• 使训练真实模拟实时运行的。

    To make the training realistic the simulation operates in real time.


  • 有些可能给出真实答案

    Some people may be tempted to give untruthful answers.


  • 愿意承认自己真实感情

    I allowed myself to acknowledge my true feelings.


  • 讲话只是偶尔流露出真实自我

    When he talks, he only gives glimpses of his real self.


  • 裁定是一个真实虚假胜利

    She called the verdict a victory of truth over falsehood.


  • 这个谣传毫无真实可言。

    There's not a vestige of truth in the rumour.


  • 代表真实情感

    Dreams can help indicate your true feelings.


  • 据说这部小说是以一个真实故事为依据的。

    The novel is supposedly based on a true story.


  • 全是障眼法,借以转移真实目的注意

    It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims.


  • 的话出了处他认为真实的地方。

    He picked on two of her statements which he said were untrue.


  • 真实姓名没有附加手稿后面,让人松口气。

    It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.


  • 人生观这种转变是否反映了日常生活中的真实经历

    Does such an attitudinal change reflect real experiences in daily life?


  • 两个年轻人冷漠残忍这个真实故事生动地表现了出来。

    The cold, hard cruelty of two young men is vividly brought to life in this true story.


  • 白日梦可能看上去像是真实生活境遇预演我们知道它们不是

    Daydreams may seem to be rehearsals for real-life situations, but we know they are not.


  • 我们指责夸大其词遗憾我们所有报告证明真实的。

    We have been accused of exaggerating before, but unfortunately all our reports proved to be true.


  • 结尾孩子真实身份揭开了那些坏人受到应有惩罚。

    At the end of the book the child's true identity is discovered, and the bad guys get their just deserts.


  • 惊讶的是,没有感觉太虚弱,虽然头晕并有些不真实走路

    To his surprise he didn't feel too weak. Light-headed certainly, and with a sense of unreality, but able to walk.


  • 科学领域协作趋势真实存在的。

    The collaborative trend is true across scientific disciplines.


  • 因为那些真实。”相当气恼地回答

    "Because of the dreams that are so real," he answered rather fretfully.


  • 学生期待能够机会探索社会体验真实生活

    The students are looking forward to having an opportunity to explore society for real-life experience.


  • 我们隐藏自己情绪真实感受时,我们人际关系中就变得不再真诚自然真实

    When we hide our emotions and our true feelings, we stop being genuine, spontaneous and authentic in our relationships.


  • 这部电影并未标榜重现了真实生活

    The movie makes no pretension to reproduce life.


  • 他们质疑所述事情真实

    They questioned the veracity of her story.


  • 这部杰出的惊悚节奏真实可信

    This excellent thriller is fast paced and believable.


  • 他们真实生活中的情侣。

    They were off-screen lovers.


  • 告诉了聚会其他来宾真实情况。

    Jane gave me the low-down on the other guests at the party.


  • 最近惊险小说中,真实虚构交织一起

    Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller.


  • 这些片段当地演员真实当事人拍摄的。

    The segments are filmed using either local actors or the actual people involved.


  • 我们管理者整洁高效真实可信的杰出典范。

    Our administrator is a paragon of neatness, efficiency, and reliability.


  • 种需求是真实的。

    The need is real.


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