• 其中最为引人注因素在于科学家称之为“10000小时”的规则

    One of the most significant factors is what scientists call the "10, 000-hour rule."


  • 拉动因素目的有关因素

    Pull factors are those associated with the place of destination.


  • 管彼得罗斯基博士承认,由于设计工程项目或实施项目的人会犯错,工程项目可能会失败,但他在这一本书中进一步拓宽了自己的观点,将更多可能导致失败的因素考虑了进来。

    Though he acknowledges that engineering works can fail because the person who thought them up or engineered them simply got things wrong, in this book Dr. Petroski widens his view to consider the larger context in which such failures occur.


  • 身份验证出于安全目的检查人员身份过程身份验证因素用来实现身份验证的信息

    Authentication is a process to verify a person's identity for security purposes and authentication factor is the piece of information used to achieve it.


  • 然后正如许多国家离婚提倡私下调解诉诸公堂一样,形式的合作草案目的也是为了去除婚姻中的不和谐因素

    Yet just as divorce law in most countries now strongly encourages mediation rather than courtroom battles, new for ms of collaborative drafting aim to take the sting out of premarital negotiations.


  • 目前该项目的时间许可格式其它因素没有敲定

    The timing, licensing, format, and other factors of the project are yet to be determined.


  • 本文目的SOA设计者介绍对 SOA 弹性造成影响(正面负面)的重要因素

    The purpose of the article was to introduce you, the SOA designer, to important factors that contribute, both positively and negatively, to the resiliency of the SOA.


  • 巴勒斯坦部署警察目的为了恢复法律秩序是国际社会支持的“中东和平路线图计划中的一个关键因素

    The aim is to restore law and order, a key element of the internationally-backed "roadmap" peace plan.


  • 因此篇文章目的除了IQ许多额外的影响因素智商中区分出天才们”。

    The aim ofthis article therefore, is to educate the reader that there are additional factorsto consider apart from IQ, which separates the high or low IQ person from thestatus of "genius".


  • 这个特征目的就是了解什么因素使一个公司成功

    I believe the intent of this characteristic is to understand the more qualitative elements of what makes a company successful.


  • 宣传活动目的帮助人们意识到可能引发II型糖尿病风险因素其中包括肥胖

    Campaign to help people recognise the risk factors for Type 2 diabetes which include being overweight.


  • 人类情感只是文学诸多因素之一,但不是目的- - -文学的目的,存在简单限制之中极度充实

    Human emotion is only one of the ingredients of literature and not its end, — which is the beauty of perfect fulness consisting in simplicity and restraint.


  • 更多过程一般减少创造力因此应该开始时(不确定性每天因素时)较少的过程。

    More process typically reduces creativity, so you should use less process at the beginning of a project, when uncertainty is an everyday factor.


  • 他们加入有关通胀水平一些因素目的是将任何时期存在经济疲弱过热程度联系起来。

    They then add something for inflation, which they try to relate to the degree of slack or overheating that exists at any one time.


  • 持续改进目的就在于回答这个基本问题:你怎样做才能控制生活那些重要因素

    The aim of continuous improvement is to help you answer this basic question: how can you take control of the important facets of your life?


  • 一个重要事实是,新奥尔良市的黑人上流阶级中产阶级已经成为推动这些重要因素

    The additional fact that New Orleans has upper-class and middle-class black populations has been a significant factor in such projects.


  • 显然这会涉及容量因素鉴于本文目的我们假定容量因素已经考虑在内。

    Obviously, there is the capacity element, but for the purpose of this article, it is assumed that capacity has already been taken into consideration.


  • 项目管理却不同,项目需要严密地管理范围进度预算因为它们结束决定因素

    Contrasted with a project where scope, schedule and budget are tightly managed because they are what define the end of the project.


  • 但是重构包含环境因素

    But refactoring also encompasses environmental factors for your project.


  • 如果有人构建数据中心,则可用几乎总是主要驱动因素构建两个数据中心实际上没有其他任何目的

    If someone has constructed two data centers, high availability is almost always the primary driver; building two data centers really has no other purpose.


  • 医药法律工程其他文件翻译需要译者掌握相关科专业知识。专业准确度有时甚至是选择译者首要因素

    Translations of medical, legal, engineering and other documents require a technical knowledge of the subject. Technical accuracy can even become the overriding factor in choosing a translator.


  • 管理确定性因素如此的巨大,因而私人投资者来说核电的赌注特别是这种成本往往远远大于预期

    With so much regulatory uncertainty, that is too big a bet for private investorsespecially since projects of this kind often cost more than expected.


  • 这本出版物依据世界卫生组织危险因素评估比较研究结果项目有100国际科学家世界卫生组织的很多专家参与

    The publication is based on the findings of the project on WHO’s Comparative Risk Assessment, which involved more than 100 international scientists and many WHO experts.


  • 开始很多不确定因素,你希望更多创造性开发明确业务需求应用程序。

    In the beginning of the project, you typically have a lot of uncertainty, and you want to encourage a lot of creativity to develop an application that addresses the business needs.


  • 开始很多不确定因素,你希望更多创造性开发明确业务需求应用程序。

    In the beginning of the project, you typically have a lot of uncertainty, and you want to encourage a lot of creativity to develop an application that addresses the business needs.


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