• 我们白天和他们一起给朋友短信他们一起,一醒来查看短信

    We text our friends with them during the day, sleep with them by our beds and check our messages as soon as we wake up.


  • 床上舒服暖和不想起来了。

    I was so comfortable and warm in bed that I didn't want to get up.


  • 与其,不如大峡谷巴士

    Instead of sleeping in your bed, sleep on a bus on the way to the Grand Canyon.


  • 醒来后,竟然床上被单女孩香味

    When awake, I found myself lying on a bed, the sheets on it smelling of a girl's fragrance.


  • 多么奇怪的念头!您想想看,一个孤独地床上,有…

    What an idea! Just think how many thoughts a blanket smothers while one lies alone in bed, and how many unhappy dreams it keeps warm.


  • 他们不能离开我们血液而淹没他们, ”

    They cannot leave us drowning in blood while they sleep soundly in their beds, " he said."


  • 假设夜晚他们床上听到有人日出走出了门外,那会怎样

    And what if at at night, when they are sleeping in their beds, they hear a man walking abroad long before sunrise?


  • 枕头一个床上支撑头部或者用于沙发椅子以支持身体垫子

    A pillow is a large cushion support for the head, usually used while sleeping in a bed, or for the body as used on a couch or chair.


  • 枕头一个床上支撑头部或者用于沙发椅子以支持身体垫子

    A pillow is a large cushion support for the head usually used while sleeping in a bed or for the body as used on a couch or chair.


  • 华生第三回答了:“想到宇宙如此的寒冷人们床上如此的暖和。”

    Watson tried a third time. "I think of how cold the universe is and how warm people can be in their beds."


  • 还会继续工作吗?全天候接收文件邮件床上还是会智能手机处理这些?

    Do you continue working into the evening? Receiving texts and email at all hours of the day. And even in bed with your smartphone?


  • 那里已经了一年左右了,我白天就把起来做饭的地方作业

    And I was living in there for like a year, and I would sleep on my bed, pop it up, do my schoolwork at my work space table.


  • 那天,沉醉于摘取桂冠带来荣誉激动不已床上时,我却感到内心不安。

    That night I went to bed worn out17 with the excitement and glory of it all. But as I lay there, I found myself feeling uneasy.


  • 折门打开走了立刻就神色紧张地退了回来。“啊,床上那个已经死了!”

    He opened the doors, entered a step or two, and came back almost instantly with a rigid face. 'My good God, the gentleman in bed is dead!


  • 每天我们床上我们意识进入一个不同状态然后下去的个小时里我们保持这种状态。

    Every night we lay down in our beds, our consciousness enters a different state and then we stay that way for the next 8 hours.


  • 兑恩·鲍威尔的这幅漫画中,他把拉米(拉姆斯·菲尔昵称)画成了一个圣诞前夜床上男孩

    Dwayne Powell's cartoon shows "Rummy" (Rumsfeld's nickname) as a little boy in bed on Christmas Eve.


  • 所以至少两次,或多次,东西都打包好了,放一个用了很久了杰斯伯的背包中,打开车库门,床上父母脱帽告别,然后一样高兴地冲了出去

    So at least twice - maybe more - I packed my things in an old Jansport backpack, clicked the garage open, tipped my hat to my goodly parents asleep in their bed, and struck out as happy as a hobbit.


  • 她们的树枝娃娃玩耍时候雌猩猩们它们它们放到窝中与自己一同床上休息,就女孩出于安全起见与自己玩具睡在一起一样。

    When playing with their doll-sticks, the young females would cuddle with them, put them to bed and rest with them in their nests like a little girl sleeping with her plush toy for security.


  • 尽管穿洞(如耳洞、唇环等)的张浮没有问题,但鲁基森纳斯建议他们还是避免身处在床地面磁场之中。

    Although people with piercings should have no problem sleeping on the bed, the architect advises them against entering the magnetic field between the bed and the floor.


  • 花了400刀,沙发男友在床上乱搞。操!

    I spent $400 to sleep on my ex-girlfriend's couch while she and her new boyfriend slept together.


  • 花了400刀,沙发男友在床上乱搞。操!

    I spent $400 to sleep on my ex-girlfriend's couch while she and her new boyfriend slept together.


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