• 当然也有例外,有时得不省人事,突然发现自己同一个甚至记不得曾哪儿遇到看到女郎睡在一张床上

    Except, of course, sometimes when he was very drunk and found himself in bed with a girl he didn't even remember meeting or seeing before.


  • 为了降低婴儿猝死综合症风险美国儿科学会建议母亲不要她们宝宝一张床上可以睡在同一个房间里

    Right now, to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that mothers not sleep in the same bed as their babies but sleep in the same room.


  • 婴儿同一个房间母亲无论是睡在一张还是仅仅睡在同一个房间里,婴儿其他房间里的母亲的眠质量

    Mothers who slept in the same room as their infants, whether in the same bed or just the same room, had poorer sleep than mothers whose babies slept elsewhere in the house.


  • 吐露自己的秘密之后他们第一相拥而一张床上

    They both wept and for the first time since her disclosure, they slept in the same bed.


  • 然后就是,他们(怎么可能知道呢)”加里:“我们移动居住车里,他们知道我们一张床上。”

    "Then again, how could [they not have known]," Gary says. "we were living on a motor home, and they knew we slept in the same bed."


  • 一个豪华酒店只有一张有两名士兵因此我们一张床上

    It was a deluxe hotel. It had only one bed in it but two soldiers. So we slept in the same bed.


  • 之前很焦躁不安,虽然妈妈一起一张单人床上并不舒服,但是我们一直爸爸身边让他开心。

    He had been restless and was so happy we were all staying by his side. Mummy and I both slept in the same single bed which was no mean feat.


  • 作为一个外国客人Abigail被安排卧室的一张床上,而其它老老少少的家庭成员肩并肩裹着毯子睡在地板

    As a foreign guest, I was given the one bed in the entire house to sleep in. Family members young and old slept shoulder to shoulder, huddled in blankets on the floor.


  • 因为爱情缘故两个陌生人可以突然熟络一张床上

    For the sake of love, two strangers can suddenly Shuluo to sleep in the same bed.


  • 中国人告诉熙熙攘攘人流,或者已经一张床上陌生人并不会妨碍美美地一会儿。

    The madding crowd or a stranger already slumbering in the same bed is, the Chinese will tell you, no obstacle to a good nap.


  • 一张着薄垫。头顶的金属柜子,各种体育用品堆积如山。咖啡快餐烟灰缸茶杯快堆不下了。

    He sleeps on a thin bed. Sports gear towers above him on metal cabinets. A coffee table overflows with snacks, ashtrays and teacups.


  • 杰克逊喜欢儿童簇拥经常他们一张床上,不过这样做是不带邪念的。

    Jackson surrounded himself with children, and often slept in the same bed with them - innocently, he claimed.


  • 父母亲床上儿子们就睡在地板

    The father and mother slept on a brass bed, but the boys slept on the floor.


  • 巨人的七个女儿一张她们每个一个王冠

    Now, his seven daughters slept all together in a big bed, each one with a crown on her head.


  • 靠近厨房房间里,把在一张又窄又床上

    I twisted and turned uncomfortably in my sleeping bag, which I had rolled out on a hard bunk in the room close to the kitchen.


  • 低声喊两个青春年少的儿子,他们木屋门廊一张金属

    I whisper to my adolescent sons sleeping in the old metal beds on the cabin porch.


  • 那时人们很少单独,他们住屋子里,通常几个同一间屋中,甚至是一张床上

    People then rarely slept alone: in smaller houses, several often slept in the same room, even in the same bed.


  • 正如所示,一对夫妇一张床上但是他们看起来却彼此孤立

    As is illustrated in the picture, a couple sleeps on the same bed but they seem to be rather isolated from each other.


  • 因为爱情的缘故,陌生人可以突然熟络睡在一张床上。然而,相同两个人,分手却说觉得越来越陌生。爱情将两个人由陌生变成熟悉由熟悉变成陌生。

    While breaking up, say, I think you are more and more strange to me It is love that has two strangers become acquaintances, then turning the two acquaintances into strangers again.


  • 昨天数了五千只羊所以只好另外一张

    Last night, I counted five thousand sheep in those three beds, so I had to have another bed to sleep in.


  • 昨天数了五千只羊所以只好另外一张

    Last night, I counted five thousand sheep in those three beds, so I had to have another bed to sleep in.


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