• 随着时间推移,他们成了我们新的社交圈子核心

    Over time, they have formed the nucleus of our new social ecosystem.


  • 这个发现过去表明社交圈子缩小的研究结果不一样。

    This finding goes against previous research which had showed that social network sizes are shrinking.


  • 现时工作察觉到自己社交圈子多么狭窄

    The job that I am currently in made me realized how narrow my social world is.


  • 属于当权派社交圈子则很难有机会接触他们

    People who are not socially connected to those in power find it nearly impossible to gain access to them.


  • 谈论对象距离时,你就会社交圈子谈论他们

    The more 'distant' from you the subject of gossip, the wider the circle of people with whom you may gossip about that person.


  • 是个事业有成男人是个标准白领丽人他们都有各自社交圈子

    He is a career man, she is a standard white-collar beauty, they have their own social circle.


  • 研究美国公共卫生杂志》上表明人们一个很大社交圈子26%可能患上痴呆症

    A study at the American Journal of Public Health, has shown that people with a large social circle are 26% less probable to develop dementia.


  • 利用扎实英语技能找到更好工作获得晋升机会、或扩大社交圈子的人士;

    Who aspire to get better jobs, progress at work, become more socially successful by achieving a high level proficiency in English;


  • 报告显示通过搜索引擎推荐社交圈子推荐用户获知视频内容的主要途径

    The report also shows that the recommendations from search engines and social Web sites are the primary means by which videos are publicized.


  • 夜晚结束时候,获得两样东西:社交圈子里的称呼和有着今后聚会事件的日程表

    By the end of the night, you get to have 2 things : new names on your social network and a calendar packed with upcoming parties and events.


  • 消费者生活圈子之外还有代表属于消费者的圈子,比如社交圈子文化圈子等等。

    There is a ring beyond that that represents the affiliations of that consumer, then a ring for society, then a ring for culture and so on.


  • 盖茨华盛顿周围社交圈子没有太多的来往,业余时间倒是与妻子一些骨干助手呆在一起。

    Gates doesn't travel much on the Beltway's social circuit, instead spending off-hours with his wife and a small cadre of aides.


  • 前妻社交圈子我们共同朋友业务往来的人,上周末则是令人厌倦的狂欢。

    When my ex-wife and I socialised it was with mutual friends or business contacts, and last weekend was an orgy of boredom.


  • 青少年社交圈子透过电脑互联网可以朋友聊天不必出来见面不必致电对方

    The young people public relations circle is big, may chat by the computer on the Internet with the friend, does not need to come out to meet also does not need to send a telegram for opposite party.


  • 已拥有可观的收入良好社交圈子事业有成尊重,你现在需要悟出自己究竟应该的是什么。

    Given that you have a job that provides you enough money, good social relationships, personal achievements and respect from others, you need to find what you are meant to do.


  • 如果恰好濒临那样社交圈子一般外国人旁观者你就会发现生活是一出不间断喜剧

    If you happened to stand outside them, as a foreigner always did, then life could be a continuous comedy.


  • 同样工作、同样的关系网和同样的社交圈子?而一切使你厌烦或根本你没任何好处

    Will you still be stuck in the same job, the same relationship, the same social group that you either hate or that's doing you no good at all?


  • 但是他们自己国家的几乎全部社交圈似的判断失误似乎深信反对派支持者,国家放弃上周五舞弊选举

    But a similar misreading of their own social circles for the country at large appears to have convinced the opposition's supporters that it can only have lost last Friday's election through fraud.


  • 中国人民大学中文老师张姿阳(音译)发现来自亚洲国家留学生课外愿意他们自己的社交圈子

    Zhang Ziyan, a Chinese language teacher at Renmin University of China, said she finds foreign students from Asian countries would rather stay in their own social circles outside class.


  • 拥挤工作场所,拥居住空间狭小社交圈子- - -人们这一成不变单调生活越来越不满

    Cramped is one's workplace. Narrow is one's residence and small is the social circle one moves about - such limitedness in space entail lack of variety which is the source of some people's complaint.


  • 美国社会学家认为高科技推动了1985年来的一个趋势美国越来越孤独了他们社交圈子缩小。

    American sociologists believe that high-tech push in 1985 to a trend: Americans are increasingly isolated, and their social circle is shrinking.


  • 患有老年痴呆甚至是患有更加严重疾病人,如果他们有着比较广泛社交圈子的话,他们的认知水平会保持很高

    And for people with Alzheimer's, even at more severe levels of the disease, cognitive function remains higher in those who have larger social networks.


  • 娃娃结交的汽车发烧友不仅帮助扩大社交圈子而且帮助拓展了关系网——中国做生意要想取得成功,关系网是关键。

    The enthusiasts she meets help to broaden not just her social circle but also the all-important web of relationships that underpin business success in China.


  • 要迅速重新建立自己社交圈子无论是不是回到了出国前所在地方情况可能是社交圈子已经不复存在

    Rebuild your social ecosystem, quickly: Irrespective of whether you've come back to your original location or not, it is very likely that your social networks no longer exist.


  • 一项名为“高中社交网络学业成就扩展研究中,研究者通过观察社交网络调查学生们社交圈子他们有何影响。

    The study, "Spread of Academic Success in a High School Social Network, " used a social network approach to identify the relationships between students and their social circles.


  • 比较代表性的21岁年轻人社交圈子,人数接近于100人,其中有13个要好的”朋友17个亲密的”朋友,以及70个熟人。

    The typical 21 year old's social circle nearly hits 100, with 13 "best" friends, 17 "close" friends and 70 acquaintances.


  • 比较代表性的21岁年轻人社交圈子,人数接近于100人,其中有13个要好的”朋友17个亲密的”朋友,以及70个熟人。

    The typical 21 year old's social circle nearly hits 100, with 13 "best" friends, 17 "close" friends and 70 acquaintances.


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