Note that the execution plan indicates that the left leg of each hash join will return about 800,000 rows, a significant number.
If you don't have a nutrition plan for your fitness routine, you're doing yourself a pretty big disservice when it comes to getting the results that you desire.
There is considerable mobility among jobs within a company, often as part of a formal development or training program.
A finished budget, usually requiring considerable effort, is a way for the short-term future, typically one year (see budget year).
Galey says the program is already having an impact, noting that participating institutions have considerable flexibility in the way they introduce medicine into graduate education.
The Department of education maintains overall control although local education authorities and head teachers have considerable powers in planning and administration.
All right. Let's be straight. I expect your company to drop the price considerably, considering the quantity we are planning to order.
All right. Let's be straight. I expect your company to drop the price considerably, considering the quantity we are planning to order.