and energy density of rechargeable batteries.


  • 利用超级电容器电池组成混合动力系统能够很好满足电动汽车功率密度输出场合需要。

    When work with secondary batteries, it can be used as electromotion automobile power system, enhance power density and energy density of rechargeable batteries.


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