Only a short campaign took place in Puerto Rico, but after the war Spain ceded the island to America.
Dickon looked across the grass at the tree and Mary looked and there was a brief moment of stillness.
And the rises were short-lived: prices typically returned to normal with the next harvest.
It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish between courteous convention and individual interest.
During this relatively short period of time, greater changes in people's living conditions have occurred than in the thousands of years which preceded.
I'd never heard a more soft hearted explanation as to why animal lives are so short.
What happens when the positive experience of flow is disrupted by, for instance, a brief silence?
Where once retirement was seen as a brief reward after a long struggle through some miserable job, it is now akin to being cast aside.
The introduction of short sharp shocks in detention centers will simply give more young people a taste of something else they don't need.
The electric company, whose monopoly may be short lived, has suddenly mopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman.
The electric company, whose monopoly may be short-lived, has suddenly mopped requiring users to wait half a day for a repairman.
If older children have more than an hour of homework, encourage them to schedule a short break to stretch.
Its public display and private possession laid the basis for temporal autonomy: people could now coordinate comings and goings without dictation from above.
The studies discussed so far exposed people to noise for only short periods and only transient effects were studied.
More than a thousand people claim to have seen the bulbous back of an unidentified creature briefly break the glassy surface of Loch Ness, then disappear.
Mood may be defined as a temporary and mild positive or negative feeling that is generalized and not tied to any particular circumstance.
First, there may be a brief cessation or reduction of breathing when falling asleep as the sleeper waxes and wanes between sleep and wakefulness and their differing control mechanisms.
I found this aspect of dance particularly fascinating during a brief time I spent in a rural village in Zimbabwe a few years ago.
We all know that silences can be pretty awkward, and research shows that even short disruptions in conversational flow can lead to a sharp rise in distress levels.
I guess his looks, his acting ability, his short life, and maybe the type of character he played in his movies made him the legend he still is today.
Only during the short lag between onset of global temperature change and sea level response can warm-adapted species migrate from the equator toward higher latitudes.
In addition, new digital technologies have allowed more rapid trading of equities, quicker use of information, and thus shorter attention spans in financial markets.
As you only have a short stay in Shanghai, you probably will not be able to do much more sightseeing. But if I can help in any other way, please let me know.
Hills and mountains are often regarded as the epitome of permanence, successfully resisting the destructive forces of nature, but in fact they tend to be relatively short-lived in geological terms.
For example, studies show that even brief periods of odorant stimulation produce transient reductions in receptors in the olfactory epithelium, a process termed "receptor fatigue".
Because each individual is short-lived, the population of an opportunist species is likely to be adversely affected by drought, bad winters, or floods.
The new National Institute of Food and Agriculture won't fund it, the National Institutes of Health won't fund it, and the NASA funded it only briefly, Mironov said.
He talked about the country's ephemeral unity being shattered by the defeat.