• 一场真正的美元灾难迫使美联储提高利率使美国困境越来越糟糕,甚至使得全球经济陷入衰退。

    A real dollar crash would force the Fed to raise rates, making America's predicament much worse and even sending the global economy into recession.


  • 那些并不真正想要或者不再东西上千美元

    You have thousands of dollars hidden in things you don’t really want oruse anymore.


  • 中国只有市场汇率兑换美元来计算,其GDP超过美国,美国真正黯然失色

    And America will only really be eclipsed when China's GDP outstrips it in plain dollar terms, converted at market exchange rates.


  • 确实很喜欢从事工程,从中能获得真正进步——例如,在?JIT工程我们物资耗费每月节省1万美元

    A: I really enjoy working on any re? Engineering project where a true improvement results, for example, the JIT project in hich we saved more than ten thousand dollars per month in inventory costs.


  • 如果分析正确,那么真正黄金市场产生影响的就是美元长期走势,而非通货膨胀通胀紧缩

    If he is correct, it is the potential longer-term weakening of the dollar that is the real issue for the gold market, not inflation or deflation.


  • 美元衡量他们GDP总量,则其GDP预期增长三分之一来自于实际货币升值真正经济增长

    About one-third of the projected increase in the dollar value of the BRICs' GDPs comes from real currency appreciation rather than real growth.


  • 由于空客成本花费为欧元销售所得为美元真正问题在于如何应付近年美元相对欧元所产生的近30%的贬值。

    Its real headache, given that most of its costs are in euros and its sales in dollars, is coping with a 30% drop of the dollar against the euro in recent years.


  • 他们100美元/盎司的价位附近放弃黄金,然而此后黄金才开始真正大规模上涨攻势最终金价上涨至800多美元/盎司。

    They gave up on gold at $100 an ounce, before it began its real push to the top, which eventually put the price over $800.


  • 美国消费开支大概中国印度总和真正有助全球经济增长却是每年的超额美元开支。

    American consumer spending is roughly four times the size of China's and India's combined, but what matters for global growth is the extra dollars of spending generated each year.


  • 美元走弱造成能源成本传递性效用进口价格上涨。 但两者也许并没有真正开始作用所以未来的几个月中核心通货膨胀率也许会略有上涨

    The effects of passed-on energy costs, as well as higher import prices stemming from a weaker dollar, have probably not run their course, so core inflation may edge higher in the months to come.


  • 国会批准追加数十亿美元刺激资金,但不会冠以“刺激”之名,也不会真正创造什么就业机会

    Congress will authorize billions more in stimulus that won't be called 'stimulus' and won't actually create jobs.


  • 一些欧洲人则借美元机会美国狂购,那里,减价真正成了一种生活方式

    Some Europeans are using the weakness of the dollar to take advantage of sales in the place where they are truly a way of life: the U.S..


  • 观察家反复指出最近几个月人民币升值主要美元持续疲软引起,要使人民币真正升值还有长的

    Observers frequently point out that many of the yuan’s gains in recent months have been on the back of a weakening U.S. dollar, leaving it still a long way to go in terms of real appreciation.


  • 这项筹款活动每年带来大约七亿美元收入使女孩子们募捐过程中学到真正商业技巧

    The fundraising effort results in revenues of about $700 million each year, and the process of raising that much money teaches girls real business skills.


  • 这里真正问题分享24首歌曲是否真的就像唱片行业所宣称的那样造成了20万美元损失

    The real question here is if she really inflicted over $200,000 in damages by sharing 24 songs, as the music industry claims (or any damage at all).


  • 真正推销思维方式,帮助人们跟踪日常生活无尽琐事的一种方法——无论是鸟食或者敲定10亿美元收购计划

    What he is really selling is a thought process designed to help people keep track of the endless tasks of modern life -- whether buying birdseed or closing a billion-dollar merger.


  • 真正认识那时55亿美元年度到底有多得卡一下数据。

    You have to do a bit of number crunching to realize exactly how high a $5.5 billion annual deficit seemed then.


  • 10亿美元身价一个很难捉摸概念因为我们当中99.999%的人从来没有真正体会

    The concept of a billion dollars is pretty hard to fathom, which is okay because about 99.999% of us will never really have to deal with it.


  • 复兴划拨80亿美元专项资金投入建设,虽然数额巨大,还不足以开发出真正意义上的高铁。

    The Recovery Act dedicated $8 billion for high-speed trains, a sizeable sum but not enough for any train that is actually high-speed.


  • 真正地付诸实施,卡索还成功说服北达科他州,他们不想眼看着萨卡加维亚——自己土地上著名公民之一——就这样1美元硬币上消失

    But to get to the floor, Castle had to persuade North Dakota, which did not want to have one of its most famous residents, Sacagawea, booted off the dollar coin.


  • 毕竟成千上万失去工作你们完成我们交代的所有家务活就能挣到一美元如果这样的话,你们真正应该感到高兴。

    After all, thousands of people have lost their jobs, so really you ought to be grateful for all the chores we make you do to earn the $1, if you think about it!


  • 当金价徘徊在1200美元左右的高位居高不下时,真正的问题在于很多拷问的“黄金泡沫吗?”

    The question, with gold hanging around the $1,200 level, isn't 'Is gold in a bubble?' as so many are asking.


  • 目前承诺的金额(累计数目而不是的数目)3000万美元其中只有10%真正得到利用

    The total pledged to date (cumulatively, not per year) is $300m, of which just 10% has actually been spent.


  • 小麦价格飙升9月份交割小麦期货周三触及每蒲式耳7.11美元,较6月低点大涨58%,这令人不禁担心2008年那种因食物短缺而引发骚乱有可能重演,但真正的问题可能是价格波动风险和通胀。

    Soaring wheat prices -- September futures hit $7.11 a bushel Wednesday, up 58% from June lows -- are triggering fears of a repeat of 2008's food riots.


  • 小麦价格飙升9月份交割小麦期货周三触及每蒲式耳7.11美元,较6月低点大涨58%,这令人不禁担心2008年那种因食物短缺而引发骚乱有可能重演,但真正的问题可能是价格波动风险和通胀。

    Soaring wheat prices -- September futures hit $7.11 a bushel Wednesday, up 58% from June lows -- are triggering fears of a repeat of 2008's food riots.


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