• 直链淀粉含量膨胀势性状均具有较高遗传力。

    There were high heritability in both the amylose contents and the swelling power.


  • 有机肥化肥配合施用降低稻米直链淀粉含量

    It can decrease amylose content of rice that organic fertilizer coordinate using fertilizer.


  • 改良我国小麦淀粉主要目标降低直链淀粉含量

    The improvement goal for starch properties in Chinese wheat varieties is to lower the amylose content.


  • 有效磷、含量提高还可增加直链淀粉含量

    As available P, K, Si increased, the amylose content of rice increased, too.


  • 直链淀粉含量为中等水平后代具有较好的食味品质

    It was found that progeny populations with middling amylose content possessed better cooking and eating quality.


  • 结果表明菱角淀粉直链淀粉含量15.76%;

    The results showed that: its amylose contents is 15.76%;


  • 提高糙米千粒重直链淀粉含量显著降低

    The increase of ratio of sugar to nitrogen may significantly lead to the decline of brown rice thickness, 1000-grain weight and amylose content.


  • 适宜密度条件蛋白质含量较高,直链淀粉含量较低。

    Under suitable density condition, protein content increased and amylose content, head rice rate and chalk grain decreased.


  • 目的研究不同直链淀粉含量玉米淀粉肠道发酵产物影响

    Objective: To study the effects of amylose levels in corn starch on intestinal fermentation of rats.


  • 结果表明性状直链淀粉含量精米率、长的国家一级达标率极低;

    The results showed that: Chalky trait, amylose content, milled rice recovery and grain length was seldom reached the first class of national rice standard.


  • 群体直链淀粉含量半粒直链淀粉含量以及半粒常规法进行相互比较

    The quantity of amylose was compared small group with half-grain and the method of half-grain with normal method.


  • 随着稻田耗水量减少,稻直链淀粉含量降低稠度蛋白质含量提高

    With the reduction of water consumption, the amylose content of rice grain decreases, but the gel consistency and protein content increase.


  • 直链淀粉含量增加导致粉丝糊化下降,溶出增加,食用品质下降。

    Eating qualities of starch silk such as gelatinization degrees and losing rates of vermicelli were lineraly correlated with the change of the water-insoluble amylose content.


  • 供试品种当中,水陆稻1号的蛋白质含量、东农416的直链淀粉含量分别最高

    Protein content in Shuiludaol and amylose content in Dongnong 416 were highest in varieties tested.


  • 研究不同氮肥用量、氮肥种类施肥方法粳稻直链淀粉含量蛋白质含量影响

    The factors including different content of nitrogenous fertilizer used- varieties of nitrogenous fertilizer and methods of fertilizing that influence the content of amylose and protein are studied.


  • 本文采用稻米直链淀粉含量分析研究5个杂交组合稻米直链淀粉含量遗传

    Using analysis method of the single grain milled rice amylose content, it has been carried out for the genetic studies of amylose content in 5 hybrid rice combinations.


  • 尽管各地稻米食用习惯有所差异,中等直链淀粉含量品种均为消费者所喜爱

    Rice with intermediate amylose content that cook tender but not sticky is generally preferred, although consumers' preferences in the habit of eating rice vary in various areas.


  • 结果表明,我国多数杂交水稻直链淀粉含量较高稠度硬,糊化温度籽粒伸长率中等

    The results indicated that most of the Indica hybrids had high amylose content (AC), hard gel consistency (GC), intermediate gelatinization temperature (GT), and medium grain elongation (GE);


  • 结果表明:广义遗传力较高性状直链淀粉含量、粒长、垩白米糙米率和精米率。

    Results showed that the characters with high heritability are amylose content, seed shape, seed longness, chalkiness rate, brown rice rate and milled rice rate.


  • 白、整精米直链淀粉含量籼稻品质改良重点,垩白和整精米粳稻品质改良的重点。

    Reducing chalky grain and increasing head rice rate were important in japonica rice quality improvement. (3) The quality of indica hybrid rice was improved significantly.


  • 试验结果可见糙米代替精米粉测定直链淀粉含量作为单株材料的鉴定选择依据可行

    The method is feasible of testing amylose content with the brown rice flour, and it can be used to test amylose content of the early generation individual plant material.


  • 培育中等略微偏低直链淀粉含量籼稻新品种杂交稻亲本已成为水稻遗传育种重要目标之一

    Thus, breeding indica varieties or hybrid parents with intermediate or lower amylose content becomes one of the most important objects in rice genetic breeding.


  • 糯性小麦淀粉直链淀粉直链淀粉含量所以食品工业食品工业上重要应用价值

    Because the waxy wheat starch doesn't contain amylose or contains very lower level of amylose, it will have an important practical value in both food and non-food industry.


  • 大米直链淀粉含量影响大米蒸煮加工特性重要因素之一被用作蒸煮米质构特性评价指标。

    The apparent amylose content (AAC) is one of the important parameters to affect the cooking and processing characteristics. The chemical measurement of rice AAC is very expensive and time consuming.


  • 倒2叶基重在株型性状体系重要作用直链淀粉含量性状体系中起重要作用。

    The Angle of the 2nd leaf from top, single panicle weight and amylose content, grain length played an important role in plant type and rice quality system, respectively.


  • 表观直链淀粉含量(AAC),稠度(GC)糊化温度(GT)决定稻米蒸煮和食用品质的关键因素。

    Apparent amylose content (AAC), gel consistency (GC), and gelatinization temperature (GT) are recognized as the most important determinants of rice eating and cooking qualities.


  • 直链淀粉相对含量RVA特征参数之间相关趋势与子粒中直链淀粉含量趋势一致,但均未显著水平

    The correlation trend between amylose content of isolated wheat starch and parameters of RVA is similar to that of amylose content in wheat grain, but the former does not reach the significant level.


  • 研究结果表明小麦胚乳中,越接近皮层部位直链淀粉含量越低;越接近麦心的部位直链淀粉含量越高。

    Results show as follows: Amylose content gradually decreases from the inner part to the outer part of a wheat endosperm.


  • 代配合力效应负明显的是上育397、富士419,可作为选育直链淀粉含量为育种目标的理想亲本。

    Cross parents with negative combining ability should be selected such as Shangyu 397, Fuji Light and Dongnong 419 when developing low amylose content rice.


  • 代配合力效应负明显的是上育397、富士419,可作为选育直链淀粉含量为育种目标的理想亲本。

    Cross parents with negative combining ability should be selected such as Shangyu 397, Fuji Light and Dongnong 419 when developing low amylose content rice.


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