Because of the ripple of the DC power supply, the output harmonic amplitude of the voltage controlled SPWM inverter is higher.
With chopping principle, switching power supply is chosen as the DC power supply because of its small size, low weight and high efficiency.
What's the maximum power the dock can supply? Is there any source of direct current?
To warrant reliability of DC operation power electrical supply, all-round monitoring to parameter of storage battery operation is necessary.
It introduces circuit structure, operating principle and solves problems of temperature shift and dc constant-current power supply quality effect on measuring accuracy.
介绍了以AT 89 C 51单片机为基础的小灵通基站直流远供电源模块综合参数检测仪的硬件和软件的设计。
Based on AT89C51 micro-controller, this paper describes the design of hardware and software of multi-parameter measurement instrument of DC remote reserve power supply module of PAS cell station.
The detecting circuit of power line touching of the suspension system of DC long-distance reserve power supply of PHS Cell Station was designed by the characteristic of gaseous discharge tube.
Electronic circuits and devices, generally requires a stable DC power supply.
In the paper, an electrical power system of base station is introduced in detail, including AC power supply system, DC power supply system and earthing system.
The device is provided with a DC power supply which can automatically charge and continuously supply power and is formed by a solar battery and a storage battery.
The power circuit is composed of following circuits: RF oscillator, RF power amplifier, DC supply power circuit, protection circuit and matching network.
Lastly, safety can be increased largely because of using DC electrical source and control voltage under 36v.
It can improve the reliability and quality of the high voltage DC electrical system of airplane to adopt modular power supplies to construct a secondary distributed power system.
The AC UPS used before has been replaced by the DC module power supply nowadays.
M 1200采用了明亮,清晰的TFT液晶显示器,由100- 240伏交流整合电源供给,以及可选的24伏直流电源供电。
The M1200 utilizes bright, clear TFT LCDs and is powered by 100-240 AC integrated power supplies with optional 24 Volt DC.
Presents a constant current white LED driver for mining DC switching power supply to the mine under the DC power supply locomotives and miner's lamp.
A new passive electromagnetic damper worked with DC is proposed. Experiments and theory for vibration control of rotor system by passive electromagnetic damper are introduced.
ZD B型直流电源变换器是工作在直流600v供电系统的变流装置。该装置以新颖电力器件IGBT作为开、关器件并采用PWM控制技术。
Working in a 600v DC power supply system, the type ZDB battery charger USES new power electronic insulated-gate bipolar transistors (IGBT) as switching device and adopts PWM control technics.
About the power supply, the filaments can be powered by AC or DC except that the 3a5 (version 2 of the amplifier) requires a DC filament supply.
The DC/DC power converter is a high effective source device that can convert the DC voltage from one type to other type or several types.
The DC/DC power converter is a high effective source device that can convert the DC voltage from one type to other type or several types.