• 也是现代监控系统如此令人惊惧的原因

    It's also what makes contemporary surveillance systems so scary.


  • 学习策略学习执行监控系统

    Learning strategies are the monitoring system for study.


  • 现有电力负荷监控系统功能单一不能满足现代电力管理要求

    Function of the existing power load monitoring system now we have is so single, can't satisfy the request of modern management of electric power.


  • 不过企业应该建立监控系统以便发现外包服务技术问题而不是关注执行细节

    However, instead of focusing on execution details, enterprises should put monitoring systems in place that enable them to detect technical issues at the outsourced services.


  • 系统介绍坝船闸计算机监控系统结构硬件软件配置主要功能

    The paper introduced the structure, hardware, software and main functions of computer surveillance system of New dam.


  • 解决了一个监控系统完成监控系统仪表联锁系统两个系统的功能。');

    Solved with a monitoring and control system to complete both the monitoring system and instrumentation interlocking system.


  • 随同监控实现一起,我们提供了一个虚拟生产线工人控制台测试监控系统

    Along with the implementation of the monitoring system, we've provided a dummy production line and workers console to allow the monitoring system to be tested.


  • 鉴于上述情况,不言而喻部署视频监控系统最佳效果应该减少所需服务器数量

    With the above in mind, it goes without saying that when deploying a video surveillance system best efforts should be taken to reduce the number of servers required.


  • 另外监控系统状态提供系统登录程序应该rt优先级运行以便程序可以抢占问题线程

    Also, programs that monitor system state or provide system login should run at high RT priority so that the program is allowed to preempt the problematic threads.


  • 在线观测系统进行实时监控系统运行状态包括业务方面每个收集器网络

    The online observation system may carry on the real-time monitor to system's running status, including operational aspect of each collector and network and so on.


  • 纵向防护方面,依据电力监控系统“纵向认证”方式要求,纵向防护的措施如图4所示。

    Longitudinal protection, according to the requirements of the power monitoring system longitudinal certification, longitudinal protection measures as shown in figure 4.


  • 本机监控系统最好使用方式就是将其用于临时监控详细调查一个监控系统触发性能事件

    The best use of the native monitoring tools is for casual monitoring or in doing a detailed investigation into a performance event triggered from a monitoring system.


  • 分析工业监控系统中的分布式实时数据库功能与特点结构数据对象事务种类

    This paper analyzes the function characteristics and structure of the distributed real-time database, data object and transaction's type in industry monitor&control system.


  • 为了有效提高煤矿企业安全监控水平提出一种煤矿安全生产视频监控系统的设计与实现。

    In order to effectively improve the enterprises Colliery Security monitoring's standards, it presents an video monitoring system using in Colliery Security Production.


  • 上位监控系统中,主要完成通信设置的选择控制现场采集数据实时刷新显示等。

    In host computer control system, mainly achieve choice of serial communication control, the collection of real-time data updating display and historical data charts analysis.


  • 由于许多国家缺少诊断感染适当方法有能力监测疫情的监控系统问题真实规模不可知。

    Since many countries lack appropriate methods of diagnosing the infection or surveillance systems capable of monitoring the situation, the real magnitude of the problem is unknown.


  • 本文介绍了监控系统图形显示功能硬件软件系统构成三方面实现相互关系。

    This paper introduces the functions of graphic display in the monitoring and control system, and the implementation of them from the point of view of hardware, software and system configuration.


  • 文中结合软件包结构功能捕获原理进行了详细分析介绍了网络安全监控系统中的应用

    This paper analyzes packet capturing principle in detail combined with the structure and functions of the software and introduces its application in designing a network security and watch system.


  • 传统远程监控系统采用自动控制技术计算机技术并广泛应用工业自动化工业控制领域

    The traditional RMS has adopted automatic control technology, computer technology and already applied to the industrial automation, industry controlled field extensively.


  • 本文介绍了集装箱远程监控系统主要要求提出了实现集装箱远程监控一个概念性模型

    This paper introduces major requirements on the remote monitoring system of containers and presents a conceptual model to realize the remote monitoring of containers.


  • 综合自动化变电站中,继电保护设备采用通信协议多种多样监控系统必须同时处理多种协议。

    In the substation automation system, the communication protocols adopted by protection relays are varied and the SCADA has to process many protocols simultaneously. The.


  • 通过分析集群系统任务特点,建立了集群监控的任务模型监控系统的实现提供了理论上支持

    This paper introduces and analyzes the characteristic of cluster computer, and proposes cluster computer task modes, provides theory support for cluster computer monitor system.


  • 产品线涵盖显示器监控系统视讯多媒体系统电梯对讲机其他周边零配件电子式到楼铃等

    Our product line including Displays, Elevator Monitoring System, Elevator Information Multi-media System, Intercom and other accessories like Electronic Chime.


  • 显然认为人们永远不会自愿分摊自己应付牛奶账单而且认为建立必要监控系统确保行为合规费力。

    You clearly think that people would never volunteer their fair share of the milk bill, and that the monitoring systems necessary to ensure compliance would be onerous.


  • 液晶显示器作为功耗显示器件,广泛应用计算器数字式仪表工业监控系统低功耗系统中。

    As a kind of low consumed power display device, LCD is applied widely to calculators, digital instruments, industrial monitored control systems and other low consumed power systems.


  • 作者机房微机管理过程进行了详细调查后,参考了一些网吧微机管理系统,获得机房监控系统设计思路

    After analyzing the process of the computer room management and studying some Cyber-Cafe management system, the concept framework of the computer room monitor and control system was gained.


  • 重点介绍了指挥站测控监控系统方向盘反馈技术缝隙切换技术,以及数据与图象无线通信系统

    The control and monitor subsystem, the force feedback technique for steering wheel, the smooth switching for motion mode, and the telecommunication subsystem are detailed in the paper.


  • 重点介绍了指挥站测控监控系统方向盘反馈技术缝隙切换技术,以及数据与图象无线通信系统

    The control and monitor subsystem, the force feedback technique for steering wheel, the smooth switching for motion mode, and the telecommunication subsystem are detailed in the paper.


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