• 谬论看起来论点的论点,可能误解好论点,不是好论点。

    A fallacy is an argument that looks like a good argument, can easily be mistaken for a good argument, but isn't a good argument.


  • 从睡梦中醒过来的时候,开始以为疯子盗贼窗户进来,但看起来可能袋鼠。比特。伊特林当地媒体叙述。

    "My initial thought, when I was half awake, was it's a lunatic ninja coming through the window," Beat Ettlin told local media. "it seems about as likely as a kangaroo breaking in."


  • 如果不能定位命令哪儿出现了问题,并且看起来应该正常工作那么可能make前面创建某个文件没有被正确创建。

    If you are unable to figure out what's wrong with a command, and it looks like it should work, it's quite possible that one of the files already created by make was created incorrectly.


  • 有了这些鼓舞人心展示看起来无线电力很可能某一大规模进入我们生活

    With such promising demonstrations, it seems likely that wireless power will one day enter our homes in a big way.


  • 许多看起来很苗条也许自认为健康因此很可能怎么会定期进行检测胆固醇血糖水平血液化验

    Many people who look lean may assume they are healthy and may not be as likely to get regular blood tests to check their cholesterol and blood glucose levels.


  • 大部分尔顿时期读者来说押韵诗歌组成部分,弥尔顿这不押韵的诗句可能看起来根本不是令人震惊

    For most readers in Milton's time, rhyme was actually constitutive of poetry, and Milton's lines of unrhymed verse here may well have not seemed poetry at all. It was shocking.


  • 评判以公允价值计量资产比例是否下降看起来可能会是这样。

    It is hard to judge whether the overall proportion of assets held at fair value will fall, but it seems highly likely.


  • 市场调整期间,购买股票看起来像是糟糕事情时,事实上很可能这样做最好的选择。

    During "market adjustments," when it seems like buying stocks is the worst thing to do, chances are it's the best thing to do.


  • 但是如果没有一些这样好的机会看起来很可能美国潜在增长率正在进入减缓的状态,至少这种状态会在接下来年内持续。

    But without some such happy chance, it looks as though America's potential growth rate is heading for a slowdown, at least for the next few years.


  • 尽管失败案例看起来更多,(由于新创建公司也更多),创业早期的失败率可能仍然大致相同。

    Although the aggregate number of failures may seem higher (due to the increased number of companies being launched) the ratio of early stage failures to successes is probably still the same.


  • 当然不是总是应该选择那些看起来怎么样女孩不是那些看起来很棒的。 以上这些只是告诉你,那些看起来不怎么样的女孩,很可能也有她们自己优点。

    That's not to say you should always choose a so-so girl over a seemingly better one, just that the so-so girl probably has things going for her as well.


  • 有些看起来可怕信号其实也许无关大碍的粪便鲜红色很可能是因为甜菜,而不是什么肠道出血

    Some signs that seem alarming may actually be harmless: Bright-red stools are more likely to come from eating beets than from intestinal bleeding.


  • 铁路行业看起来对此项议案通过胸有成竹,不能就此高枕无忧:因为反对安装PTC可能增加铁路监管找到恢复监管的理由。

    The industry seems confident it will not get through, but risks will remain: opposing PTC could play into the hands of those who wish to increase oversight.


  • 几年以后,“调查过了,看起来不错很可能。”

    "And a couple of years later, he said," I've checked it out and it looks pretty good, it looks like it could be true.


  • 如果看到人行道10美元的钞票可能只是一张纸屑看起来10美元钞票而已。

    If you see a $10 bill on the pavement, it is probably a piece of litter that looks like a $10 bill.


  • 可能5年内,为两人分手后悔是尼科尔因为此刻汤姆·克鲁斯的演艺事业看起来飞黄腾达

    While at the moment Tom may seem to be moving on at a rate of knots, chances are that in five years time it is Nicole who will be having the fewer regrets about their parting.


  • 如果Cornwall公爵夫人狗仔队登出的照片中看起来焕然一新,结果可能最终得到了她所一直期盼的改头换面式的美容。

    If the Duchess of Cornwall is looking especially fresh-faced in upcoming paparazzi snaps, it could be she's finally gotten that makeover she's been craving.


  • 几年以后,“调查过了,看起来不错很可能的。”

    And a couple of years later, he said, "I've checked it out and it looks pretty good, it looks like it could be true."


  • 这些问题看起来很可能成为未来领导第二季度提供一些新的负面因素

    These problems look likely to head into the future too, with some new factors providing negatives for the second quarter.


  • 但是还是警告可能明年将会出现一次经济衰退观察家们担忧尽管现在情况看起来相对比较乐观但仍可能出现坏的情况。

    However, she warns that a recession is possible next year. Observers fear that while things look relatively rosy now, the worst may be yet to come.


  • 互联网下载有趣的屏保或者游戏看起来好像没有危险,不过它们可能是危险病毒的藏身之所。

    Funny screensavers and games downloaded from the Internet can seem harmless enough but they could easily be harboring a dangerous virus.


  • 威胁公司如果加薪或者升职就辞职看起来好的协商筹码此举很可能适得其反

    Threatening to leave if you don't get that raise or promotion may seem like a great bargaining chip, but this move is more likely to backfire than not.


  • 周围世界改变时看起来最不可能实现的事情很可能最后表现的最好

    With the world around you in transition, what seems least likely could ultimately turn out best.


  • 看起来很可能柏拉图亚特兰蒂斯重新讲述(重新命名)了埃及弗悌乌。

    It seems likely that Plato's Atlantis was a retelling (and renaming) of Egypt's Keftiu.


  • 有些比如太快,开始可能看起来没有关系,但是可能造成体形臃肿瘫软轮廓不分明的一个重要原因

    Some, like eating too fast, could seem rather benign at first, but in fact can be a big reason your physique is more doughy than chiseled.


  • 由于我们可能希望邻接的图块看起来不一样,因此我们只能把相邻的两个三角形作为一组。

    Since we will probably want adjacent tiles to look different, I've just grouped two triangles together.


  • 由于我们可能希望邻接的图块看起来不一样,因此我们只能把相邻的两个三角形作为一组。

    Since we will probably want adjacent tiles to look different, I've just grouped two triangles together.


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