Among the latest high-profile figures to sign the petition are.
But the problem is that some celebrity lecturers charge high fees, as much as hundreds of thousands of yuan.
Many in the WHO Secretariat were big communicable-disease characters.
Do letters of recommendation from prominent figures carry much weight if they've had minimal contact with the applicant?
The 21st Century Council is a world renowned think tank whose members are of international prominence.
The sales person said that very famous people shop there so she couldn't tell us about them.
But the tune carries further when a Chinese real-estate rock star is singing the blues.
I studied in English schools, furthered my education to degree level and have worked with celebrity faces.
If that's wrong, then all those worthies might as well pack up and go home.
How this or that celebrity won or lost his or her battle with it seems to fill much of the rest.
The queen, Martin, Bill Gates and several other well-to-dos preside over the glittery event.
My performance was praised by renowned figures in the world modeling industry, giving me a place on the international stage.
The great and the good will attend, though Ms Blanchett and friends may be busy elsewhere.
She has had affairs with a string of high-profile men including the English rock stars Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton.
Who came from the White House's well-known person is written like this: "When I was small, one day my mother brought a few apples, red Lvlv
As a renowned color consultant, the late Suzanne Caygill designed the homes and wardrobes of celebrities.
Each year, it takes place in a grand Capitol Hill auditorium full of members of Congress and a hundred or so Washington notables.
Just a day after Leslie returned back to Korea, many prominent figures in Korea rose up to speak up on behalf of her on the poor working conditions in the Korean entertainment industry.
We have got great stadiums, we have got huge public support and there is a huge enthusiasm for this from the clubs and authorities.
The identities of Miss Braun's clients has not been revealed but her lawyer said they include well known celebrities and public figures.
The comments from the man often mentioned as a likely future winner of the Nobel Literature Prize are in line with those made by a number of prominent voices in the arts community.
Celebrities have been garnering signatures to the campaign's online petition via interviews, web pages, social media and at concerts and other events.
One from the White House a well-known people, one from a prison inmate serving a sentence. They are talking about the same thing: a child-mothers to their Apple.
Movie stars still live there, or in neighboring Beverley Hills, and so do many of the famous and wealthy people who have made their homes in southern California.
The one dissident who could probably recast this debate is Miss Suu Kyi, the international face of principled resistance to military rule.
The Swedish owners of Latvia's main daily Diena,, sold it via an obscure chain of transactions to an unknown owner.
Well-known figures such as John Prescott are said to have been victims of the hacking without any clear evidence that their phones were, in fact, hacked.
It has proved that fashion does not have to be elitist and that big names are as capable of creating cheap chic as haute couture.
It has proved that fashion does not have to be elitist and that big names are as capable of creating cheap chic as haute couture.