• 真实姓名没有附加手稿后面,让人松口气。

    It was a relief that his real name hadn't been appended to the manuscript.


  • 知道自已同事真实姓名

    She doesn't know the real names of her colleagues.


  • 别的网站要求用户提供真实姓名才能评论

    Other sites ask that users provide their real names in order to be able to leave comments.


  • 高笛瓦勒中隐去了所有人物真实姓名

    Godiwalla graciously changed all of the names of the characters in her book.


  • 如若有意评论新闻(包括纸质在线),请注明城市和真实姓名

    If you want to comment in The news-both in print and online-you'll have to give us your real name and hometown.


  • Mixi大多数知道真实姓名,更没样子

    But most people on Mixi do not know her real name, nor have they seen what she looks like.


  • 如何防止在《魔兽世界》中本人知情的情况下被添加了真实姓名

    Q: How can I prevent World of Warcraft add-ons from accessing Real ID first and last names without my knowledge?


  • 声誉良好网站应该开始坚决要求人们使用自己的真实姓名

    But reputable websites should start insisting people use their names.


  • 为了回应批评人士动视暴雪的经理论坛上公开了真实姓名

    In response to the critics, an Activision Blizzard manager revealed his real name on a forum.


  • Ueda小姐:“不想公开真实姓名要是陌生人知道了怎么办?”

    "I don't want to give it my real name," Ms. Ueda said. "What if strangers find out who you are?"


  • 通过追踪用户资料提供彼得掌握客户很多信息虽然并不知道真实姓名

    By tracking information provided on user profiles, Biderman has been able to learn quite a bit about his clients, even if he doesn't know their real names.


  • 在网上分享东西冠以个人真实姓名的,可那既非私人领域,公共领 域。

    The content I share online using my real identity is actually neither private stuff nor public.


  • 一些案件中为了提高可信度,诈骗者使用签发函件世行工作人员真实姓名

    In some cases, those seeking the funds used the names of actual Bank staff members to sign the letters in order to bolster their credibility.


  • 直到二十世纪年轻人真实姓名相对匿名情况下陌生人约会变得普通

    It wasn't until the twentieth century that it became normal for young people to pair up with strangers, in real or relative anonymity.


  • xml一个Users节点给出了每个用户的用户真实姓名电子邮件

    The user name, real name, and E-mail address of each of these users is given under a users node within the XML.


  • 最好是签署真实姓名(全名),而不是一些古怪昵称Ry - RyBiff

    And always sign with your (entire) real name, not some wacky nickname like Ry-Ry or Biff.


  • 真实姓名可见的,登录账号后的真实姓名角色是在魔兽世界星际争霸2显示的。

    Real name is visible, shows real name and character account you are logged in on World of Warcraft and StarCraft ii.


  • 每个人都有权自己生活保护自己的隐私所以自传了部分人物真实姓名

    Everyone has a right to their privacy and discretion, which is why I have decided to protect the real names and characteristics of certain people.


  • 实名ID更高一级身份显示真实姓名只能通过电子邮箱的好友可见。

    Real ID is an optional, richer level of identity, as it displays your real name, and can ONLY be shared by adding a friend through an email address.


  • 我们非常注重孩子网络隐私保障,所以不用使用孩子真实姓名,只需要输入孩子的昵称即可。

    We're super conscious of the privacy issues regarding children on the Web, so you may enter a nickname into the survey instead of your child's real name.


  • 是否有计划改变游戏中的实名制系统,比如玩家能够选择由系统分配用户代替自己真实姓名

    Q: Are there any plans to change the in-game real ID system so that players will have the option to display an assigned user name instead of their real names?


  • 为了了解哪个雇员执行了哪个任务以及在何时执行,DB2允许服务器插件返回真实姓名,以便进行审计

    To find out which employee performed which task and when, DB2 allows the server-side plug-in to return the real name, which is then audited.


  • 一边笑着,一边命令式的,专业语气说道:“我的真实姓名杰德一名月亮女巫,是一家叫做O。”

    My smile deepens as I say in my authoritative, professional voice, "my real name is Jade." I am a witch of the moon and a tracker for the organization known as o.


  • 宁愿不要透露自己真实姓名因为坚持认为妻子女儿完全知道过去14年中他参演了将近350部片子

    He prefers not to disclose his real name because, he insists, his wife and daughter have no idea that he has appeared in about 350 films over the past 14 years.


  • 这家日本集团把这起周前发生的事件描述侵入”,失窃的信息包括真实姓名生日电子邮件地址索尼密码

    The Japanese group said it had lost real names, birth dates, E-mail addresses and Sony passwords in what it described as an "intrusion" nearly a week earlier.


  • 华盛顿)——有人在白宫网站发贴,声称干掉巴马,帖子称“哥不是玩儿的”,还附上他的真实姓名

    WASHINGTON - One man posted a message to the White House Web site threatening to kill the president. "This is not a joke, " he warned, and typed in his name.


  • 实现目标简单方法彻底检查用户真实姓名用来匹配那些名字后跟空格再跟另一个名字组成的姓名

    A simple way to do this is to look through the real names of the users and match those names which consist of one name followed by a space followed by another name.


  • 实现目标简单方法彻底检查用户真实姓名用来匹配那些名字后跟空格再跟另一个名字组成的姓名

    A simple way to do this is to look through the real names of the users and match those names which consist of one name followed by a space followed by another name.


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