• 地方性广告CPM(千成本,指的是广告投放过程中,听到或者看到某广告的每一人平均分担到多少广告成本)明显国家性广告要高出很多,因为他们目标指向性更加明确

    The CPM rates for local advertising campaigns are typically substantially higher than national campaigns because of their more targeted nature.


  • 具有适应性软件基础,它会平衡明确规则寻找目标能力

    They will be at the foundation of the adaptive software leveraging both explicit rules and goal seeking capabilities.


  • 如此强调目的性研究可以理解的:现在针对癌症展开大量工作就是明确目标

    This accent on targeted research is understandable. Plenty of the work now done on cancer will be of the targeted sort.


  • 大多数实现目标方面没什么问题——制定明确的,强制性的目标的话,情况就有点让人大跌眼镜

    Most people don't have a problem achieving goalsit's setting clear and compelling ones that tends to throw people for a loop.


  • 一轮可用性测试中,都应该明确具体的测试问题目标针对这些目标进行测试

    In each round of usability testing, you should first identify specific concerns and goals for that round of testing and develop the test to focus on those concerns and goals.


  • 令人沮丧的是我们看到可能不是侵犯性最小、目标明确行之有效政策,而是恰恰相反

    Instead of policies that are minimally intrusive, well-targeted and efficient, we are depressingly likely to get the exact opposite.


  • 通过重新使用构建良好的用支持性工件测试组织拥有目标明确的、有效测试

    By re-using well-constructed use cases and supporting artifacts, test organizations are empowered to deliver targeted, efficient testing.


  • 现在,完成自己入学资格评估,明确各因素的重要性后,可以开始草稿了——列出你的目标学校

    Once you've evaluated your qualifications and determined what exactly it is you're looking for in an MBA program, then you should be ready to draft a list of schools.


  • 作为毕业不久并致力于自己打造一个具有创造性有意义、并从事自己所热爱领域职业前景的人,基于这样的角度,以下关于事业中的创新性目标明确以及快乐一些看法领悟

    Following are some of my thoughts and insights on creativity, clarity and happiness from my lens as a recent graduate trying to cultivate a creative and meaningful career doing something I love.


  • 除非编制一个明确安全性项目的预算,并具有明确长期目标,否则最好时间在使用ssh上不是花时间设法改进

    Unless I can budget a definite security project with explicit long-term goals, my time is better spent using SSH than trying to improve on it.


  • 目标度量可以减少明确

    Objective measurement also reduces ambiguity.


  • nnotate明确地面向商务人群隐私性安全性他们首要目标之一。

    A.nnotate is definitely geared toward the business crowd, and privacy and security is one of their chief concerns.


  • 这些会议轻体减肥核心部分目的就是为了保持减肥的目标的明确性。

    These meetings are the very core of Weight Watchers, and the means to keep you motivated.


  • 再次,明确汉语批评作为我们文化策略追求的旨向和目标,包括立足于汉语文化本位倡导问题意识以及追求文化的原创性

    Finally, it regards Chinese criticism as our cultural tactics should have such aims: Chinese culture-oriented basis, problem-conscience initiative, cultural originality pursuit.


  • 进一步明确加强艺术教育必要性以及艺术教育培养目标、基本任务和有效途径

    The necessity of art education, the goal in the education and the most effective way in which it can be achieved are tried to demonstrate.


  • 不仅加强实践性教学环节而且明确了培养目标

    It has not only strengthened the practical teaching sections, but also explicited the educational objectives.


  • 目标设置理论认为明确有一定难度具有挑战性又能够达到目标能够增强行为动机

    Goal setting theory suggests that goals enhance motivation, they should be specific, and at a level of difficulty that is challenging but attainable.


  • 工业设计交叉性新兴学科,工业设计专业建设需要明确培养目标培养方案

    Industrial design is training scheme and the construction training goal of an overlapping ness burgeoning subject and industrial design special field that need to make clear.


  • 巴黎协定》明确建立一个加强适应能力气候韧性减少脆弱性全球目标

    The Paris Agreement clearly establishes a global goal in enhancing adaptive capacity, strengthening resilience and reducing vulnerability to climate change.


  • 口语流利性外语课堂教学明确追求目标之一

    Acquiring oral fluency is one of the objectives in EFL teaching and learning.


  • 本文明确有机化学实验考核目标提出具体的实验考核定量方法,具有一定的可操作性

    This paper defines the purpose of the organic chemistry experiment test, and presents a concrete practicable quantitative test method.


  • 服务学习主要特征包括明确真实的学习目标适应真实社区需要儿童决定以及分析性反思

    The main characteristics of service-learning are: articulated and authentic learning goals, responsive to genuine community needs, children decision making, and analytic reflection.


  • 接着对课程系统可行性进行了分析然后对系统设计思想设计目标系统的整体结构进行了明确的规划。

    NET which using in my system. And then, this article analyses the feasibility of the system, then minutely layouts the design thoughts, goals and the system holistic framework.


  • 提出学校体育课程实施过程充分考虑教学活动的计划性实施结构明确教学目标内容方法,认真规划教学单元内容组织

    It was advanced that we need to think over the teaching plans, structures, goals, contents, methods and the content's organizations also provide reference basis for the P. e.


  • 学生自身对于学习没有明确目标只是接受家长老师填鸭式灌输学习带有盲目性,自然就缺乏学习动力

    Students to learn without clear objectives, just accept the indoctrination of parents and teachers "cramming", learning with blindness, lack of motivation to learn naturally.


  • 提出学校体育课程实施过程中充分考虑教学活动计划性实施结构明确教学目标内容方法,认真规划教学单元和内容组织

    It was advanced that we need to think over the teaching plans, structures, goals, contents, methods and the content's organizations also provide reference basis for the p.


  • 因为古代婚姻女性唯一归宿目标,《诗经中的爱情大都有明确的婚姻目的性

    Just as marriage was the sole destination of life for females in ancient times, most love narrations in the Book of Poetry featured with marriage destination.


  • 未能修复原因可能感染骨折更多往往没有明确的奋斗目标,之后进程无菌性松动

    Failure of a prosthesis may be due to infection or a fracture of bone or prosthesis, but much more often it has no clear cause, after a process of aseptic loosening.


  • 未能修复原因可能感染骨折更多往往没有明确的奋斗目标,之后进程无菌性松动

    Failure of a prosthesis may be due to infection or a fracture of bone or prosthesis, but much more often it has no clear cause, after a process of aseptic loosening.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定