• 直到那年春天介绍皮埃尔·居里

    It was not until the spring of that year that she was introduced to Pierre Curie.


  • 1904年12月任命为皮埃尔·居里领导的实验室首席助理

    In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.


  • 皮埃尔·居里一起致力于解决这个问题,结果发现元素

    Pierre Curie joined her in the work that she had undertaken to resolve this problem, and that led to the discovery of the new elements, polonium and radium.


  • 皮埃尔·居里主要致力于放射物理研究时,玛丽·居里却在努力提取金属

    While Pierre Curie devoted himself chiefly to the physical study of the new radiations, Marie Curie struggled to obtain pure radium in the metallic state.


  • 化学家路易斯·德比尔内帮助实现的,而他是皮埃尔·居里学生之一

    This was achieved with the help of the chemist Louis Debierne, one of Pierre Curie's pupils.


  • 1891年玛丽进入巴黎大学学习。她在那里学习数学和物理,并遇到了一位名叫皮埃尔·居里的科学家。

    Marie went to study in Paris University in 1891. She studied math and physics there and met a scientist called Piere Curie.


  • 1903年,居里夫人丈夫皮埃尔·居里以及亨利·贝克勒尔共同获得诺贝尔物理学奖。1911年,又独自获得诺贝尔化学

    With her husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, she was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics, and was then sole winner of the 1911 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.


  • 基于这项研究结果玛丽·居里获得了理学博士学位,1903年,玛丽皮埃尔贝克勒共同获得诺贝尔物理学奖,以表彰他们发现放射性物质

    Based on the results of this research, Marie Curie received her Doctorate of Science, and in 1903 Marie and Pierre shared with Becquerel the Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of radioactivity.


  • 皮埃尔·居里决定应否我们发现上取得经济上的利益时,我们认为这是违反我们纯粹研究观念的。

    When my husband and I had to make a decision whether we should gain some benefits from our discovery, both of us thought it violate our pure concept of studying.


  • 皮埃尔·居里介绍玛丽玛丽实验室里工作

    Pierre Curie was introduced to Marie Sklodowska, and he let Marie work in his laboratory.


  • 1904年皮埃尔·居里去世玛丽承诺继续进行他们事业

    When Curie died in 1904, Marie pledged to carry on their work.


  • 法国皮埃尔玛丽居里大学作者研究结果表明,人逐渐老时继续保持健康健壮身体何等重要。

    However, the authors, from the University Pierre and Marie Curie in France, said that the results demonstrated the benefits of staying keep fit and healthy as we age.


  • 姓名皮埃尔·居里因为磁学上的研究工作,并发明了若干具有良好精度科学仪器,使他科学界享有盛名

    His name was Pierre Curie; famous in the scientific community for his work on magnetism, and inventions of scientific instruments of fine precision.


  • 这个勤奋好学女生引起了皮埃尔·居里注意,他是玛丽工作实验室主管

    The industrious student caught the eye of Pierre Curie, director of the laboratories where Marie worked.


  • 皮埃尔回应说:“如果真的这个问题,来说是个需要认真思考的。非常愿意考虑,我是同夫人在一起在研究放射性物体的。”

    Pierre responded, "If it is true that one is seriously thinking about me, I very much wish to be considered together with Madame Curie with respect to our research on radioactive bodies."


  • 同丈夫皮埃尔·居里一起,因自发性放射研究获得1903年诺贝尔物理学奖一半的奖金(另一半授予发现自发性发射的昂利·贝可勒耳),也是唯一两个不同科学领域获得诺贝尔奖的人——同样放射性研究获得了1911年诺贝尔化学奖。

    She was also the only person to ever receive two Nobels in two different scientific categories — she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911, also for her work in radioactivity.


  • 显赫科学家邀请皮埃尔·居里他们做有关于演讲

    This important group of scientists had asked Pierre Curie to give them a lecture on radium.


  • 遇到了一位年轻科学家名叫皮埃尔·居里

    She met a young scientist whose name was Pierre Curie.


  • 1895年,嫁给了皮埃尔·居里然后他们研究工作共同放射性物质

    In 1895 she married Pierre Curie, and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter.


  • 1895年居里夫人和皮埃尔·居里结了然后他们一起从事放射性物质研究工作。

    In 1895 Marie Curie married Pierre Curie, and then they worked together on the research into radioactive matter.


  • 皮埃尔·居里立刻着手研究,并希望这种元素浓度达到百分之

    Pierre Curie and I at once carried out this research, hoping that the proportion of the new element might reach several per cent.


  • 那时皮埃尔·居里正在所工学院里物理,薪水很

    At that time Pierre Curie was teaching physics in a technical college at a small salary.


  • 法国物理学家皮埃尔·居里1906年4月19日逝世,享年47岁。他是结晶磁学压电现象放射能领域先锋

    French physicist Pierre Curie, a pioneer in the study of crystallography, magnetism, piezoelectricity and radioactivity, died at 47 on April 19, 1906.


  • 事故发生不久之后玛丽授予皮埃尔职位巴黎大学物理系主任,于是玛丽·居里成为法国任大学教授第一位女士

    Soon after the accident, she was given Pierre's post at the university of Paris as head of the Physics Department. So Marie Curie became the first woman in France to be a university professor.


  • 在开始讨论这次演讲话题之前回忆一下发现皮埃尔·居里合作完成的。

    Before broaching the subject of this lecture, I should like to recall that the discoveries of radium and of polonium were made by Pierre Curie in collaboration with me.


  • 1895年,嫁给了皮埃尔·居里,他们共同研究放射性物质

    In 1895, she married Pierre Curie with whom she worked together on the research into radioactive matter.


  • 拿出枚沉甸甸金质奖章,上面名字皮埃尔玛丽·居里

    PIERRE unwrapped the package and lifted the leather lid of the case. He held up a heavy gold medal on which were engraved the names: PIERRE and MARIE CURIE.


  • 元素序号84,玛丽皮埃尔·居里1898年发现

    Its atomic number is84 and it was discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898.


  • 元素序号84,玛丽皮埃尔·居里1898年发现

    Its atomic number is84 and it was discovered by Marie and Pierre Curie in 1898.


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