• 就是说他们基于每个知识工作者类型兴趣技能领域的。

    That is, they are based on the areas of interest and accomplishment for each type of knowledge worker.


  • 人之常情特别是对于今天繁忙经常劳累知识工作者来说。

    This is just the humancondition, especially so for the busy (often tired) knowledge worker of today.


  • 作为知识工作者咨询师权利提出要求,正像客户权利一样。

    The knowledge-worker consultant has a right to have wants and to make requests, just as the client does.


  • 生物经济时代下人力资源管理本质知识工作者管理。

    The author argues that the essence of human resource management in the bio-economy is the management of knowledge workers.


  • 通过医学知识工作者知识服务使医学图书馆功能得以扩大增强

    The functions of medical library will be expanded and strengthened by the knowledge services from knowledge workers.


  • 知识(知识工作者)所有,也是权力,是竞争优势决定性资源

    Knowledge is both ownership (by the knowledge worker) and power, a decisive source of competitive advantage.


  • 根据知识工作者行为倾向,对其进行有效激励改进知识工作必要保证

    To effectively inspire intellectual workers behavior is the guarantee of improving intellectual work.


  • 知识经济时代,如何使知识工作者自愿公司奉献企业经营重点

    In the time of knowledge economy, making intellectual workers be willing to devote theirselves to their firm will be one focal point of firm management.


  • 研究进行方式,知识工作者日记,让对他们每天情绪积极性打分

    The study was conducted by having knowledge workers keep a daily diary and rank their emotions and motivations on a daily basis.


  • 质量知识服务必须有效知识管理作为保障其中知识工作者活跃因素

    Knowledge service with high quality should be supported by an effective knowledge management, in which the most active factor is the knowledge service staff.


  • 去年麦肯锡的一份报告估计普通知识工作者每个工作日有28%的时间花处理电子邮件上。

    A report from McKinsey last year estimated that the average knowledge worker spent 28% of their workday on email.


  • 知识工作者看成一个系统指出知识工作者知识工作者生产率出现公司治理意义

    He sees knowledge worker as a system and shows what the emergence of the knowledge worker and of knowledge-worker productivity means for the governance of the corporation.


  • 一趋势使得知识工作者生产率问题成为21世纪管理最大挑战也是维系国家竞争力关键

    This trend has marked the knowledge worker productivity problem the biggest challenge in the 21st centurys management and also key elements to national competitive forces.


  • 有技巧地表达不同意见体现出不友好的态度,咨询师这样知识工作者来说,一种非常值得学习技能

    Skillful disagreement without being disagreeable is a skill worth learning for the knowledge worker consultant.


  • 事实上是,知识工作者都有这样一个感受:大部分东西重新起草寻找这个已存在东西还省力气。

    In fact, the knowledge workers themselves know this since most of the time, they find it simpler to re-draft than to search for a pre-existing document.


  • 如何知识工作者注意力快捷地集中到对解决当前工作有价值信息当前知识管理研究热点

    How to smartly focus the attention of knowledge workers on the information bodies' valuable of current work is the hot point of KM research.


  • 正如德鲁克所说知识工作者生产力成为对人员进行管理中心议题21世纪管理的最大挑战

    Just as Peter Drucker said, the productivity of knowledge employees will be the key issue of the human resource and the biggest challenge in the 21st century.


  • 那好我们先看看彼此熟知系统开发场景中典型IT知识工作者角色然后再观察工作开始后,都发生了哪些活动

    Well, let's unpack the role of a typical it knowledge worker within a familiar system development scenario, then follow the action as work begins.


  • 在呼唤度量行为背后,人们其实担心这样一个问题敏捷方式工作知识工作者,他们的行为种类变化多样,有可能不控制。

    Along the lines of measurement driving behavior is the issue that the behavior of knowledge workers under agile is more different in kind than in quantity.


  • 本书基于Ed Yourdon对诸如印度中国俄罗斯菲律宾国家好几万it工作运动如何影响美国知识工作者观察而编写。

    This book is based on his observations about how the movement of tens of thousands of IT jobs to countries such as India, China, Russia, and the Philippines is affecting knowledge workers in the us.


  • 文章试图用机制设计理论探讨知识工作者激励问题并提出知识工作者激励模型制定知识工作者的激励政策提供有力依据

    This paper discusses the problems of motivation, and meanwhile, offers some Suggestions of the motivating model, therefore provides the foundation for making the motivation policies.


  • 今天后工业时代,“无知识工作者典型管理者受过更好教育,拥有管理者相当智力管理者更善于非正式决定的人。

    Today, in the post-industrial age, "no-collar" knowledge workers are typically better educated, equally intelligent, and better able to make informed decisions than any manager is.


  • 本文在几种激励理论基础之上,提出高校知识工作者的激励模型对其建立了模糊综合评价模型,为制定高校知识工作者的激励政策提供有用的依据。

    In this paper, the model of the knowledge worker has been proposed based on theories of motivation., furthermore a fuzzy evaluation model of the motivation's effects has been given on it.


  • 规划初级卫生保健提供者(比如全科医生护士卫生保健工作者)传授确定并且处理类疾患知识技能

    The programme provides knowledge and skills to primary health care providers such as general doctors, nurses and health care workers to identify and manage these disorders.


  • 实现这一目标关键战略培训数以百计社区卫生工作者,让他们掌握控制结核病基本知识包括确保病人坚持治疗

    A key strategy towards that end was training hundreds of community health workers in the basics of TB control, including making sure patients adhered to their treatment.


  • 拥有优秀的、普遍性使用者经验知识将会协助使用者经验工作者了解如何修改传统设计评估方法符合敏捷式开发团队重点

    Having good, general user experience knowledge will help you understand how to change traditional design and evaluation methods to meet your Agile team's different focus.


  • 卫生工作者技能知识不足

    Inadequate skills and knowledge of health workers.


  • 接着便是图形用户界面(GUI)大多数知识工作者带来的生产力应用程序影响了数亿

    Next was the Graphical User Interface (GUI) which brought productivity applications to most knowledge workers, call it hundreds of millions of people.


  • 接着便是图形用户界面(GUI)大多数知识工作者带来的生产力应用程序影响了数亿

    Next was the Graphical User Interface (GUI) which brought productivity applications to most knowledge workers, call it hundreds of millions of people.


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