For once the pundits sang the same song as "real Americans" -as one of Ms Winfrey's recent guests, Sarah Palin, likes to call them.
Since her move state side earlier this year, Luo adjusted her criteria accordingly: now she hopes to find a 'real American' with an Ivy League degree.
But if Americans want to be truly exceptional, they might start by viewing the whole idea of "American exceptionalism" with a much more skeptical eye.
If we have the courage and fortitude to cause that change, perhaps Barack and Michelle will finally be able to join the majority of Americans and truly be proud to be an American.
Now Americans don't really think marriage is a business deal. But marriage is serious business.
What really irks Americans who criticize Europe's alleged pacifism has been opposition to the Iraq war or refusal to make greater commitments for the war in Afghanistan.
Now Americans don't really think marriage is a business deal. But marriage is serious business.
The real cause of the deficit is that Americans spend too much and save too little.
But do Americans living in Paris thereby become real Parisiens?
With nearly 15m Americans still out of work, a real turnaround could be a long time coming.
But even if we focus on the bottom 10 percent or 20 percent of Americans, it would still be difficult to identify who the poor are, because the composition of this group changes constantly.
True "socialized medicine" would undoubtedly cost less, and a straightforward extension of Medicare-type coverage to all Americans would probably be cheaper than a Swiss-style system.
The real question going forward is whether Americans can be realistic about the energy and environmental challenges facing them.
Maybe, as so many Americans seem to believe today, we can't afford the kinds of public programs that would genuinely alleviate poverty — though I would argue otherwise.
Of those who said they've had a bad staycation, the main reason cited was "it didn't feel like a real vacation (76%)," followed by "it was boring" (56%) and "Too much contact with work" (20%).
The true worth of a film is no longer decided by the crowd that assembles in the Kodak theatre-or, indeed, by any American.
But what I have seen is that the American people are looking for somebody who is really going to fight for them, who can make sure they can live out their hopes and their dreams.
But I knew that federal money and laws could only give Americans the tools to make their lives better; the real changes still had to be effected by citizens at the grassroots level.
That was caused by Banks lending money to millions of Americans to buy houses they couldn't afford.
Many Americans, lacking true upward mobility, bought its trappings, such as a bigger house or better car.
Americans need far more than change we can believe in. We need change we can count on.
Americans need far more than change we can believe in. We need change we can count on.