Furthermore, during the battle Ah Dou slept soundly during the battle, which guy can have this hold on babies?
这只猫利用好每一寸空间努力把自己塞进纸盒子里,盒子里没有任何动弹的空间,而它依然睡得香甜。 。
This cat has managed to use up every inch of space in this box with no room to wriggle around and is still sleeping soundly.
Listening to soft music for45minutes before bedtime can slow breathing and heart rates helping you drift off faster and slumber soundly according to a case western reserve university study.
你的天使,睡得如此香甜和安稳。你似乎不记得他们曾有让生气 的时候了。这才是幸福。
YOUR ANGELS, sleeping so sweetly and soundly. You can hardly remember a time of irritation with them. That is Happiness.
It not only helped people fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly, but also led to less daytime fatigue and improved general well-being.
When I passed by the queen's living room, I saw a really beautiful lady lying inside with a lot of kids around her and they were sleeping so sweet.
These were the reasons which, added to the fatigue, caused Andrea to sleep so soundly.
Its vegetable sleeping ingredients help to soothe and relax your baby, which facilitates quicker and sweeter sleep.
"Some say making sure older people sleep less in the afternoon and get plenty of exposure to daylight can help them get a better night"s sleep. "
"Some say making sure older people sleep less in the afternoon and get plenty of exposure to daylight can help them get a better night"s sleep. "