• 有时丁溴东莨菪碱方便直肠检查

    Buscopan is sometimes used to facilitate rectal examination.


  • ——停止给予常规直肠检查尽管是个选择,但它没有清楚显示有利的一面。

    Stop routinely giving the rectal exam because it has not clearly shown a benefit, though it can remain an option.


  • 我们马怀马、怀母马早期(1—2个)通过直肠检查进行了研究。

    With the method of rectal palpation, we have studied the germinal vesicles of mares with foal, mares with mules and mare abortion at early Stage (1-2nd month) for nearly ten years.


  • 结肠直肠检查。50岁开始,每1 ~10做这项检验医生所用检验方法而定。

    Colorectal Screening. Starting at age50, this test should be performed every1 ~ 10years, depending upon the test your doctor USES.


  • 采用3%5%硫酸铜液对57头黑白花母牛进行早期妊娠诊断然后通过直肠检查技术进行确诊。

    The early pregnancy diagnose was experienced by 3% and 5% CuSO4 respectively in 57 cows, then checked up their accuracy through rectum-check.


  • 血清ps A浓度诸多因素影响,应用PS A定量分析进行诊断结合直肠指检超声直肠检查

    Since the density of serum PSA is influenced by many factors, the diagnosis by PSA quantitative analysis should be combined with rectal touch and ultrasonic rectum examination.


  • 下针状粮仓圆柱结构用于直肠检查活检

    Taking off the pins granary, its cylindraceous structure can be also used for rectoscopy and biopsy.


  • 如果发现严重腹部疼痛腹胀恶心发烧寒战或者直肠出血以上,请立刻联络你的外科医生。 在活组织检查后的几天都有可能出血。

    It is important to contact your surgeon if you notice symptoms of severe abdominal pain, abdominal distension, nausea, fevers, chill, or rectal bleeding equal to more than half a cup.


  • 最后研究小组又分别检查24名乳腺癌直肠癌的患者,这些患者肿瘤寻找通过层层筛选所得知的突变基因

    Finally, the team found 24 more people with breast cancer and 24 with colorectal cancer, and looked at their tumours for the mutant genes that had got through the screening.


  • 做活组织检查意味患有癌症,并且切除结肠息肉预防结肠直肠肿瘤有效方法。

    Biopsies do not imply cancer, however, removal of a colonic polyp is an important means of preventing colo-rectal cancer.


  • 近年来,通过检查早期去除息肉,在及早检测治疗直肠结肠癌方面取得一些进步

    In recent years, some progress has been made to detect and treat colorectal cancer earlier through screening and early removal of polyps.


  • 普通人群的结直肠例行检查室50左右,如果是高危人群则可能会提前一些

    Routine screening for colorectal cancer starts at 50 for people at average risk; screening may start earlier for high-risk patients.


  • ASGE鼓励所有50以上人群要求医生给予筛查直肠检查

    The ASGE encourages all people age 50 and older to talk to their doctor about getting screened for colorectal cancer.


  • ASGE鼓励所有年满50直肠风险因素的人群要求他们医生给予结直肠癌的筛查检查

    The ASGE encourages all people aged 50 or older, and those with risk factors for colorectal cancer, to talk to their physician about getting screened for colorectal cancer.


  • 美国癌症协会周三表示:协会以及其他一些健康组织建议将项之前被包括的检查列为结肠直肠爱早期预防筛查的项目。

    The American cancer Society and other health groups are recommending two tests they had not previously endorsed to prevent or detect colorectal cancer, the groups said Wednesday.


  • 虽然结肠镜检查检测结肠癌前驱病变有效方法1997年报告总体直肠肿瘤漏检率仍达24%。

    Although the colonoscopy is considered the most effective means to detect precursors of colon cancer, the overall reported rate of missing colorectal tumors is 24 percent, as reported in 1997.


  • 这种管子25公分能使整个直肠得到检查,看是否有生病症状

    It is 10 in. (25 cm) long, allowing the entire rectal lining to be examined for evidence of disease.


  • 结论术前应用放大肠镜超声肠镜检查早期直肠诊断率

    Conclusions The diagnostic accuracy of magnification and ultrasound colonoscope for early colorectal carcinoma is high.


  • 结论直肠超声引导下前列腺穿刺活检确诊前列腺癌有效检查方法,值得临床推广应用

    Conclusion the transrectal ultrasound guided automatic biopsy technique of the prostatic cancer is the method to diagnose PCA, it would be used widely in clinical practice.


  • 结肠镜检查末段回肠和结直肠病变最主要诊断方法,双气囊推进式小肠镜对早期诊断小肠cd重要价值。

    Coloscopy is a key method for diagnosis of colorectal CD. Double-balloon enteroscopy is a valuable method for early diagnosis of small bowel CD.


  • 目的研究微超声探头(UMP)检查直肠tN分期准确率及结直肠癌术前分期中的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound miniature probe (UMP) examination in tumor invasion (t staging) and local lymphatic node metastasis (n staging) for colorectal carcinoma.


  • 目的探讨端扫式直肠超声高位直肠癌患者进行术前腔检查TRUS方法临床价值

    Objective To probe the methods and clinical value of transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) with head scanning probe in detecting upper rectal carcinoma.


  • 工作小组组长强调检查优点但是极力坚持使用药物预防直肠结肠癌要谨慎

    Task Force leaders stress the evidence on the merits of screening but urge caution on taking preventive medicine for colorectal cancer.


  • 灵活乙状结肠检查通过可视管道直肠降结肠进行检查

    Flexible sigmoidoscopy is an exam of the rectum and the lower colon using a viewing tube (a short version of colonoscopy).


  • 结肠镜检查预防直肠肿瘤能满足预期目标吗?

    Colonoscopy for colorectal cancer prevention: is it fulfilling the promise?


  • 结论病理组织切片客观准确观察直肠术后系膜切缘浸润情况,术后常规进行该项检查

    Conclusion We could found the circumferential margin infiltration by observing pathologic large slice objectively and exactly. It should be a routine examination after operation.


  • 结论病理组织切片客观准确观察直肠术后系膜切缘浸润情况,术后常规进行该项检查

    Conclusion We could found the circumferential margin infiltration by observing pathologic large slice objectively and exactly. It should be a routine examination after operation.


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