The CPM rates for local advertising campaigns are typically substantially higher than national campaigns because of their more targeted nature.
They will be at the foundation of the adaptive software leveraging both explicit rules and goal seeking capabilities.
This accent on targeted research is understandable. Plenty of the work now done on cancer will be of the targeted sort.
Most people don't have a problem achieving goals—it's setting clear and compelling ones that tends to throw people for a loop.
In each round of usability testing, you should first identify specific concerns and goals for that round of testing and develop the test to focus on those concerns and goals.
Instead of policies that are minimally intrusive, well-targeted and efficient, we are depressingly likely to get the exact opposite.
By re-using well-constructed use cases and supporting artifacts, test organizations are empowered to deliver targeted, efficient testing.
Once you've evaluated your qualifications and determined what exactly it is you're looking for in an MBA program, then you should be ready to draft a list of schools.
Following are some of my thoughts and insights on creativity, clarity and happiness from my lens as a recent graduate trying to cultivate a creative and meaningful career doing something I love.
Unless I can budget a definite security project with explicit long-term goals, my time is better spent using SSH than trying to improve on it.
A.nnotate is definitely geared toward the business crowd, and privacy and security is one of their chief concerns.
These meetings are the very core of Weight Watchers, and the means to keep you motivated.
Finally, it regards Chinese criticism as our cultural tactics should have such aims: Chinese culture-oriented basis, problem-conscience initiative, cultural originality pursuit.
The necessity of art education, the goal in the education and the most effective way in which it can be achieved are tried to demonstrate.
It has not only strengthened the practical teaching sections, but also explicited the educational objectives.
Goal setting theory suggests that goals enhance motivation, they should be specific, and at a level of difficulty that is challenging but attainable.
Industrial design is training scheme and the construction training goal of an overlapping ness burgeoning subject and industrial design special field that need to make clear.
The Paris Agreement clearly establishes a global goal in enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change.
Acquiring oral fluency is one of the objectives in EFL teaching and learning.
This paper defines the purpose of the organic chemistry experiment test, and presents a concrete practicable quantitative test method.
The main characteristics of service-learning are: articulated and authentic learning goals, responsive to genuine community needs, children decision making, and analytic reflection.
NET which using in my system. And then, this article analyses the feasibility of the system, then minutely layouts the design thoughts, goals and the system holistic framework.
It was advanced that we need to think over the teaching plans, structures, goals, contents, methods and the content's organizations also provide reference basis for the P. e.
Students to learn without clear objectives, just accept the indoctrination of parents and teachers "cramming", learning with blindness, lack of motivation to learn naturally.
It was advanced that we need to think over the teaching plans, structures, goals, contents, methods and the content's organizations also provide reference basis for the p.
Just as marriage was the sole destination of life for females in ancient times, most love narrations in the Book of Poetry featured with marriage destination.
Failure of a prosthesis may be due to infection or a fracture of bone or prosthesis, but much more often it has no clear cause, after a process of aseptic loosening.
Failure of a prosthesis may be due to infection or a fracture of bone or prosthesis, but much more often it has no clear cause, after a process of aseptic loosening.