Does accounting profit reflect a loss of a listed company's true value?
They argued that Facebook misled them over the true value of the stock.
The study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag.
But, its real value declines by 50%. The creditor loses 75 in real terms in the inflation scenario.
The true value of any sales program can only be measured through the customer's eyes.
1-30, discovers that the true market value of the loans granted by Banks during the boom is only a fraction of what was originally thought.
The discrepancy reflects the fact the real value of his property and other assets have not been made public.
The true power of a software delivery automation solution is agile governance and oversight of your software delivery initiatives.
The brand asset value of China sporting goods can reflect real value through derived evaluation method.
Most of the offers are likely to cluster around the true value of the resource, so the highest bidder probably paid too much.
The price of a stock will eventually reflect its true value, which is hopefully higher than what you paid to buy the shares.
So, did the intrepid trio really discover that the true value of Linux code is USD $10 billion?
They have been the quiet force of progress throughout our history. What is demanded then is a return to these truths.
Fixed new sponsorship news item in some cases showing? Instead of the real value.
Inflation reduces the real value of money, so people have an incentive to minimize their cash holdings.
The three banks are understood to feel that the market has known about the arrangement long enough for the current price to reflect fair value.
Even domestic investors might reflect on the potential for inflation to erode the real value of their holdings.
The claim was made by Muddy Waters Research, a firm that “sees through appearances to a Chinese company’s true worth”, and which shorted Sino-Forest’s stock.
Interest volatility has great influence in both assets and liabilities of life insurance companies, as well as solvency.
The researchers surmised that they were working off the shape and color of the currency, however, rather than its actual value.
But if you understand where the true value of automation lies - it can also mean harmless adjustments or even improvements.
Soley believes that the hype around cloud computing is obscuring its true value just like the roller coaster ride SOA experienced in the last decade.
Nowhere on your bank or brokerage statement, however, are you likely to get a report on what inflation is doing to the real value of your holdings.
When demand is much greater than the supply, stock prices are soaring, stock prices have been unable to reflect their true value.
The accountant computation has been an argument in the accountant area for a long time, whose point is how to reflect the real value of accountant main part.
This option to use inflation to reduce the real value of its debt is not available to states like California because the Fed will not purchase their debt.
This option to use inflation to reduce the real value of its debt is not available to states like California because the Fed will not purchase their debt.