Local supermarket, such as Yonghui, is popular with middle or low-end consumer starter. And middle and low-end consumer take larger quantities in China, so there is so large customer flow volume.
Associated with this boom in unmeasured investment is the huge amount of unmeasured savings that showed up in the wealth statistics as capital gains.
We have connections with quite a few big department stores and supermarkets here. I'm sure the quantities will be fairly big.
Japan has a huge population of post-war baby-boomers and relatively few young people-indeed, so few children are being born that the population has started to shrink.
Although the number of bones is roughly the same in all breeds, there is considerable variation in the size and shape of individual bones, as the result of selective breeding.
在中国所部署的数量超过200套的防空系统当中,相当大的部分是先进的俄罗斯防空系统和国产系统, 历史遗留的大量HQ-2防空系统则转为备用。
In the 200s China deploys are relatively wide range of advanced Russian and indigenous systems, backed up by large quantities of legacy HQ-2 systems.
The quantity of Copepoda occupied a considerable proportion in each month.
Owing to the difficulty level of the map, the number of fails in the run is quite large.
As important remains of the local culture of Chongqing in ancient times, such stories come in pretty large numbers.
As important remains of the local culture of Chongqing in ancient times, such stories come in pretty large numbers.