KartRider gem stone scissors cloth Activities gem stone scissors cloth brush automatic source.
由于《爱上爱》这款游戏有声音识别软件,所以SAL 9000可以和妻子交谈,甚至可以和她玩石头、剪子、布等简单的游戏。
As the game "Love Plus" has voice recognition software, SAL9000 says it's possible to have a sort of conversation with Nene or even play simple games such as rock, paper, scissors.
玩家们把拳头握在手掌中,倒数3、2、1后伸手做出三种手势中的一种。 三种手势分别为:一只拳头(代表石头),伸开的手掌(代表布),以及两根手指(代表剪子)。
Players smack their fists into their palms and count to three before making one of three hand signals: a fist (rock), flat hand (paper) or two fingers (scissors).
As the game "Love Plus" has voice recognition software, SAL9000 says it's possible to have a sort of conversationwith Nene or even play simple games such as rock, paper, scissors。
We will also cook who wash clothes for who and work with scissors rock cloth or catch small note to determine success or failure, the winner have option.
"Rock, Paper and Scissors" is a typical game which gave us an enjoyable memory in our childhood. The idea just bases on such simplest and plainest game, but given a new sense, so has more interests.
Top players from around the globe will gather in Toronto to compete for a C$10,000 ($8,840) prize and the title of world champion.
Top players from around the globe will gather in Toronto to compete for a C$10,000 ($8,840) prize and the title of world champion.