• 主要表现有:消极直接故意推定直接故意

    It is mainly represented by the passive direct intent or the presumed indirect intent.


  • 直接故意包括事前直接故意事后直接故意两种形式

    Directly but also had a direct intent deliberately and intentionally after the two forms directly.


  • 主观方面必须直接故意主观目的非法占有他人财物。

    The subjective of notes defrauding are intent directly and the main purpose of subjective is possessing illegally.


  • 持有犯罪主观罪过不仅包括直接故意,也包括间接故意

    The subjective fault in holding crimes includes crimes of both direct intent and indirect intent.


  • 牵连存在故意犯罪之中,目的只能直接故意犯罪。

    Implicated Offense only lies in intentional crimes, and its aim crime should be a directly intentional one.


  • 主观方面表现直接故意包括间接故意过失的心理态度。

    The subjective aspect of the crime is shown as on direct purpose, not on indirect purpose or negligence.


  • 本罪主观方面表现直接故意过失间接故意均不构成本罪

    This guilty subjective respect is shown as on purpose directly, the fault and too indirect to construct the crime of the cost on purpose.


  • 本罪主观方面作者认为构成本罪主观上只能表现为直接故意

    On the subjective side of the crime, the author considers that it is willful to constitute the crime.


  • 该类犯罪主观罪过可以直接故意构成,也可以由间接故意构成。

    The subjective fault of this pattern crime can consist of both direct intent and indirect intent.


  • 无形伪造主观方面故意而且直接故意并且要以使用为目的

    The subjectivity of invisible forgery is intentionally, deliberately and directly and the purpose of which is to forge.


  • 该类犯罪主观罪过,既可以直接故意构成,可以由间接故意构成。

    The subjective culpability in such a crime can be an offence committed from direct intention or indirect intention.


  • 典型直接故意介于典型直接故意间接故意之间一种直接故意

    The untypical direct intent is a kind of direct intent, a borderline case between the typical direct intent and the indirect intent.


  • 说认为,未遂犯仅囿于直接故意犯罪之中,间接故意犯罪存在未遂犯。

    The general view of the academic circle thinks that the attempt crime exits in the direct intentional crimes, not in the indirect intentional crimes.


  • 票据阼骗主观方面表现为行为人主观上直接故意具有非法占有目的

    In the subjective way, the crime of bills defraud shows that the doer has direct and willful action and has the purpose of illegal possession subjectively.


  • 紧接着分析犯罪存在范围,即认为犯罪既遂存在直接故意犯罪中。

    Then, analyze the behavioral offense of existence scope , then think the behavioral offense exist only in crime directly and intentionally .


  • 盗窃罪主观方面特征表现直接故意,主观故意包括认识因素意志因素两方面内容。

    Theft of subjective characterized by direct intention, the subjective intent and will of factors including awareness of factors two aspects.


  • 侵占主观方面部分,论述侵占罪是以非法占有目的犯罪主观上直接故意

    The part of the subjective aspects of the Crime of Embezzlement: It aims at owning public and private property unlawfully and has the direct intent subjectively.


  • 职务侵占罪主观方面直接故意并且具有非法占有公司、企业或者其他单位财物目的

    The subjective aspect of Professional Embezzlement is direct intent and holding the purpose of illegally possessing the properties of the company, enterprise or other unit.


  • 支配直接故意犯罪主观罪过要素,犯罪意志核心体现了直接犯罪故意的罪过实质

    The will of crime is the core among the elements controlling the crime of immediate intention which embodies the essence of culpability about the immediate criminal intention.


  • 主观方面,作者认为犯罪人主观罪过只能直接故意明知程度知道应当知道。

    In the subjective, the authors believe that the perpetrators of the crime can only be subjective and deliberately direct, which he knows should be aware of the extent and can be aware of the extent.


  • 防卫过当的罪过形式不仅包括间接故意、过于自信的过失疏忽大意的过失,不能排除直接故意

    Forms of sin not only include indirect intention, fault resulted from overconfidence and fault caused by negligence, but also direct intention as well.


  • 非法行医基本犯罪构成中的罪过形式只能直接故意结果加重犯罪过形式也只能表现为过失

    However, in our opinion, the consequence of such a crime plus re-commission can only take the form of delinquency.


  • 主观方面特征主要说明虐待在主观方面直接故意分析直接故意相联系犯罪目的动机等

    Forth, the characteristics on the part of subjective mainly explain the crime of abuse should be direct intent subjectively and analyzes the crime purpose and motive related to the direct intent.


  • 但是,合同诈骗罪故意仅指直接故意还是既有直接故意,又间接故意,在刑法理论界还有不少争论。

    The chapter 2 discusses the problem that whether the crime of contract can be constituted by indirect intent, which has been discussed for a long time.


  • 笔者认为单位犯罪未遂单位直接故意犯罪中,犯罪单位着手实行犯罪,由于意志以外的原因而未能达到犯罪既种未完成犯罪形态

    The author considers that unit attempted crime is a kind of inchoate conformation and the unit has implemented criminality but failed beyond its will in direct intention crime.


  • 直接看着眼睛并不意味着这个说实话。有经验说谎者经常故意这样玩弄人们相信这个谣言

    Looking you straight in the eye does not mean the person is telling the truth. Experienced liars often do this deliberately, playing on people believing the myth.


  • 不过明仁表达意愿方式——直接日本民众讲话——似乎是为了故意制造所达到的那种令人震撼效果。

    And yet the manner in which Akihito made his will known - by directly addressing the Japanese people - seemed calculated to produce the sort of shock that it did.


  • 战场上故意遗弃伤病军人,情节恶劣直接责任人员,处以下有期徒刑。

    Persons directly responsible for the intentional abandonment of injured or sick servicemen on battlefields, if the case is serious, are to be sentenced to five years or fewer in prison.


  • 战场上故意遗弃伤病军人,情节恶劣直接责任人员,处以下有期徒刑。

    Persons directly responsible for the intentional abandonment of injured or sick servicemen on battlefields, if the case is serious, are to be sentenced to five years or fewer in prison.


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