True courage is like a kite; a contrary wind raises it higher.
真正的勇气就像风筝一样,逆风种高飞行。 %。
True courage is like a kite; a contrary wind raises it higher.
True grit is making a decision and standing by it, doing what must be done.
Give me the fruit of temperance, so that I may understand true courage and compassion that stem from discipline and self-respect.
If each time you are knocked down you have the courage to stand up again, that is the real courage.
Plenty of people are on the emptiness, but it takes real guts to see the hopelessness.
Real courage is rather than facing the failure of challenge but to stand up after falling.
Mars is called "the action planet, " representing the warrior, so you both have substantial courage.
Plenty of people are on to the emptiness, but it take real guts to see the hopelessness.
I want them to know that courage is the strength to act wisely when most we are afraid.
I do not want them to think, as I once did, that courage is the absence of fear.
With tears in my eyes I gave her a hug and told her, "You have shown me the true meaning of courage and a mother's love. I will never forget you."
Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.
It takes real guts, determination and confidence to live a full and rich life, but it becomes a whole lot easier if you jump into your life in the right ways.
I I began searching the crowd for one person who felt peace and calm that true courage or great faith gives people in these events. I saw no one.
And, most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.
Men, for their part, need to develop the courage to drop the defense mechanisms that bolster their egos and pride, and search for true intimacy with their mates.
The answer then isn't looking for yourself, but having the courage to live unabashedly, to do what truly brings you bliss.
It involves waking up and having a the courage to look at the real reason you might be feeling down.
Tell me if I'm wrong, but courage is when a man in a difficult situation acts as if he truly believes he's right.
Family life is a set of givens, someone once told me, and it takes courage to see certain givens as blessings rather than as curses.
In fact, Tillich believed that the courage we really need is the courage to persist and continue in the face of feelings of guilt of meaninglessness.
If we have the courage to ask others questions and be open with our feelings, we can save a lot ourselves a lot of pain and suffering.
If we have the courage and fortitude to cause that change, perhaps Barack and Michelle will finally be able to join the majority of Americans and truly be proud to be an American.
If we have the courage and fortitude to cause that change, perhaps Barack and Michelle will finally be able to join the majority of Americans and truly be proud to be an American.