• 目标代码生成阶段我们通过机床逻辑程序编译生成机器码形式目标代码分析过程产生的错误进行分析处理。

    In the stage of generate the target code, we pass to compile the machine logic source program, to generate the target code in the form of machine code.


  • 目标匹配不再需要服务器匹配,而且技术服务器上删除了菜单生成代码

    Source and target matching no longer requires processing on the server, and the technique also removes menu generation code from the server.


  • 除了我们已经介绍概念开发团队可以应用体系结构模式用户界面模式生成满足目标角色需求代码

    Beyond the concepts we have described, development teams could apply architectural patterns and user interface patterns to generate code that meets the needs of their target personas.


  • 研究表明大多数调用只有一个目标对应于所有接收方对象JIT编译器可以直接调用生成调用有效率代码

    Research has shown that most virtual invocations have only a single target for all receiver objects, and JIT compilers can generate more-efficient code for a direct call than for a virtual invocation.


  • MDAT允许开发人员一次性设计应用程序生成在所选目标设备呈现请求内容所需代码

    MDAT allows the developer to design the application once and generate the code necessary to render the requested content on selected target devices.


  • 当然如果层次结构发生变化并且出现另外的目标方法JIT编译器可以更正最初生成代码以便执行调用

    Of course, if the class hierarchy changes and a second target method becomes possible, then the JIT compiler can correct the originally generated code so that the virtual invocation is performed.


  • 针对选的目标设备生成应用程序代码自定义应用程序。

    Generate the application code and customize the application for the selected target devices.


  • 捷径目的去除所有非必要工件——换句话说,立即生成代码测试案例最终目标做出贡献的工件。

    The purpose of this "shortcut" is to eliminate all unnecessary artifacts — that is, artifacts that don't immediately contribute to the ultimate goal of producing code or test cases.


  • 最后ssa转换rtl后者用于目标生成代码

    Finally, the SSA trees are converted into RTL, which the back end USES for target code generation.


  • 现在最佳操作方式是从一个DSL生成代码要比使用UML 这样的目标语言简便。

    Nowadays, it is best practice to generate code from a DSL, which is simpler to use than a general purpose language like UML.


  • 但是AccessValue1中的代码非常简单这使成为运行生成理想目标

    But the code in AccessValue1 is very simple, making it an ideal target for run-time class generation.


  • 使用记录文件生成建模目标扩展内存大小5000MB报告,可使用代码

    To generate a report with the modeled target expanded memory size as 5000mb using the recorded file, use this code.


  • 主要目标使更改动态生成HTML代码更加容易控制处理HTTP(Ajax)请求方式实现简化开发约定

    The main goals are to be able to change the code that dynamically generates HTML easily, control how the HTTP (or Ajax) requests are processed, and implement conventions that simplify development.


  • 而如果点击的是警告对话框中的Cancel按钮时目标项目仍然生成代码模型中的UML元素不会参考取代

    If you click the Cancel button in the warning dialog, the code is still generated into the target project, and the UML elements in the source model are not replaced with the references.


  • 清单7所示代码控制器方法首先使用XSLProcessor模块生成HTML片段然后注入目标节点中

    In the code in Listing 7, the callback method of the controller first generates the HTML fragment using the XSLProcessor module and then injects it into the targeted node.


  • 汇编代码汇编器输入缺省情况下,汇编器将生成所有目标文件的祖先,a.o ut文件

    The assembler code is input to the assembler, which by default produces the grandfather of all object files, the a.out file.


  • 使用InitiateWorkbench可以为了生成ETL代码定义动态目标映射规范

    Using the Initiate Workbench, you can define "in-flight" source-to-target mapping specifications for the purpose of ETL code generation.


  • SOAPClient使用WISE5客户服务生成JAXWS客户端代码调用目标服务。

    SOAPClient action USES the WISE 5 client service to generate a JAXWS client class and call the target service.


  • 代码其他目标领域工件利用根据建模专家目标领域专家而设计转换来生成

    Code and other target domain artifacts are generated using transformations designed with input from both modeling experts and target domain experts.


  • 不幸的是,现今可用大多数建模工具中,代码生成模式一般连接工具中的,并且提供生成目标代码定制非常有限支持

    Unfortunately, in most modeling tools available today, code generation patterns are typically hard-wired into the tool, providing very limited support for customizing the target code to be generated.


  • 尽管代码生成器可以理解一点儿目标语言的知识,但是它们通常不是完整的语法分析器重新编写一个完整的编译器是无法全面考虑目标语言的。

    While code generators understand a little bit about the target language, they are usually not full parsers and cannot take the target language into account without rewriting a complete compiler.


  • 生成成功代码需要目标语言(这里php)代码生成语言(例中XSLT)有充分了解

    Successful code generation requires both an understanding of the target language (in this case, PHP) and the code generation language (in this case, XSLT).


  • 但是Microsoft . NETWeb服务实现当中如果允许. NET框架生成WSDL文件那么目标命名空间就会直接代码中的定义生成

    But in Microsoft.net Web services implementations, if you allow the.net framework to generate the WSDL file, the target namespace comes directly from what you have defined in the code.


  • 代码生成标准输出上进行输出所以我们将它重定向目标trayicon . c

    The code generator outputs on standard output, so we redirect this into the target, trayicon.c.


  • 优化的必要时,代码生成运行时jit目标

    Is optimization necessary when code generation is targeting a runtime with JIT?


  • 只有那时候,(编程)才能进入下个步骤:一个生发器(a generator),生成计算机编译运行目标代码

    Only then is the resulting domain code fed to another program called a generator that manufactures the actual target code that a computer can compile and run.


  • 攻击CFG生成进程可以通过混淆汇编代码以致能够正确确定跳转指令目标比如使用寄存器指示跳转目标

    The CFG generation process can also be attacked by obfuscating the assembly code such that one cannot determine the correct target of a jump instruction, such as using a jump through register.


  • 一部分包括词法分析语法分析,语义分析生成目标代码四个部分。

    This part contains accidence analyzing, phrasing analyzing, semantic analyzing and creating aim code.


  • 本文研究目标实现一个基于领域模型数据访问代码生成工具

    The goal of this paper is to implement code generation tool for data access layer based on domain model.


  • 系统针对源程序进行词法分析语法分析、出错检测最终生成自定义目标代码

    The system carrys through lexical analysis, grammar analysis, fluffing check and finally creating user-defined aim code.


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