• 会将安然无恙地送达目的地

    He gets you to your destination without turning the trip into a white-knuckle experience.


  • 乘船二十小时之后他们终于到达目的地

    At last, after twenty hours on the boat, they arrived at their destination.


  • 拉动因素目的地有关因素。

    Pull factors are those associated with the place of destination.


  • 话说,决心到达目的地

    In other words, it is determined to reach its destination.


  • 他们到达目的地时,时间似乎得飞快。

    When they arrived at their destination, time seemed to have flown.


  • 阿斯加德托尔攀岩者梦想目的地

    Mount Asgard and Thor Peak are dream destinations for rock climbers.


  • 栗子害虫命运到达目的地之前未知的。

    The destiny of the pest in the chestnut is not known before reaching the destination.


  • GPS系统对于那些陌生城市寻找目的地人来说,作用很大。

    The GPS system is of great use to whoever wants to find his destination in a strange city.


  • 找到钥匙金币地图这里目的地到处都可以找到地图!

    You will find the keys, coins and maps. Maps can be found everywhere from here to the destination!


  • 现在没有直飞两个目的地的航班,开车那里大约需要5个小时

    There is no direct flight serving these two destinations now, while it takes around 5 hours to get there by car.


  • 目的地他们其他年轻人碰面举行了长时间聚会

    Once they arrived at their destination, they met with other groups of young people and had one long party.


  • 不要半途而废发现到达目的地看到风景出发时看到的

    Don't give up halfway, and you will find the scenery is more beautiful when you reach the destination than when you started off.


  • 这两丹佛转机时被送往错误的目的地巴迪被错误地送到日本

    Both of the dogs had been sent to the wrong destinations on connecting flights from Denver, with Buddy mistakenly being sent to Japan instead.


  • 漫长飞行旅途中加拿大朝着同一个目的地努力,却很难让彼此高兴起来。

    During the long flying journey, Canada geese hardly cheer one another up while working toward the same destination.


  • 几个小时学习旅游目的地历史文化有助于旅游者理解他们看到一切。

    Spending a few hours learning about the history and culture of the destination will help tourists understand what they're seeing.


  • 航空公司可能很难协调客机起飞时间目的地使它们能够编队飞行中获益

    It might also be hard for airlines to co-ordinate the departure times and destinations of passenger aircraft in a way that would allow them to gain from formation flight.


  • 提供设施一阶段机场可能承担最终目的地角色不仅仅出行工具

    At this stage of facilities provision, the airport also has the possibility of taking on the role of the final destination rather than merely a facilitator of access.


  • 法国政府表示该国世界上第一旅游目的地而且旅游业法国经济非常重要

    According to the French government, the country is the number one tourist destination in the world, and tourism is extremely important to the French economy.


  • 火车汽车最初使人们可以相隔较远的地方,而不需要花费更长的时间来到目的地

    Trains and cars initially allowed people to live at greater distances without taking longer to reach their destination.


  • 为了满足顾客热门目的地需求四条路线旨在帮助客人找到新的令人兴奋地点

    To cater to customers' desires for popular destinations, the four new routes are aimed at helping guests find new and exciting locations.


  • 如果飞机因为恶劣天气空中交通堵塞罢工而晚点那么火车乘客到达目的地

    If your plane arrives late due to bad weather or air traffic jams or strikes, then the train passengers will arrive at their destination first.


  • 智利自己推销一个重视旅游目的地面临最大问题,它是地球尽头

    The biggest problem facing Chile as it promotes itself as a tourist destination to be reckoned with, is that it is at the end of the earth.


  • 只要愿意放弃现在的样子,自己蒸发微风中,微风就能带着你飞越过去,这样你才能到达目的地

    If you're willing to give it up and let yourself evaporate into the breeze, it can take you across, and you can reach your destination.


  • 大街上目的地到处游荡

    She wandered aimlessly around the streets.


  • 目的地换了一个又工作

    He drifted aimlessly from one job to another.


  • 人们街上漫无目的地闲逛

    People wandered the streets aimlessly.


  • 他们目的地在乱哄哄的人群里穿行。

    They moved purposefully through the milling crowd.


  • 目的地四处游荡。

    I wandered about in a desultory fashion.


  • 漫无目的地徘徊

    I wandered around aimlessly.


  • 低着,缩着肩膀漫无目的地街上走着

    He walked aimlessly along the street, head down and shoulders bowed.


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