• 如果真正便宜二手书,买家需要离开繁忙拥挤的街道,伦敦东区Farringdon Road的探险。

    For the really cheap second-hand volumes, the collector must venture off the busy and crowded roads, to Farringdon road in the East Central district of London.


  • 不常乘坐联盟航班的人联盟那里得到的唯一真正好处就是便宜环球机票

    The only real benefit infrequent flyers can draw from an alliance is an inexpensive round-the-world fare.


  • 我们来说一个解决方案——鸟类这项工作便宜有效——可以脆弱橡树松树有机会真正一样生长,然后”。

    It's a solution for usgetting birds to do the work is cheap and effective—and it could give vulnerable oaks and pines the option to truly "make like a tree and leave."


  • 澳大利亚购买速溶咖啡越来越少因为他们可以便宜咖啡渗滤家里制作真正咖啡。

    In Australia fewer people are buying instant coffee because of cheap coffee percolators that they can use to make real coffee at home.


  • 艾瑞里做一个实验发现仅有两种真正"选择时,更多选择便宜数字订阅方式

    Ariely ran an experiment and found that when only the two "real" choices were offered, more people chose the less expensive digital subscription.


  • 便宜真正食物提供别的益处如维生素矿物质等

    Cheaper and real food may provide other benefits, vitamins and minerals.


  • 我觉得这种改变真正动力是一整发明家们,他们知道网络那些快速便宜“原料”能力并且实际生活运用一下。

    It's driven by a generation of inventors who've learned the power of fast, cheap 'making' on the web and want to try it in the world.


  • 真正熊市中的价格大大低于普通情况下的“便宜”。

    The really big bear markets seem to take prices well below levels that investors would consider “cheap” in normal circumstances.


  • 但是作为主义者,看到真正价值自身的目的时,会觉得价格值,因为极简主义者不是挑最便宜的。

    But if we see a true value and purpose to it, as a minimalist, the price is worth it, because being a minimalist is not always going for the cheapest option.


  • 我们文化,把挂在嘴边并不是什么好事。我们很少谈及怎样朋友邻居甚至陌生人真正敞开怀抱,我们谈论最多的无非东西便宜的秘诀。

    There's a stigma in our culture about discussing money, but the mere mention of our project prompted friends, neighbors, and even strangers to really open up, mostly about how cheap they secretly are.


  • 但是现实数据服务市场占有率不及他们想象3G真正价值简直没有存在的必要:因为它不能减少公司运营成本,也没有提供便宜语音服务的运载能力

    But take-up of data services fell far short of expectations, and 3g's real value proved to be much less exciting: an ability to cut operating costs and provide lots of cheap voice capacity.


  • 几乎没有真正烹饪——因为超级市场即时厨房快餐店吃饭便宜——那些勇敢的烹饪有些疯狂科学家

    As fewer people actually do any cookingbecause prepared dishes at supermarkets, meal-prep kitchens and restaurants will get even cheaperthe remaining brave cooks are going a little mad scientist.


  • 起来一个推销员的确有一些真正便宜那里”,凯文·伯曼,在佛罗里达州银行房地产FortLauderdale地区经纪人,如是说。

    "Not to sound like a salesman, but there are some real bargains out there," said Kevin Berman, a broker with Bankers Realty Services in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.


  • 真正原因或许简单美国人在家吃饭正在变的越来越便宜

    The real reason may be a bit simpler: it's getting cheaper for Americans to eat at home.


  • 真正大熊市里,股票价格的比正常情况下投资者认为便宜”的水平低。

    The really big bear markets seem to take prices well below levels that investors would consider "cheap" in normal circumstances.


  • 可能显示选择费用董事会如此便宜需要昂贵的显示没有真正帮助如果成本一个问题

    It could be that the display you pick costs more than the board so a cheap board that requires an expensive display doesn't really help you if overall cost is an issue.


  • 可以街上买到非常便宜诺基亚N95不是真正行货,是。

    You can buy a very cheap Nokia N95 Mobile Phone in the street but isn't real It's counterfeit.


  • 建立确保喜欢真正舞会同意别致触摸整个搜索便宜衣服,有必要运用一些哥们重视

    To create sure namely which you prefer out is actually agreeable chic touch for your entire search, cheap dresses for PROM, it 's necessary to apply some buddies to attach with you.


  • 一旦开始总部位于西雅图道具设计师伊万·欧文合作创建一个设计便宜假肢可以作为有效工作真正手指

    Van as soon began collaborating with Seattle-based prop designer Ivan Owen to create a design for inexpensive prosthetics that could work as effectively as real hands and fingers.


  • 儿童玩具七巧板价格便宜经久耐玩,开发儿童智力,有真正奇效

    Children's tangram is low - priced and duraBle, and can develop children's intelligence very effectively.


  • 时候股票会很不受人喜欢,成为真正便宜

    By that time, stocks are deeply unloved, making them real bargains.


  • 其中明显的一点租碟坐在家里观看的几个真正关心颠覆技术创新者两难境地。 他们只想看看电影,越便宜、越方便越好。

    The most immediate one being that people sitting at home trying to rent and watch videos probably aren't thinking much about disruptive technologies and innovators' dilemmas.


  • 其中明显的一点租碟坐在家里观看的几个真正关心颠覆技术创新者两难境地。 他们只想看看电影,越便宜、越方便越好。

    The most immediate one being that people sitting at home trying to rent and watch videos probably aren't thinking much about disruptive technologies and innovators' dilemmas.


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