• 中,使用一个作者及其相关图书数据库

    In this example, you use a database of authors and their related books.


  • 新闻受众心理存在自身张力张力影响着相关图书出版接受

    News acceptance psychology has its own tension. The tension affects relevant books publication and acceptance.


  • 客户可以通过因特网登陆书店浏览相关图书信息图书放在购物车里

    Customers can log in to the bookstore through the Internet, review the related information, and put the needed books into the shopping cart.


  • 文章大量新闻出版互动”实例为基础深入分析了新闻受众心理相关图书出版接受中的重要作用

    The article deeply analyzes the important function of news acceptance psychology in relevant books publication and acceptance on the basis of many examples about news and publication.


  • 从而使能够新闻阅读器了解最畅销图书或者的Web站点包括关于Amazon销售相关图书信息

    This lets you track top books in your news reader, or include information on your Web site about related books for sale at Amazon.


  • 2001年,小雷上海找到了一份工作由于收入高,开始利用业余时间书店图书阅读古诗相关书籍

    In 2001, the younger Lei found a job in Shanghai and began to read books related to ancient poems at bookstores or libraries in his spare time, since he didn't make much money.


  • 决定应该某一特定图书放在层次结构中的何处,其中哪些属性相关呢?

    Which of these attributes is relevant when you are deciding where a particular book should go in a hierarchy?


  • 可以这些网站上看到这些榜单,或者若是愿意也可以信息年鉴图书章节找到相关信息。

    You can check for these on their web site or through the Information Please Almanac's section on Books, if you like.


  • 服务不仅允许检索书店图书档案相关信息允许您下载包含图书的内容文件

    This service not only allows you to retrieve information about a book document in our bookstore, it also allows you to download the file containing the contents of one or more books.


  • 它们引导用户相关资源图书服务用 户提供一个直观方法使用这些资源和服务。

    They can introduce users to resources and library services and provide an intuitive way for users to explore them.


  • 很多情况下网络已经取代了图书搜索引擎在线可搜索数据库读者提供了相当丰富相关资料

    The Web has replaced books in many cases, offering a rich selection of material via search engines and searchable online databases.


  • 稍后我会再发一科学家》和《科学美国人以及以科学为取向相关期刊团体那里整理出份科学图书的单子。

    In a subsequent post I will compile a list of science titles from the New Scientist, Scientific American and related science-oriented journals and organizations.


  • 上海图书研究人员花费的时间来筹备此次活动,共计10万张老照片中,披沙拣金,精选千余帧,并相关文字介绍以飨读者。

    The exhibited photos are drawn from the book. Shanghai Library researchers started preparing for the event about a year ago.


  • 这种方法一个例子就是利用图书搜索寻找书籍其他材料,但当前图书馆里没有相关

    An example of this approach is a library search for books or other materials, when the item of interest may not be available from the current library.


  • 他们只是图书馆查找相关书籍研究资料写成了一本书。

    Their books are always based on records or things they could research in a library.


  • 全国各地图书管理员爱死了那个图标,他们甚至寄一些图书相关非常酷玩具帽子一类的小玩意。

    "That one was a huge hit among librarians across the whole country," he said. They even sent me library-related cool toys and hats things like that.


  • 代理人创建了社会书签Podcast媒体在线图书相关个人标记

    The agent has also created a set of personal tags associated with social bookmarks, podcasts, media, and online libraries.


  • 海牙皇家图书800万相关纪录只有2条记录是有雪人图像

    Of the some eight million pieces of art on record at the Royal Library in the Hague, only two contain images of a snowman.


  • 直接挑战就是GoogleBooks的深度搜索更好相关排序,这些通常我们在用的图书馆联机目录要好,而且它总是会有结果返回

    The immediate challenge is that Google Books' deeper indexing and more advanced relevancy ranking usually works better than that of our local catalogs-and it always returns results.


  • Book Burro第一个图书相关浏览器插件应用程序,用于啮合amazon其它在线图书站点

    Book Burro was one of the first library-related browser plug-in applications to mesh with Amazon and other online bookstore web sites.


  • 日本去年了叫做“图书扫描”服务经营成功,“1美元扫描”其在美国翻版相关日语视频,看就明白)。

    1Dollarscan is the American outpost of a service called Bookscan that has been running successfully in Japan since last year.


  • 美编的工作经验有利于实现我们有关少儿英语图书相关策划项目

    The experience in art edit can help me to realize our programme of book planning on young learners English.


  • 赶快图书印证、得知更多网站所看到读到听到相关信息吧!

    You can also learn much more about what you have read, seen, and heard on this Web site by visiting a library.


  • 图书服务服务工作中,图书馆与读者关系、图书馆与读者的权利主体地位处理相关问题法律依据进行探寻分析。

    This paper makes a legal analysis of some of the questions related to library service such as the relationship between library and readers, and the fights of both sides.


  • 图书组织语文教师学生共同选择和语文教材相关图书,每班约200本,存放于班级图书让学生阅读。

    The library organizes Chinese teachers and students to select books related to Chinese language and literature together, 200 books for each class book corner.


  • 图书组织语文教师学生共同选择和语文教材相关图书,每班约200本,存放于班级图书让学生阅读。

    The library organizes Chinese teachers and students to select books related to Chinese language and literature together, 200 books for each class book corner.


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