Like union and structure types, records have structural equality semantics.
Testing equality of two Regression functions has long been an interesting issue in statistical inference.
Compares the specified Object with this Map for equality, as per the definition in the Map interface.
The Datatype class must provide some object representation of the type that the validator can use for equality comparison and hash code calculation.
In application code, sorting operations tend to be used less frequently than equality comparisons and therefore are less likely to create problems.
In this particular index, the user looks up specific invoices only by their invoice_number-in other words, only equality predicates are applied to the INVOICE_NUMBER column.
有两种方法来定义对象的相等性和散列值:基于标识,它是 Object提供的缺省方法;基于状态,它要求Overrideequals() 和hashCode() 。
There are two approaches to defining equality and hash value: identity-based, which is the default provided by Object, and state-based, which requires overriding both equals() and hashCode().
Here, it allows you to define more expressive notions than strict equality (testing the presence of an element in a set, for instance).
The impact of application software quality has often been equated with availability and its dreaded converse, downtime.
In other words, when we view anything that is physical, we see the Energy of it, and we note that the Energy of what you call male and female is equal in all things.
They compared the alertness of people who slept eight hours a night to that of people who slept less but took a nap during the day. Both groups were equivalent.
All four branches have equal importance and failure to achieve credibility in any branch undermines the whole. Credibility does not mean perfection but confidence that.
Of these three possibilities, you pick one that gives you the maximum score (picking an arbitrary high-scoring cell, if there is a tie).
The prior information of active contour with global translation preference can be interpreted as the velocity field along the evolving contour with equivalency preference.
It'd be more accurate to call this a binary quake: an aftershock that struck 16 hours after the initial temblor measured an identical 7.8 on the Richter scale and was equally destructive.
That roughly matches the cumulative amount of water that has changed hands permanently within the same state.
The solar equation table of the Dayan Calendar is a mathematical table of equally quartic difference, and it reflects Yi Xing's profound understanding about the solar motion.
Faithfulness is the first criterion: the target language equivalents must be faithful to the source language words in lexical, syntactic and pragmatic meaning.
Use plants that are evergreen and semi-evergreen in equally spaced Settings for added winter color and unity.
The tool and humanity of Chinese all determine Chinese and life coexist, the epitaxy of Chinese study and epitaxy of social life are equal.
In order to make a comparison of test results, equal distance between capacitance detector and open side of test bag must be assured in each test.
Reservoir is affected by lithology, lithofacies and faultages, the heterogeneous is serious.
Reservoir is affected by lithology, lithofacies and faultages, the heterogeneous is serious.