• 声称30年前有过短暂风流韵事

    She claims she had a brief fling with him 30 years ago.


  • 波多黎各经历了短暂的战斗,战后西班牙该岛割让给了美国

    Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America.


  • 肯隔着草地棵树玛丽也望着,然后短暂寂静

    Dickon looked across the grass at the tree and Mary looked and there was a brief moment of stillness.


  • 而且价格上涨短暂的:价格通常下一次收获回归正常

    And the rises were short-lived: prices typically returned to normal with the next harvest.


  • 区分礼貌习俗个人兴趣,仅仅公共汽车上一次短暂邂逅是不够的。

    It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest.


  • 相对短暂时间里人们生活条件发生之前几千更大变化

    During this relatively short period of time, greater changes in people's living conditions have occurred than in the thousands of years which preceded.


  • 关于为什么动物生命如此短暂从来没有听到过比这让人心软解释

    I'd never heard a more soft hearted explanation as to why animal lives are so short.


  • (会话)正面体验——比如短暂沉默——打断时,会发生什么事?

    What happens when the positive experience of flow is disrupted by, for instance, a brief silence?


  • 过去退休视为苦差事之后短暂回报,而现在,退休就像是抛弃了。

    Where once retirement was seen as a brief reward after a long struggle through some miserable job, it is now akin to being cast aside.


  • 拘留中心引入短暂而剧烈冲击更多年轻人尝到他们需要东西

    The introduction of short sharp shocks in detention centers will simply give more young people a taste of something else they don't need.


  • 这家电力公司的垄断地位可能短暂的,但突然之间,它要用户半天才能找到修理工

    The electric company, whose monopoly may be short lived, has suddenly mopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman.


  • 这家电力公司的垄断地位可能短暂的,但突然之间,它要用户半天才能找到修理工

    The electric company, whose monopoly may be short-lived, has suddenly mopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman.


  • 如果大一点孩子超过一个小时家庭作业鼓励他们安排短暂休息时间伸展身体

    If older children have more than an hour of homework, encourage them to schedule a short break to stretch.


  • 公开展示私人占有短暂自治奠定基础人们现在无需上层命令就可以协调往来

    Its public display and private possession laid the basis for temporal autonomy: people could now coordinate comings and goings without dictation from above.


  • "到目前为止讨论研究中,人们只是时间暴露噪音中而且研究的只是短暂影响

    The studies discussed so far exposed people to noise for only short periods and only transient effects were studied.


  • 一千余声称见到一个未经确认动物短暂地穿出尼斯光亮透明的水面然后逐渐消失

    More than a thousand people claim to have seen the bulbous back of an unidentified creature briefly break the glassy surface of Loch Ness, then disappear.


  • 情绪可以定义一种短暂温和的积极消极感觉泛化的,任何特定环境的约束。

    Mood may be defined as a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied to any particular circumstance.


  • 首先,睡眠者在半梦半醒不同调节机制之间转换进入睡眠状态,呼吸可能短暂停止减少

    First, there may be a brief cessation or reduction of breathing when falling asleep as the sleeper waxes and wanes between sleep and wakefulness and their differing control mechanisms.


  • 几年津巴布韦个乡村度过了一短暂时光段时光里我发现了舞蹈迷人之处。

    I found this aspect of dance particularly fascinating during a brief time I spent in a rural village in Zimbabwe a few years ago.


  • 我们知道沉默尴尬的,研究表明即使是谈话过程中的短暂中断导致痛苦程度急剧上升

    We all know that silences can be pretty awkward, and research shows that even short disruptions in conversational flow can lead to a sharp rise in distress levels.


  • 想是长相,他的演技,他短暂一生也许还有在电影中扮演角色类型今天依然是个传奇

    I guess his looks, his acting ability, his short life, and maybe the type of character he played in his movies made him the legend he still is today.


  • 只有全球气温变化开始海平面反应之间短暂滞后期间,适应气候变化的物种才能赤道向高纬度地区迁移

    Only during the short lag between onset of global temperature change and sea level response can warm-adapted species migrate from the equator toward higher latitudes.


  • 此外新的数字技术使得股票交易迅速信息使用更快捷因此使得金融市场注意力时间跨度短暂

    In addition, new digital technologies have allowed more rapid trading of equities, quicker use of information, and thus shorter attention spans in financial markets.


  • 由于上海只能短暂停留,您可能无法太多观光如果任何其它方面上您的忙,敬请告知

    As you only have a short stay in Shanghai, you probably will not be able to do much more sightseeing. But if I can help in any other way, please let me know.


  • 丘陵山脉通常认为永恒象征成功抵御着自然的破坏力量其实它们地质学角度讲往往相对短暂的。

    Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence, successfully resisting the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived in geological terms.


  • 例如研究表明即使是短暂气味刺激也会导致嗅觉上皮细胞受体短暂减少,这个过程被称为受体疲劳”。

    For example, studies show that even brief periods of odorant stimulation produce transient reductions in receptors in the olfactory epithelium, a process termed "receptor fatigue".


  • 因为每个个体生命都短暂的,“机会主义者”这类物种群体数量可能受到干旱严冬或者洪水等不利因素的影响

    Because each individual is short-lived, the population of an opportunist species is likely to be adversely affected by drought, bad winters, or floods.


  • 米罗诺夫新的国家粮食农业研究所不会提供资金,国家卫生研究所也不会提供资金,NASA只是短暂提供了资金

    The new National Institute of Food and Agriculture won't fund it, the National Institutes of Health won't fund it, and the NASA funded it only briefly, Mironov said.


  • 谈到战败彻底粉碎国家短暂统一

    He talked about the country's ephemeral unity being shattered by the defeat.


  • 短暂放松产生奇效

    A few moments of relaxation can work wonders.


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