• 视窗欣赏创建虚幻世界窗口

    The Viewports are your window into the worlds you create in Unreal.


  • 魔鬼已经编造了一个闪光耀眼虚幻世界

    He has fabricated an illusory society that flashes and glitters.


  • 我们打开电视打算投入现实粹取意义还是希望逃避一个加了镇定剂虚幻世界

    When we tune in, are we ready to plunge into reality, so as to extract its meaning, or are we hoping to escape into a sedated world of illusion?


  • 为了避开人山人海就业市场以及可怜居住环境我们目光投向网络::广阔虚幻世界

    To get a break from the overcrowded job market and the shoe-box housing, we look to the Internet and the much bigger virtual world.


  • 梦境现实虚幻世界白雪皑皑冰冷远方,神秘空间有着模糊惊人魔力秘密和“怪事”,不真实自然

    An unreal world between dream and reality, remote iced and snowed terrain, mysterious Spaces with a vague macabre charm, secrets and "strange things". Improbable nature.


  • 诗人运用象征隐喻神话模式,将现实理想古代当代宗教异教杂糅在一起构成了一充满艺术想象虚幻世界

    By using the mythology pattern standing for metaphor, the poet blended reality and ideal, ancient times and modern times, religion and paganism, forming a visionary world full of artistic imagination.


  • 儿童青少年专家认为两岁儿童可以离开童话迪斯尼卡通的虚幻世界,否则可能会影响到他们日后自我认知形成。

    The child and adolescent psychologist believes that children as young as two are taking away unrealistic ideals from fairytale books and Disney cartoons that can affect their self esteem later on.


  • 儿童青少年专家认为两岁儿童可以离开童话迪斯尼卡通虚幻世界,否则可能会影响到他们日后自我认知形成。

    The child and adolescent psychologist believes that children as young as two are taking away unrealistic ideals from fairy tale books and Disney cartoons that can affect their self esteem later on.


  • 即使是这个虚幻世界里,黑人女性仍然无法摆脱让人感到反感性情过度女性刻板印象,她们被视为从未结过婚酗酒母亲养大

    Even in the world of make-believe, black women still can't escape the stereotype of being eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never married, alcoholic mothers.


  • 双鱼座男人女人极富创造力梦想家热爱虚幻世界

    Pisces man or woman is an intensely creative dreamer and loves the world of make-believe.


  • 那时才意识自己一直生活一个虚幻世界

    That's when I realised that I'd been living in a fantasy world.


  • 小时候沉浸在科幻小说,幻想小说漫画书中,这些经历让我很轻易堕入这些虚幻世界中。

    I'd been into science fiction, fantasy, and comic books since I was very young, so slipping into an imaginary world came easy to me.


  • 双鱼座男人女人都是极度幻想梦想家,喜欢虚幻出来世界

    A Pisces man or woman is an intensely creative dreamer and loves the world of make-believe.


  • 教导要成立只有假设上帝存在而且坚实物体世界可以逃离虚幻

    They make sense only on the assumption that God exists and that the world of solid objects is an illusion to be escaped from.


  • 忘掉自己,忘掉书里那个其实是虚幻世界

    And he would forget the books he had opened and the world that had proved an illusion.


  • 梦空间》必然会有关诺兰梦中虚幻世界争论上升到一个层次

    "Inception" is bound to inspire a whole new level of chatter about Mr Nolan's deceptive world of dreams.


  • 魔兽世界》等游戏背景也许只是虚幻确实能够为玩游戏人带来实际益处

    Games like World of Warcraft might be set in fantasy lands, but they offer real benefits.


  • 经常在万籁俱寂时候不错,泡一杯咖啡。自己沉入小说中虚幻神奇世界

    I love curling up with a good book and a cup of coffee when all is quiet, and losing myself inside the magical world of fiction.


  • 通过这个世界工作,卖一些物品或者虚幻土地一些居民便可以赚到真实世界薪水

    Some residents are making real world salaries by working in world selling objects or virtual land.


  • 表示我们已经无法虚幻方式来看待这个世界

    It does feel that we are at the end of a way of looking at the world that makes no real sense any longer.


  • 之中包括“筑师”,Ariadne (EllenPage扮演),可以创造出个逼真的虚幻内在世界使得那些沉睡可以坚信一切都真实

    There’s a dream architect, Ariadne (Ellen Page), who can create convincing interior worlds, so that the dreamer will think that everything is real.


  • 发表传播学报一项研究发现事实上,沉迷网上角色扮演类游戏(简称rpg)玩家玩家挥霍更多时间这个虚幻世界中。

    A study in the Journal of Communication found that women who engage in a role-playing game online actually spend more time in the alternate reality than the guy players do.


  • 梅吉父亲一种特殊能力他们大声朗读时,虚幻坏人便会进入真实世界

    Meggie and her father have a special power: when they read aloud, the fantasy villains enter the real world.


  • 人物角色、剧本、布景、摄影技巧,以及这个虚幻世界本身这一切足以权力游戏》成为最热剧集之一

    The characters, the writing, the sets and camera work, and the fantasy world itself, all of them areenough to make Game of Thrones one of the best TV shows on air.


  • 好吧角色扮演游戏一个虚幻,虚拟世界创立自己角色,开始自己故事

    OK, well, role playing is where you create your own characters and stories in a fantasy - or imaginary - world.


  • 务必看到这点出于观念采取行动,你就不是活生生因为你活一个虚幻世界

    Please do see this: when you act from an idea you are not active, because you are living your life in a world of fiction without any reality.


  • 我们天使孤独网络世界跌跌撞撞离开虚幻,我们还要在真实中飞翔。

    We are all broken wings of angels, in the lonely world of network Diediezhuangzhuang. But left the illusory, we have to fly in the real.


  • 我们天使孤独网络世界跌跌撞撞离开虚幻,我们还要在真实中飞翔。

    We are all broken wings of angels, in the lonely world of network Diediezhuangzhuang. But left the illusory, we have to fly in the real.


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